Does turning vegan helps with weight loss



  • Jennikitten
    Jennikitten Posts: 142 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    I think turning vegan may ease the control required for calorie defecit because it's not like you will be invited to many dinner parties or restaurants ;)

    I have had no issues with parties and going out but it does stop me from getting takeaways and eating the cakes which other people bring into work which my body thanks me for :)
  • Leslierussell4134
    Leslierussell4134 Posts: 376 Member
    edited June 2015
    Here's my experience...
    I was a competitive martial artist when I was a teen, but always struggled with my weight and typically hung around the upper limits of my weight class for a 5'1 female. I really wanted to compete in a lower class, because the girls I fought (125's) tended to be taller than I was.
    There was a family at the studio who were strick vegans and all of them were very trim and in seemingly good shape. I talked with my girlfriends mom about their diet and she explained. I decided to go Vegan and that was my new style of eating for the next 3 years. Being young and active, I didn't necessarily count calories, mostly ate a healthy variety and ate until satiety. Many meals contained flax, temph and other soy peoduct. I also cut out anything refined; no white anything, sugar etc. My desserts were fruits and my beverages coffee, water and coconut water.
    With all that said, it was hard work to prep all my meals to ensure I had food the next day. No one else ate this way in my household and I had to use my own money from working to purchase some foods that were out of a single mothers budget, more expensive surly. Over a six month period I went from 125 to 114lbs and maintained my muscle mass according to hydrostatic body fat composition testing. I felt amazing and was able to compete in a lower weight class, which I kicked butt in!!
    As time went by I slowly started eating eggs again, which I missed terribly, them milk, fish and finally a fully omnivorous diet.
    With all that said, did I need to go Vegan to lose the 11 lbs I did? Likely not, but anyone who has been around their goal will probably tell you how difficult it is to move that scale even 2 lbs and maintian. A vegan diet made it easier for me to do so. Even though I wasn't counting calories, I was consuming over 2500 on a daily basis, which isn't something I could do now and lose weight without killing myself. So I do believe it would be hard to hit my macros with only 1500 calories per day. The shear volume of foods I'd have to eat is enough to detour me from wanting to return to the life style, plus, I do love animal products, I just choose to purchase brands that are humanly raised.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    I think turning vegan may ease the control required for calorie defecit because it's not like you will be invited to many dinner parties or restaurants ;)

    I have had no issues with parties and going out but it does stop me from getting takeaways and eating the cakes which other people bring into work which my body thanks me for :)

    People brink vegan cake into work? That's considerate of them.

  • TylerDnW
    TylerDnW Posts: 3 Member
    I went vegan in high school. Went from 190 to 140 without counting calories. If you do it you need to pay special attention to protein and resistance training. 10 years later and I'm still trying to undo the damage my vegan diet caused because I neglected those things.

    In much the same boat. I lost a lot of weight, but metabolically I'm maladjusted for eating anything else. I've tried going back since with very limited success. I was never fit while vegan (although my energy levels were far higher than they had been before), I was pretty much skinny fat. Definitely saw some serious short term weight loss but when I finally broke and went omni again I was ill equipped in terms of habits to keep my success up. I also had awesome BP for a while after being vegan (no cholesterol helps I guess?) it was towards the low end of normal. My environment changed severely also. I went from living in Southern California to Texas where the climate and the food choices are less conducive to outdoor activity outside of eating on a patio. In short: going vegan for a while might help you do things like packing in a lot more micronutrient rich foods and dietary fiber (dietary fiber has always been crucial any time I've lost any weight at all), but in the long run not sticking with it can really bring out dietary disciplinary problems you might not even realize you have. All that said, it's rather difficult to discern how much of the weight I lost was because of my vegan diet and how much was simply a function of my being 17 at the time prior to developing a pretty serious alcohol habit. These are just some things to bear in mind as you make your decisions.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    "TylerDnW wrote: »
    I went from living in Southern California to Texas where the climate and the food choices are less conducive to outdoor activity outside of eating on a patio.

