Any type 2 diabetics using Atkins?



  • ImitatetheSun
    ImitatetheSun Posts: 44 Member
    yarwell wrote: »
    Weight loss doesn't guarantee improvements to diabetes


    I beg to differ. Although weight loss does not guarantee a lowered blood sugar, especially for those who have had it for years (already progressed from insulin resistance to insulin insufficiency), it does improve many health markers and complications related to diabetes as well as mortality. A short study which only lead to modest weight loss (less than 10% of weight) does not prove anything regarding weight loss in relation to diabetes, and the design of the study was not focused on this outcome anyway.

    Hear! Hear! Studies with small sample sizes, short durations and small changes in weight are more like thought experiments than hard science - you can use them as inspiration to try new things, but not to tell someone else that what they're doing is wrong.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    yarwell wrote: »
    Weight loss doesn't guarantee improvements to diabetes


    I beg to differ. Although weight loss does not guarantee a lowered blood sugar, especially for those who have had it for years (already progressed from insulin resistance to insulin insufficiency), it does improve many health markers and complications related to diabetes as well as mortality. A short study which only lead to modest weight loss (less than 10% of weight) does not prove anything regarding weight loss in relation to diabetes, and the design of the study was not focused on this outcome anyway.

    Hear! Hear! Studies with small sample sizes, short durations and small changes in weight are more like thought experiments than hard science - you can use them as inspiration to try new things, but not to tell someone else that what they're doing is wrong.

    Exactly. I remember a study done on about 5000 or so overweight people with type 2. The non-control lost an average of 30% of their body weight. They followed them for 10 years (if I'm not mistaken) which showed something in the neighborhood of 25% lower mortality rate in those who lost weight. Although no single study is a "proof" of anything, it appears weight loss is important for type 2 diabetics.
  • LoreA1960
    LoreA1960 Posts: 107 Member
    I've been a type 2 diabetic for 25 years now and until recently did almost nothing to lose weight or stay with a eating plan. Since December I've been counting carbs and calories, cut a lot of food out of my diet and have lost 48 pounds so far. Also my A1C went from 8.8 to 7.1