Any girls here that are trying to gain weight?



  • Kestrelwings
    Kestrelwings Posts: 238 Member
    I have put on 2kg in 24hrs. Doncha just love being female, and all the delightful water retention each month! LOL
  • sixxpoint
    sixxpoint Posts: 3,529 Member
    I can help if anyone is interested, pm me
  • queenisis1025
    queenisis1025 Posts: 28 Member
    I am. Have already moved from a 0 to a 1 finally lol. Good luck
  • Hoshiko76
    Hoshiko76 Posts: 22 Member
    sdahir wrote: »
    Hey! Trying to gain weight from 51 kg to 65kg at 5'6. Let the gaining begin! Feel free to add me

    I'm trying to put on weight , l'm 160cm tall , my weight now is 48 kilos, l wanna be 55 kilos.
  • adobrev
    adobrev Posts: 108 Member
    Hello! I'm trying to gain :) I was going to shoot for 110, but now I'm learning about muscle weight being better than fatty weight.

    My reason for "bulking" is kind of lame and insecure :/ I was dating this guy for two years and thought everything was great until he left because I was too skinny and couldn't satisfy him because I wasn't curvy enough apparently :|

    So now I'm trying to change my body so I don't get heart broken over body image issues again. -.- it didn't help that he said I had a great personality, but that is wasn't enough...

    Sorry it's kind of morbid >.< :)
    But I wish you all the best of luck!
  • Kestrelwings
    Kestrelwings Posts: 238 Member
    NEVER try to change your body based on what some guy says. It is a road to disaster. Whether you were 100lbs or 300lbs he would have used it as an 'excuse'. And changing to what you think someone else wants will not work. You are a woman, not a mannequin that is to be adjusted to what each bloke says.
  • Terisel888
    Terisel888 Posts: 5 Member

    Many of us here with incredible bodies and good blood work, healthy blood pressure are made of ice cream, bagels, pizza, chicken, greek yoghurt, fruit, veg, steak, booze, cake chocolate etc etc. IN THE RIGHT PROPORTIONS.

    There's no such thing as bad food, just bad diets.

    Love that last line!
  • Terisel888
    Terisel888 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 100 lbs trying to go to 110 I don't know how to gain weight healthily though

    Two things to keep in mind. 1) healthy eating is more about moderation and balance than what you eat. If you like pizza, eat pizza, just not a whole pizza. Mix in a salad and fruit.
    2) Muscle weighs more than fat so walk a little more, swim, whatever you like. It really helps but tone or build muscle mass (I just stay toned)
    I have always been too skinny starting at 102 a year ago. I am now up to 115. Doesn't sound like much but on a small frame it is .
    I have to say I look and feel much better.
  • mnawalker
    mnawalker Posts: 1 Member
    I have been trying to gain weight and I'm still losing. I'm currently 81 pounds and would like to at least be on the low end of normal for my height at 95. If I could pick a number I would say 110-115. Any suggestions besides avocados, peanuts and coconut cream?
  • Terisel888
    Terisel888 Posts: 5 Member
    This may sound stupid but trying eating more anything through the day.
    I don't eat large meals and prefer fruits and veggies over chips and chocolates. What had helped me get closer to my 120 goal is eat regular meals but have added in snacks.
    Even healthy snacks add calories then try to keep you calorie intake above what you burn (I use a fitbit to get general idea of what I am burning)
  • adobrev
    adobrev Posts: 108 Member
    NEVER try to change your body based on what some guy says. It is a road to disaster. Whether you were 100lbs or 300lbs he would have used it as an 'excuse'. And changing to what you think someone else wants will not work. You are a woman, not a mannequin that is to be adjusted to what each bloke says.

    You're very right. And deep down I know that, but it really shattered my confidence.
  • JoanWolckenhauer
    JoanWolckenhauer Posts: 3 Member
    I have been underweight all of my life but recently lost more weight due to some medical issues. This app helps me eat the number of calories prescribed by my Gastoenterologist and his Nutritionist. Glad I am not the only one trying to gain weight!
  • AishaRebecca5
    AishaRebecca5 Posts: 2 Member
    Working on toning my abs and am muscles will help when doing lift in dance
  • emoonting
    emoonting Posts: 14 Member
    Would anybody be willing to share their diary so I could get an idea of how others are getting their calories? I'm having real trouble getting over 1500 cal a day.
  • LuthienArFeiniel
    LuthienArFeiniel Posts: 1 Member
    I'm so glad I'm not the only one! MFP seems to be mostly focussed on people who are losing weight, so it can be a little discouraging at times...

    I'm about 65 kg (at 180 cm) and while not technically underweight, I'm working on gaining some muscle mass. I play roller derby, so I need it for stability and power, especially since I'm quite tall. My goal weight is 70 kg, for now.
  • romcfadden
    romcfadden Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Guys. Yes I'm trying to gain. Hopefully not all fat. lol
  • cgarner33
    cgarner33 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone I to am trying to gain weight. I am currently 123lbs based on my last Dr. visit and I'm 5'1. I used to be 130 and my goal is to get back to 130 nthn more. I've been under alot of stress lately and during the last yr or so which has caused me not to have a appetite nor eat healthy as I shld.
  • priss831566
    priss831566 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm 5'2" @ around 103 lbs, and mainly concerned because of how quickly I lost weight. Over the past 6 months, a number of issues have caused much stress, which triggered anxiety and of course, killed my appetite. I had already lost weight from breastfeeding, improved diet and exercise. However this past 2 months, I dropped 5-6 lbs without trying (anxiety severe, ruling out other health issues). I'm hoping to learn stress management techniques, while also learning to gain weight in a healthy way. Thanks for any advice! Good luck to all.
  • ayer941
    ayer941 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey just wanted to jump onto this board and introduce myself as well. I am 5'0 and 93 lbs just starting on this journey of gaining weight and getting some big muscle gain. It's definitely hard starting out for sure jumping up on the calorie intake I'm so not used to eating so much and as I have read from a lot of girls on here I lose my appetite when I'm stressed or have anxiety which is quite often, as a mother of 2, 6 and 3 things can get stressful at times. Hope all you girls have positive outcomes and it seems like there is a good support team on here can't wait to get to know some of you :)
  • VitaSh
    VitaSh Posts: 113 Member
    Coming off my competition prep diet and looking for some gains! I placed first in my division but I want to win overall next and I need more muscle :) Still trying to make my mind agree though, it's a bit of a mind**** trying to change your think to "gain"