Stronglifts 5x5 hack for Planet Fitness?



  • Athena1007
    Athena1007 Posts: 49 Member
    aggelikik wrote: »
    OP, SL or any other compund lift program is not supposed to be done with e-z bars, they are supposed to be done with olympic bars. If you are not yet at a position to lift an empty bar, then start with modified versions of the exercises to use dumbbells. Perfectly acceptable and not at all "wrong".

    Good idea. I'll probably try that and the ankle weights too.
  • spartan_d
    spartan_d Posts: 727 Member
    Troutsy wrote: »
    I believe as a whole planet fitness bans deadlifting and other compound exercises due to insurance ( I could be wrong about the insurance part). Individual gyms will over look the policy and still allow people to do the exercises.

    Some people say that this is for insurance reasons, but I don't buy that excuse. It's a gym, for pity's sake. Besides, people have also been kicked out of Planet Fitness for such mundane things as jumping rope, breathing too hard, or running too fast on the treadmill.

    The real reason is not difficult to infer. PF prohibits exercises that might be considered "intimidating," i.e. that might make other people feel bad about themselves. Deadlifts most certainly fall into this category.

    BTW, I've learned that when people say that they routinely deadlift at Planet Fitness, it's worth asking if they're using the Smith machine to do so. A lot of people don't realize that using the Smith machine isn't a proper deadlift. Also, I've discovered that because it's not a common exercise, people sometimes confuse the deadlift with something else altogether, e.g. renegade rows.
  • spartan_d
    spartan_d Posts: 727 Member
    Athena1007 wrote: »
    Interesting thing about the deadlifts and PF. When I was doing them the other day, a staff member came over and helped me with my form. It must vary by gym, I think they're all independently owned.

    Indeed. I don't recommend PF, but some are certainly better than others. It all depends on the extent to which they're willing to defy the official corporate rules.
  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    It definitely varies from state to state, location by location. I know at the one where I live, which is near a university, there's a free weight dead-lifting room.

    But then again, this one is privately owned under the PF name. It's not a bad gym, I would probably go to this one, but the traffic there is insane.