


  • vickiebeese
    vickiebeese Posts: 24 Member
    Im basically walking from when i get up at 6 untill about 7pm, my fitbit is on my ankle also
  • vickiebeese
    vickiebeese Posts: 24 Member
    I also have my fitbit synced with mfp
  • NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner
    NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner Posts: 1,018 Member
    Sounds like you have over inflated calorie burns. I have a Fitbit and lose weight so you can't blame the Fitbit. At 10.6 I'd assume you are not too far from goal so aim for 0.5lb a week loss. Input your details into MFP. Set yourself as lightly active not sedentary and only eat back half of the Fitbit burns.

    Weigh everything you eat. Everything. And give it time, swapping and changing isn't going to give you consistent results. You also have to account for water retention if you are exercising so much.
  • vickiebeese
    vickiebeese Posts: 24 Member
    Im not blaming fitbit, just not sure if im over eating or under eating as im now more active than ever :)
  • lemonlionheart
    lemonlionheart Posts: 580 Member
    What do you have set as your activity level on MFP?
  • vickiebeese
    vickiebeese Posts: 24 Member
    I have it on lightly active, just reset it to 0.5lb a week and its given me 1600 calories a day
  • vickiebeese
    vickiebeese Posts: 24 Member
    I find it odd that i was losing weight before fitbit and then i become more active and either gain 1/2lb or maintain :(
  • vickiebeese
    vickiebeese Posts: 24 Member
    I find it odd that i was losing weight before fitbit and then i become more active and either gain 1/2lb or maintain :( thanku for help
  • m4n1x
    m4n1x Posts: 65 Member
    I have it on lightly active, just reset it to 0.5lb a week and its given me 1600 calories a day

    From that, I would only eat up to the 1600 calories (weighing every last thing) and ignore burned cals entirely for a week or two. Although not sustainable it should have a profound effect. Then you just have to take it slow and burn the final lbs in weeks/months.
  • vickiebeese
    vickiebeese Posts: 24 Member
    Thanku very much, i wouldnt need to cut exercise then?
  • lemonlionheart
    lemonlionheart Posts: 580 Member
    I have it on lightly active, just reset it to 0.5lb a week and its given me 1600 calories a day

    If you wear your fitbit all day and add those calories you should set it to sedentary, otherwise you're counting some of your activity twice.
  • sugaraddict4321
    sugaraddict4321 Posts: 15,836 MFP Moderator
    Your food logging doesn't look too bad. However your exercise burns look a bit high.

    Double-check your fitbit settings for your age, height, weight, and stride length. It sounds like you use a Flex or similar? Try wearing it on your wrist instead of your ankle. Set it to dominant wrist but wear on the non-dominant. I think you'll see that by wearing on your ankle you're getting really crazy numbers.

    A lot of people forget that your body burns calories even if you're not they end up double-counting burns. I'll give you an example. My body burns about 68 calories per hour even if I'm sleeping. If I then do 30 minutes of walking and my fitbit says I burned 150 calories, well only 82 of those were due to the exercise I should not count all 150! I literally cut every fitbit burn in half, and then try to eat back only part of that half.

    Finally, don't focus too much on the number. Your body might be perfectly happy at 10.8 and want to stay there. If your clothes fit well and you are feeling good, focus on that. :)
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Just to compare, i have a fitbit zip and 20,000 steps gets me close to 1000 calories. I eat most, sometimes all of them back and am maintaining my weight. So as far as that goes, fitbit is pretty spot on for me.
  • skwytt
    skwytt Posts: 24 Member
    I looked at your diary and your are intaking more calories than your daily calorie goal. Disregard the calorie burn from your exercise and just focus on your daily calorie goal. For example yesterday your calorie goal was around 1400 yet you consumed food around 1900 cals, don't try to eat back that calories you have burned from your exercise. Just focus on your daily caloric goal of 1400.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    skwytt wrote: »
    I looked at your diary and your are intaking more calories than your daily calorie goal. Disregard the calorie burn from your exercise and just focus on your daily calorie goal. For example yesterday your calorie goal was around 1400 yet you consumed food around 1900 cals, don't try to eat back that calories you have burned from your exercise. Just focus on your daily caloric goal of 1400.

    what's the point of having a fitbit, and having it synced to mfp if op should ignore the extra calories it gives her?

  • m4n1x
    m4n1x Posts: 65 Member
    No you continue to do your exercise as normal...

    Now, I will confess that it's a little controversial (as it creates a LARGE calorie deficit) but it is how I have lost around 3 stone since Feb.

    Obviously, as you are doing this, should you feel faint, ill, dizzy etc... Eat something more. By no means make yourself ill but this is a short term 'jump start' to help you get over your plateau

  • vickiebeese
    vickiebeese Posts: 24 Member
    I will have a look on my fitbit dashboard and redo my details, i havent set stride length as im not sure what that is, i also dont log any exercise its only what fitbit sends to mfp, do i need to set the calorie burnt part? Its set on 2340 since i had it, im not brilliant at technical things, i have the charge :) thanku
  • skwytt
    skwytt Posts: 24 Member
    skwytt wrote: »
    I looked at your diary and your are intaking more calories than your daily calorie goal. Disregard the calorie burn from your exercise and just focus on your daily calorie goal. For example yesterday your calorie goal was around 1400 yet you consumed food around 1900 cals, don't try to eat back that calories you have burned from your exercise. Just focus on your daily caloric goal of 1400.

    what's the point of having a fitbit, and having it synced to mfp if op should ignore the extra calories it gives her?

    Eating back the calories that you have burn through exercise will get you back to your maintenance calories. For example if i burn 300 cals and i eat extra 300 cals for the day, i pretty much wasnt on a deficit at all..
  • m4n1x
    m4n1x Posts: 65 Member
    skwytt wrote: »
    skwytt wrote: »
    I looked at your diary and your are intaking more calories than your daily calorie goal. Disregard the calorie burn from your exercise and just focus on your daily calorie goal. For example yesterday your calorie goal was around 1400 yet you consumed food around 1900 cals, don't try to eat back that calories you have burned from your exercise. Just focus on your daily caloric goal of 1400.

    what's the point of having a fitbit, and having it synced to mfp if op should ignore the extra calories it gives her?

    Eating back the calories that you have burn through exercise will get you back to your maintenance calories. For example if i burn 300 cals and i eat extra 300 cals for the day, i pretty much wasnt on a deficit at all..

    I agree with skwytt
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    skwytt wrote: »
    skwytt wrote: »
    I looked at your diary and your are intaking more calories than your daily calorie goal. Disregard the calorie burn from your exercise and just focus on your daily calorie goal. For example yesterday your calorie goal was around 1400 yet you consumed food around 1900 cals, don't try to eat back that calories you have burned from your exercise. Just focus on your daily caloric goal of 1400.

    what's the point of having a fitbit, and having it synced to mfp if op should ignore the extra calories it gives her?

    Eating back the calories that you have burn through exercise will get you back to your maintenance calories. For example if i burn 300 cals and i eat extra 300 cals for the day, i pretty much wasnt on a deficit at all..

    if i have my calories set at 1540, and i burn 460, i can then eat 2000 calories of food, but still net 1540.