  • TylerDnW
    TylerDnW Posts: 3 Member
    "TylerDnW wrote: »
    I went from living in Southern California to Texas where the climate and the food choices are less conducive to outdoor activity outside of eating on a patio.
    I'm just saying I lived near the coast where heat exhaustion is virtually unheard of. Summers here can be hazardous if you're trying to do things like jog outside.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I know overweight vegetarians and vegans...

    One's choice to become vegetarian or vegan shouldn't have anything to do with weightloss.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    TylerDnW wrote: »
    "TylerDnW wrote: »
    I went from living in Southern California to Texas where the climate and the food choices are less conducive to outdoor activity outside of eating on a patio.
    I'm just saying I lived near the coast where heat exhaustion is virtually unheard of. Summers here can be hazardous if you're trying to do things like jog outside.
    Yeah, mornings or evenings are more optimal for jogging than midday in the summer. Not sure how the available food choices are meaningfully different, but I do try to steer clear of exercising in the summer sun.

  • TylerDnW
    TylerDnW Posts: 3 Member
    edited June 2015
    The food tastes better here :wink:

    EDIT: With the exception of the California burrito. But they don't have Texas BBQ. So there's that.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    veganbaum wrote: »
    Orphia wrote: »
    I used to be vegetarian/pescetarian, but now I don't feel guilty eating meat since most of those animals would never have lived at all if people didn't farm them.

    wrong and ignorant

    You can call it ignorant, but it's factual.

    Factual? Really?! You know what... I just don't care enough to explain to you why you are wrong!

    The species of cow we have today wouldn't exist if we didn't breed them to have the certain traits we liked to eat thousands of years back. That is fact.
    Same with any other animal we breed for food.

    Pets are the same way.

    Besides, if no one ate meat these animals could still live, just as nature intended and not in horrific conditions and only until they're worth more dead than alive... Cows, sheep etc would still exist, the breeds would just be different. They would be closer to their natural state, without the specific traits humans identified as desirable taking over.

    Sadly, this isn't true. Nature never intended for the breeds we have today. You cannot reverse selective breeding so we'll never get the original breeds back. We also sadly live in a world where many animals aren't allowed to live if they aren't profitable, so if everyone became vegan those animals would just be culled, not set free to live in the wild - which would be a bad idea anyway as our natural habitats have adapted to life WITHOUT such animals. There would be huge overgrazing problems and our natural habitats wouldn't cope with such an influx of new species. Everyone being vegan would also be unsustainable. Animals live and graze on land which is unsuitable to grow crops on. There isn't enough usable land for everyone to just eat plant products.

    But back to the original post. Like everyone said, OP, a vegan diet won't help you lose weight if you aren't in a calorie deficit. Go vegan if it suits your beliefs but you probably shouldn't do it for health, since it's no more healthy (or unhealthy, before I get jumped on) than an omnivore diet.

    I don't want to contribute to the derailing of this thread, but in the U.S., the vast majority - nearly all - animals farmed for food do not graze as their primary source of food, if at all. They are factory farmed. I could get into more about how much water and grain is used to farm these animals in this method, which could otherwise be used to care for humans, but that would further derail this. I just wanted to correct the grazing statement, in reference to the U.S.

    My final comment is to add that I'm Australian. I grew up on a sheep and cattle farm, and I've seen what good lives our animals have here. No factory-farming here.
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    Just remember, you can't eat gelato or the Vegan Police will get you.

  • kimtab
    kimtab Posts: 64 Member
    I guess it's no surprise this turned into a debate about the ethics of being an omnivore vs. being a vegan. I think it would help if you stuck to the healthy stuff but thats the case with an omnivore diet too. I don't think vegan is a diet magic bullet. French fries are vegan after all ;)
  • charlieandcarol
    charlieandcarol Posts: 302 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    veganbaum wrote: »
    Orphia wrote: »
    I used to be vegetarian/pescetarian, but now I don't feel guilty eating meat since most of those animals would never have lived at all if people didn't farm them.

    wrong and ignorant

    You can call it ignorant, but it's factual.

