need help in weightloss or building? im here to help

hey everybody

my name is mark, i have been through a long jounrey from losing weight all the way to now building muscle for a ompetition, i am so far down 110lbs, but am now dropping bodyfat for competition, i have become a personal trainer and now i am a health coach, so if you need any help just ask :)


  • jenniferlashton5
    jenniferlashton5 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 5'3 and 206:( should I add weights to my exercise regimen. . Will it help
  • 1swolpanda
    1swolpanda Posts: 120 Member
    well adding weights will always help in your exercise program, but what do you do right now?
    and when u say weights what were u planning on addding