Modern Day Pin-up Girls - WEEK 10!!!



  • hammie75
    hammie75 Posts: 5
    I am wanting to start this challenge group.
    My starting weight 237.2 (today).
  • abbrarogers
    abbrarogers Posts: 25
    I was replying in week 9 and was wondering where everyone was at! lol!

    Hey there, just wondering if I can join in again? I joined you gals back in like Oct. I think and then completely fell off the band wagon with being on MFP and posting and what not, but I'd like to try to stick around if possible :) I was 220 on April 17 and just weighted in this morning at 209! I'm totally excited to finally get this weight off once and for all!

    So I guess I need to celebrate since I lost my first 10lbs (even better, I lost 11!) No cake though!!! lol
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