    Factual? Really?! You know what... I just don't care enough to explain to you why you are wrong!

    The species of cow we have today wouldn't exist if we didn't breed them to have the certain traits we liked to eat thousands of years back. That is fact.
    Same with any other animal we breed for food.

    Pets are the same way.

    Besides, if no one ate meat these animals could still live, just as nature intended and not in horrific conditions and only until they're worth more dead than alive... Cows, sheep etc would still exist, the breeds would just be different. They would be closer to their natural state, without the specific traits humans identified as desirable taking over.

    Sadly, this isn't true. Nature never intended for the breeds we have today. You cannot reverse selective breeding so we'll never get the original breeds back. We also sadly live in a world where many animals aren't allowed to live if they aren't profitable, so if everyone became vegan those animals would just be culled, not set free to live in the wild - which would be a bad idea anyway as our natural habitats have adapted to life WITHOUT such animals. There would be huge overgrazing problems and our natural habitats wouldn't cope with such an influx of new species. Everyone being vegan would also be unsustainable. Animals live and graze on land which is unsuitable to grow crops on. There isn't enough usable land for everyone to just eat plant products.

    But back to the original post. Like everyone said, OP, a vegan diet won't help you lose weight if you aren't in a calorie deficit. Go vegan if it suits your beliefs but you probably shouldn't do it for health, since it's no more healthy (or unhealthy, before I get jumped on) than an omnivore diet.

    I don't want to contribute to the derailing of this thread, but in the U.S., the vast majority - nearly all - animals farmed for food do not graze as their primary source of food, if at all. They are factory farmed. I could get into more about how much water and grain is used to farm these animals in this method, which could otherwise be used to care for humans, but that would further derail this. I just wanted to correct the grazing statement, in reference to the U.S.

    My final comment is to add that I'm Australian. I grew up on a sheep and cattle farm, and I've seen what good lives our animals have here. No factory-farming here.

    I am Australian and grew up on a sheep farm and I have to ask you, do you seriously believe there is no factory farming in Australia? Had a look at the Australian Pig and Poultry industry lately? And I am pretty sure those factory feeding lots aren't much fun for the cattle being "finished off" either.

    And OP I agree with what others have said, eat how you want as long as you meet CICO requirements you will lose weight regardless of how you choose to do that.
  • equineobsessed
    equineobsessed Posts: 3 Member
    If you eat a healthy, plant based vegan diet then yes, it can help with weight loss. Just a vegan diet isn't inherently healthier though (Oreos and coca cola are vegan after all). I went vegan cold turkey in April and I find it's also easier to eat at a calorie deficit since plant based foods aren't generally very calorie dense. In fact some days I have to make myself eat more than I normally would because I haven't eaten enough calories. Because of that I'm pretty much never hungry and yet I maintain a calorie deficit. I lost a pants size in a month just from going plant based with minimal exercise the last two weeks (and zero exercise the first two). I used MFP to track my macros. If you find yourself lacking in protein there are vegan protein powders as well that go great in smoothies.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    veganbaum wrote: »
    Orphia wrote: »
    I used to be vegetarian/pescetarian, but now I don't feel guilty eating meat since most of those animals would never have lived at all if people didn't farm them.

    wrong and ignorant

    You can call it ignorant, but it's factual.

    Factual? Really?! You know what... I just don't care enough to explain to you why you are wrong!

    The species of cow we have today wouldn't exist if we didn't breed them to have the certain traits we liked to eat thousands of years back. That is fact.
    Same with any other animal we breed for food.

    Pets are the same way.

    Besides, if no one ate meat these animals could still live, just as nature intended and not in horrific conditions and only until they're worth more dead than alive... Cows, sheep etc would still exist, the breeds would just be different. They would be closer to their natural state, without the specific traits humans identified as desirable taking over.

