Hot by holloween!



  • Redness82
    Redness82 Posts: 134 Member
    I have lost nothing.

    SW (MFP):176
    SW(HFH): 164.5
    CW: 164.4

    I guess I can't complain too much as I didn't work out nearly as much as I should have.. and went over a few times. I might be on a plateau...
  • happyhappyjoy72
    I know how you feel. I have been going over a lot this week but not today!! I'm gonna be back on track till Saturday "my sons graduation party" But then I'm gonna be good till July 4th. That will be my reward day for being good for 43 day's. I'm gonna start giving myself reward days!
  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    Welcome Debbie :)

    I can hopefully start exercising by October and hopefully also going on holiday for the first time with my boyfriend then too so lots to look forward to and a lot of work to do to lose 30lbs by then.

    Almost weigh in day here! Only 2/3 days to go!
  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    If I've been good all week and lost a bit of weight I allow myself a treat on Monday which is my weigh in day.
    That way I'm still getting what I want and have the rest of the week to work it off again :) Usually it's only a little bit of chocolate but it's still yummy!
  • amwo81
    amwo81 Posts: 5
    I would love to join as well... I have been lurking around the message boards for a while now. I just couldn't seem to find a group that fit for me, but I think I found one :wink:
    I have about 60 lbs to lose. It sure is hard with 2 kiddos under 3, and a home daycare... but I am trying! I definitely need a little motivation and support!
  • happyhappyjoy72
    Tomorrow is weight in day!! I know I’m going to be up, I had a bad weekend with my son’s graduation and party . I’m thinking of doing the low carb thing but I don’t want my cholesterol to go up. Anyone got any suggestions? I seams that if it is low in carbs it is high in fat.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I'm in!! Halloween it is!! Let's do this!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Hope everyone is having a wonderful Tuesday ! I have lost 3 pounds down to 196.0 this week . So happy that i have lost a total of 40 pounds so far !
  • HeaterM
    HeaterM Posts: 275
    Ugh! I gain a pound. It just means I need to try harder!!!
  • happyhappyjoy72
    I will have to weigh in when I get home from work, I was running late this A.M. I know I'm going to be over, I had a bad weekend and now Aunt Flow is visiting so that is a double whammy :sad:
  • Emalyn
    Emalyn Posts: 60
    I haven't been on MFP in over a week, and I doubt I lost any. I was eating crazy foods in excess. I was soo busy and had a reaaaally bad week. :( I hope I can lose a few in the next two weeks. I'm not weighing in this week, cause I think I'd be too embarrased. I will find inspiration and I WILL lose it, though!!
  • cammons
    cammons Posts: 126 Member
    Hello all! I'm a little late to the party but I'd love to jump in.

    This morning I put together a training plan for a race on OCT week before Halloween so this is an excellent time frame and as luck would have it I'm also looking to be 35-40 pounds lighter... seems like a match to me!

    I get a pretty good amount of activity in as it is but my eating is terrible...some days I eat way too little, others I'll down two Snickers and a bag of chips without batting an eye, the only way to get where I'm going is to start paying attention to what I'm eating.

    Kristi in Kent, OH
  • Juniper3411
    Juniper3411 Posts: 167 Member
    This is also a perfect fit for me :) I was thinking that Halloween would be my "drop dead" date for losing the rest of the baby weight :)

    I think I have about 30 pounds to lose still. Last time I weighed in I was at 166. Of course I have been doing absolutely HORRIBLE the last week or I've probably gained :( Hope I can motivate myself. And get myself to log on here every day. I like to forget on the weekends...
  • amwo81
    amwo81 Posts: 5
    I'm down 1 lb this week. I was hoping for more, but it was a CRAZY week with lots of sick kiddos and stress eating :sad:
  • autbot74
    autbot74 Posts: 15
    I want in too! Too late?
  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    I put on a pound this week!
    Gonna try harder this week but I have a big BBQ house party planned on the weekend just before weigh in day which I'll have healthy food but loads of alcohol!
  • happyhappyjoy72
    Holly cow With all the crap I ate this last week I did not gain 1oz! I did not loose but I did not gain. I got to up my game next week!! I will never make my goal if I don't!
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
  • cammons
    cammons Posts: 126 Member
    Happy--I think sometimes our bodies need us to shake things up a bit. The trick is getting back on the scale and then back on track after having an off week. Way to go!
  • happyhappyjoy72
    Cammons : Oh i agree!! I have only been to the gym once this week because of not feeling too swift with Aunt Flow lol and my side is still bothering me. I'm going to get it looked at today, I hope it is nothing to serious, it has been bothering me since Easter..:frown: