

  • YolliB2014
    YolliB2014 Posts: 104 Member
    I would try drinking a nice tall cold glass of water with ice, sometimes chewing on ice helps with the crunch factor or a nice flavored tea as was posted above. If that doesn't work, walk to a deli or store that makes hamburgers & or fried chicken, buy the smallest piece of chicken or a burger and walk back home before you eat it. If it's a burger, cut it in half and toss the rest. If you can fit it in your daily goal, why torture yourself with a craving. No, you won't want to give into them all the time but if it's a craving that is driving you crazy and won't go away, I'd say find a way to eat it so you can get over it and keep on your plan.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    edited June 2015
    For those meals, I'll make a lean burger (to add moisture to beef burgers, I add in finely chopped mushroom like this) or I make an oven fried chicken.

    I pretty much get the flavors that I want by making things myself.
  • asunnysnowman
    asunnysnowman Posts: 56 Member
    Depends. I try to find "cheats". I crave chips a lot and I found some low cal/high protein chips that I eat during those times.
    For a burger craving I'd probably do a turkey patty with no bread
  • igentheelk
    igentheelk Posts: 5 Member
    I just make myself sit down and having sth to do to distract myself. Give myself a couple of minutes to chill out.
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    I was totally craving cookies last night before dinner. But no cookies in the house (on purpose). I fixed a healthy dinner and promised myself I would have some dark chocolate later if I really wanted it, even though I'd be 300-400 calories over for the day (was already a bit over). After dinner I found I didn't really want the chocolate after all.