depressed, fat, and broke

...and its a vicious cycle. I want to start exercising, but with E sized tits u need a good sports bra, which I can't find anywhere decently priced. Then I go out and buy fresh foods, which aren't "fulfillling" and don't stay fresh long because my body is used to junk and I can't seem to eat my veggies before they go bad. And, oh, if I have a bad day at work! Then let's buy 10 mcchickens to eat throughout the night. Also, being broke makes me feel down, and being down makes me want to eat, and eating too much is how I got fat, and being fat makes me want to lose weight, so I want to exercise but can't buy the proper gear, and being broke makes me feel down... The cycle continues. How do you break the cycle? I'm sick of being miserable but I can't seem to stop abusing myself with food and laziness


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    tinned/frozen veg, bulk buying chicken/turkey etc when its on offer.

    charity shops for a sports bra? in the mean time you can walk or swim? and exercise will help your mood.

    the main thing for weight loss though is a calorie deficit, which you can achieve just eating mcdonalds if you so choose.
  • BillRicks1
    BillRicks1 Posts: 473 Member
    Eat a little less, walk a little. If you can do one, move a little more. The frozen veggie section is your friend. Buy in bulk when you can. Or, buy fresh and freeze your own. Exercise need not require "proper gear". Moving more should be a good start. A pair of shoes, shorts, shirt, tunes and GO!
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    edited June 2015
    I wear a regular bra under a sports bra for extra support. I got 3 basic sports bras from Walmart for about $10. Low sodium canned green beans, carrots, etc can get you some decent nutrition with less waste. So can low sodium canned black/red/garbanzo/northern beans. I have found my local food bank stocks those and a lot of other healthy food. Is that something you can look into?

    As far as exercise, walking is great. I have lost most of my weight from doing it. And YouTube has lots of workout videos, if you want to try something different. Just be kind to yourself and have patience. We can't change a lifestyle in a day. I know the strain of struggling financially. Ultimately, I have been trying to turn from food to exercise for coping with my anxiety over it.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    At some point, your motivation to succeed surpasses any of the hardships you need to overcome. Saying no to feeding your emotions becomes easy, saying yes to taking the stairs instead of the lift becomes habit! Better choices become easier to make the more you make them...

    Buy frozen vegies or freeze fresh when they start to turn... They would be fine to use in soups or stews. Make a meal plan for the week with meals you can pre prepare - buying and cooking in bulk saves time and money. Having food ready and available also gives you less reason to buy takeaways.

    If you're emotional, go for a walk. Get a friend and go boxing, or out for a dance!
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    As already stated, weight loss is about calorie deficit.

    For cheap meals, how about batch cooking some hearty soups and stews? Prep for the week and you'll be using your veggies before they go bad, and you'll always have something in the fridge or freezer that you can reheat in a few minutes to try and prevent you heading to a takeaway. Use beans and pulses to bulk out the meals and add more protein if you can't afford much meat.

    In terms of exercise, there's no need to do high impact activities that require an expensive bra. You could walk, cycle if you have a bike, do yoga or pilates or body strength training.
  • debbysatit
    debbysatit Posts: 125 Member
    How about going for a bike ride or getting a used stationary bike. I don't think it would require a sports bra. Sometimes you can find them cheap on craigslist. You can do it in front of the TV or listening to music. I agree with Coach Jen maybe you need to go to your local food pantry or Aldi's. The biggest thing is don't beat yourself up...pick one thing per day and say for today I am just going to do this. The next day do the same thing. Also think about $10 in mc chickens can get you bloated with salt, feeling bad about what you ate, and feeling terrible. So have one and a side salad and a $1 coke with a $1 Parfait and you got a more filling meal and save a few bucks.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Then I go out and buy fresh foods, which aren't "fulfillling" and don't stay fresh long because my body is used to junk and I can't seem to eat my veggies before they go bad.