    Sadly, this isn't true. Nature never intended for the breeds we have today. You cannot reverse selective breeding so we'll never get the original breeds back. We also sadly live in a world where many animals aren't allowed to live if they aren't profitable, so if everyone became vegan those animals would just be culled, not set free to live in the wild - which would be a bad idea anyway as our natural habitats have adapted to life WITHOUT such animals. There would be huge overgrazing problems and our natural habitats wouldn't cope with such an influx of new species. Everyone being vegan would also be unsustainable. Animals live and graze on land which is unsuitable to grow crops on. There isn't enough usable land for everyone to just eat plant products.

    But back to the original post. Like everyone said, OP, a vegan diet won't help you lose weight if you aren't in a calorie deficit. Go vegan if it suits your beliefs but you probably shouldn't do it for health, since it's no more healthy (or unhealthy, before I get jumped on) than an omnivore diet.

    I don't want to contribute to the derailing of this thread, but in the U.S., the vast majority - nearly all - animals farmed for food do not graze as their primary source of food, if at all. They are factory farmed. I could get into more about how much water and grain is used to farm these animals in this method, which could otherwise be used to care for humans, but that would further derail this. I just wanted to correct the grazing statement, in reference to the U.S.

    My final comment is to add that I'm Australian. I grew up on a sheep and cattle farm, and I've seen what good lives our animals have here. No factory-farming here.

    I am Australian and grew up on a sheep farm and I have to ask you, do you seriously believe there is no factory farming in Australia? Had a look at the Australian Pig and Poultry industry lately? And I am pretty sure those factory feeding lots aren't much fun for the cattle being "finished off" either.

    And OP I agree with what others have said, eat how you want as long as you meet CICO requirements you will lose weight regardless of how you choose to do that.

    Fine, but I thought we were talking about cows and sheep, if you go back through the quotes. End-of-life feedlots don't count as cows/sheep being factory-farmed if you're being accurate.

    Plus, my initial comment was about about farmed animals mostly not living if they weren't farmed, which hasn't been debunked.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    No, eating in a deficit does.
  • rachsoderberg
    rachsoderberg Posts: 55 Member
    Oreos are vegan, if that answers your question.
  • CM_73
    CM_73 Posts: 554 Member
    edited June 2015
    It did me.
    Not because it was a vegan diet, but because I completely changed my eating habits. I was trying to follow vegan whole foods in the beginning (it's a hell of a learning curve,) probably got it completely wrong and put myself in a massive deficit for the first Month until I better educated myself. It also "barred" me from my usual over-eating foods like meat and cheese.
    So, I lost, and continue to lose, on a mainly vegan diet because of calorie control.

    (Disclaimer: I'm not a vegan, now, I eat a mainly vegan diet.)
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    edited June 2015
    Isn't it a tossed around myth that plants have feelings or whatever?
  • Zinka61
    Zinka61 Posts: 563 Member
    No, veganism isn't a weight-loss diet. I've been a thin near-vegan, and I've been a 25-30 lb overweight vegan. You can overeat on any diet. But if you are considering veganism as an ethical choice due to your feelings about animals, and/or hoping to improve your health, then it might be the way to go for you. I have no trouble at all meeting my nutritional goals on a vegan diet, and a lot of the concern omnivores tend to have about vegan malnutrition is misplaced. It's easy to get enough iron, calcium, protein, etc...but you have to at least read up a bit on vegan nutrition. Soon it will be second nature to you. Vegetarian Resource Group is a good place to start. As for the dinner invitations, that is one reason I am only "near" vegan. I will eat eggs/dairy when I'm at someone's house or in a restaurant with limited options. I find that people who really want to spend time with me won't hold my diet against me. Some of them have dietary issues (low carb, gluten free, food allergies, etc) of their own, and we all do the best we can to find recipes that support each others' needs.