

  • CaitlinHildebrand
    CaitlinHildebrand Posts: 4 Member
    LNS: 2... I just ate a mini peanut butter cup cheesecake... Got out of bed for it since i couldn't sleep -_-

    Boo me! Booooo!!
  • PhysicsOnIce
    PhysicsOnIce Posts: 46 Member
    June 3rd:
  • bustedup
    bustedup Posts: 17 Member
    Last night was a rough one but thinking of you all pushed me through (and a diet, caffeine free soda at midnight).

    Me: 2 LNS: 1

    Thank you!
  • RootsAndRoses
    RootsAndRoses Posts: 3 Member
    I try to save back some calories for a small snack mid-evening but far too often end up ruining the whole day's calorie number by binging and going into the red. Even worse, I often snack heavily after midnight, meaning I start the next day wigh less calories. 3 days into this challenge and I've stayed in the green! Me: 3 LNS:0 :)
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    Posted: 06.04.15

    ME: 0
    LNS: 3 *

  • ColettePAB
    ColettePAB Posts: 10 Member
    I need to do this - I am so sick of the cycle - I stay in my calorie limit until 9:30, 10 - then completely blow it, then feel like crap... there is no such thing as a small snack at night. The minute I see my husband have a snack, I give myself the green light to go to town.

    ME: 2
  • rainydayworkout
    rainydayworkout Posts: 114 Member
    June 3

    ME 2
    LNS 1*
  • kellyes86
    kellyes86 Posts: 21 Member
    June 3

    Me: 3
    LNS: 0
  • BRaye325
    BRaye325 Posts: 1,383 Member
    June 3

    Me: 3
    LNS: 0

    Streak = 11
    Let's follow our report up with any tips and tricks you use to help fight off those late night urges - I'll start:

    I never eat while standing - sitting down with only weighed and measured portions.
  • BeastField
    BeastField Posts: 463 Member
    edited June 2015
    Annnnnnnd.... I lost. Me: 2, LNS: 1. Last night was terrible for me. This is going to be a dumb question, so try to be nice when answering.... does anyone here have infants at home? I find that I have more cravings and its harder to not eat when my 4 month old starts to cry.... almost like a response to her. She starts crying, and immediately, I start to crave junk food. I make sure she is ok, feed/change/comfort/rock back to sleep, but I am then still hungry. It happens at different times, so it isn't at the same point each night. This never happened with any of my other children. (This is child number 6.) Thoughts?
  • BRaye325
    BRaye325 Posts: 1,383 Member
    JPBgrad98 wrote: »
    She starts crying, and immediately, I start to crave junk food.

    Honestly my first thought is .... 6 kids, are you out of your mind! Just kidding, more power to you.
    I think this is likely an emotional craving response. It may be similar to a Pavlovian response, she cries, you have an emotional response, you filled the void with some junk food, and then repeat - now a pattern and a problem.
    I'd suggest planning to change the habit first by just replacing the solution. Plan a lower calorie healthy snack that is already in a specific location. Something you enjoy and would like to have in your diet on a more regular basis, like fresh fruit, veggies, healthy snack bar, etc. Give yourself permission to have that snack when this occurs. Make sure to log it. It will be difficult to stick to at first, but you just need to decide. After repeating this, you should find that when she cries you will start craving that snack.
    Good luck, let us know what happens.
  • janbullock85
    janbullock85 Posts: 4 Member
    I do this every night and then I am so disgusted with myself. I want to change my nightly crashes!
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,411 Member
    June 3rd

    Me - 3
    LNS - 0

  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,302 Member
    June 3
    Me 0
    LNS 3*

    I SO NEED this challenge since the last 3 or 4 days, late night snacking has taken over, :'(:'(. I need to stay focus @ night! The problem I get bored so I eat, ugh! I NEED to either get back into crocheting to keep busy!!!!!! Tonight, I WILL STOP this habit!
  • MaryStevens341
    MaryStevens341 Posts: 10 Member
    June 4, 2015
    ME: 4*
    LNS: 0

    Mary from Florida
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    I haven't posted, but I've been doing the challenge since June 1, i.e. nothing caloric after 9:30 p.m. So far so good.
    Me: 3
    LNS: 0
    Good luck to all. This is a great challenge. Thanks IamIam for keeping it going!
  • RootsAndRoses
    RootsAndRoses Posts: 3 Member
    edited June 2015
    Me: 3 LNS:1*
  • Mare7272
    Mare7272 Posts: 110 Member
    ME: 3
    LNS: 1
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,302 Member
    June 4
    Me 1*
    LNS 3

    Streak: 1

    Yahoo, no MORE excuses!!!!!! I know I can do this!!! I JUST need to REMEMBER SOMETMES, it's JUST NOT worth it!!!!
  • mrJRamos2015
    mrJRamos2015 Posts: 73 Member
    June 4:
    ME: 2
    LNS: 2*

    Like so many others, I'm good all day then I seem to blow it all at night. One possible solution could be to eat dinner a little later than I normally do. Instead of the usual 4:30 p.m. dinner, maybe I can eat at 6:00 instead? I also think that I deprive myself of too much during the day hoping to save some calories up for the inevitable snacking episode. I think maybe a slightly larger portion size at dinner (more veggies?) might help assuage some of that "hunger". I definitely also have too much junk food around the house - my partner snacks all the time but it doesn't affect his weight. When he snacks, I also make bad choices even if there are healthy alternatives in the house. I also need to pull out my guitar when the munchies start. Maybe reward myself with something good after an hour or so of practice? More water too, especially since I live in the desert. (Vail, AZ). I just need to decide to use the tools that are available to me. I know how to lose weight but I haven't been successful at following the plan.

    Take care everyone!

    Jeff :/