    You have to eat more than just vegetables. You need a balanced diet. Have some meat, fish, eggs, seafood, butter, nuts, milk, bread, pasta and rice, fruit and ice cream, for instance. Don't try to change everything at once. And don't buy more of anything than you can manage to eat before it goes bad.
  • crispsandwich
    crispsandwich Posts: 177 Member
    I also have a hefty chest and need a sports bra for support, but after damaging my knee my sport if walking! no sports bra needed! just some comfy shoes and off you go x I tend to use frozen veg as last longer and are cheaper and look for special offers on fruit etc, never pay full price.
  • Fitwarrior7_Round_2
    Fitwarrior7_Round_2 Posts: 453 Member
    I see a lot of excuses in that there post. If there's a will there's a way. Find your will.
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    First of all, give yourself a big hug. Reaching out is hard and it's easy to be your own worst critic. I echo the others- try something easy and simple like a 30 min walk. When it comes to food, perhaps searching some recipes for veggies would help. But the best thing you can do for yourself is to forgive yourself. We will always all have challenges, none of us are perfect, and you deserve to be happy and healthy.
  • Gizziemoto
    Gizziemoto Posts: 430 Member
    If you are not eating your fresh right away you can portion it and freeze it or buy frozen. When buying food, go for fresh first, frozen 2nd, and canned as last choice (low sodium or no sodium for me). Exercise? Walking. I was cleared for exercise 3 weeks ago and started walking. Only thing needed was tennis shoes. I have found that exercise, even just 20-30 minute walking, has helped with stress levels, sleep, and mood. I feel better all around. Sports bra, agree, wear regular one and but the $10 Walmart, they work. Also totally agree with crispsandwich!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Gizziemoto wrote: »
    If you are not eating your fresh right away you can portion it and freeze it or buy frozen. When buying food, go for fresh first, frozen 2nd, and canned as last choice (low sodium or no sodium for me). Exercise? Walking. I was cleared for exercise 3 weeks ago and started walking. Only thing needed was tennis shoes. I have found that exercise, even just 20-30 minute walking, has helped with stress levels, sleep, and mood. I feel better all around. Sports bra, agree, wear regular one and but the $10 Walmart, they work. Also totally agree with crispsandwich!
    Pretty much this. A couple of packs of nuggets pays for the bra as well.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited June 2015
    You are putting yourself in a position where you are overwhelmed by the supposed enormity of the project.
    Break it down into its component parts, understand them and how they relate to you and your overall objective.

    Understand whats motivating you to want to lose and decide if you are prepared to do what it takes for as long as it takes. 1lb a week is a rule of thumb I suggest merely to give you an idea of how long it might take, it may take longer.

    Your first step shouldnt cost anything and you have access to this site and the internet. Learn about weight loss and pick up tips on how to lose weight healthily and sustainably. The idea is that you get to the end. Knowledge of how calorie deficits, nutrition and exercise fit into the scheme of things will al hel you become familiar with the unfamiluar and take some of the fear out of the task.

    Look at your mental wellbeing and either focus or work out a plan that can have you commited with other things like your job being less likely to distract you. You might even consider getting a better or different job if its nt working for you.

    With good knowledge of nutrition you cna use this site to see what people eat (things in moderation) plus you will find sensible shopping (rather than fast food) where you cook for yourself will work out cheaper.

    Exercise then just start with walking at whatever level you are, do a bit more the next day and the day after till you build up to 30-60 mins a day. You can do soem exercise at home just bodyweight or workouts from fitness belnder or youtube. Whatever you cna manage .

    If you want a sports bra and you have virtually nothing then have a look on ebay. If you know what you are looking for then its just a question of being patient. If you walk and do workouts at home then its less of a problem.

    You talk about food and laziness, so you are going to need to tackle those head on, commit take responsibility and do something about it instead of making excuses. Do it one day, then focus on the the next until it becomes normal. Keep your targets small, so you cna easily meet them and build momentum. It starts with you commiting.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    edited June 2015
    All I can say is that I was there. I was so broke that I was receiving the maximum SNAP benefit for a single person and I could not go to a doctor, even though I was getting weaker. I had gained over 100 lb in 10 years and was on the verge of ending it. I stopped the cycle when I ended up in the hospital (the long story in my profile) with severe anemia and was also diagnosed T2 diabetic. I was diagnosed with major depression 14 years ago and still struggle with it even though I am on an effective medication.

    Do you have a slow cooker? I make meals in mine frequently that serves 4 and eat the leftovers 3 additional days. That means I only have to cook twice a week but there is something available for dinner that I just need to heat up. This helps the depression because part of my problem was that I just couldn't get the energy to cook every day. Sometimes I still can't, but I keep hamburger patties (very lean meat) in the freezer that I can thaw and fry up for dinner. I also buy a couple of frozen dinners when they are on sale as "just in case" meals.

    For exercise, try walking. Do you work? Head out for a 20-30 minute walk before you go in to work. It really can brighten your day and give you energy. No special equipment or clothing needed except a good pair of athletic shoes. I am very busty too ("I" cup) and my regular bras are enough.

  • Hulbert0089
    Hulbert0089 Posts: 97 Member
    Focus on the things you can control and positive life changes will come. Keep your chin up! Don't need to jog to lose weight just go out and walk the miles.
  • tudoroaks4
    tudoroaks4 Posts: 26 Member
    Is a 2nd job an option? You could fill UPS trucks a couple of evenings per week. You'd get exercise and supplemental income.
  • yvie63
    yvie63 Posts: 193 Member
    It is really hard to do this, to break out of this cycle but it CAN be done. I was where you are over a year ago, the only exercise I have ever done is walking so never needed a sports bra (you could try wearing two ordinary bras, one over the other btw for more support). It is correct to say it is calorie deficit so you could do that whatever way you wanted, you do NOT have to live on lettuce and radishes for ever - do what you can. Gradually you will realise that you can eat a whole lot more healthy stuff than you can unhealthy stuff. You can make your calories go further just like you make money go further. I have gradually changed my diet over the year, swapping to fresh food and cutting out a lot of crappy food and I lost 104lbs so far. No gym memberships, no special food, no miracle protein shakes, supplements or anything else. Keep it simple BUT you have to keep yourself motivated so get a bunch of good supportive friends here who will help. You can do this but you have to put effort in.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    You are putting yourself in a position where you are overwhelmed by the supposed enormity of the project.
    Break it down into its component parts, understand them and how they relate to you and your overall objective.

    So much this ^^

    Baby steps. Start by getting in the habit of making meals every day (or every several days and reheat like I do). Don't worry about the nutritional content yet. Once you are into a good meal routine, start tweaking them to fit your calorie and macro targets. Same thing with exercise. Start by walking a few minutes every day. Park further from the entrances to the stores or your work. Go the long way around your home, apartment, etc to bring in your mail. There is a good chance you will feel like you need to walk further. Go for it! Clear your head and just listen to the sounds of the birds or the people or the traffic while walking. You will be surprised at how many little things will start to give you pleasure.

  • Skyewall
    Skyewall Posts: 5 Member
    ...and its a vicious cycle. How do you break the cycle? I'm sick of being miserable but I can't seem to stop abusing myself with food and laziness

    You sound like me 25 yrs's only a few more lbs, I'll take care of it soon! Guess what, I let the cycle continue and now am 51 and 273 lbs. Stop the cycle by making a choice, decide on what you want, map out how you can succeed and sticking to it. Force yourself thru the first two weeks of eating healthier and it gets much, much better. Yes it is easier and cheaper to eat bad...but if you make that choice you will lose who you want to be.
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,324 Member
    Pick one tiny little thing to adjust./ not everything, just one tiny little thing. lets say go for a walk around your block once a day. do that for three weeks...then make another little tiny change. tiny. thats all. don't try to do it are overwhelmed.