

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Cheri, I don’t know about a fridge magnet, but I’ve captured it and put it up on my cabinet at work as a reminder. :wink:
    Kudos to you for being able to catch up with everyone! :) I find it overwhelming and can only hope that everyone on here knows that I am behind them and support them in their live's journey!
    I have that quote as the wallpaper on my laptop!

    Cheri (Fairlawn, OH)
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    Cythnia what a sweetheart

    Mary for Minnesota so sorry about Apple Jack

    Good day with mom they had an art lesson today. I think I enjoyed it more than her. We went over her pictures when she went to the Passion Play in 2000, and did a group Crossword puzzle.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :'( Fanncy, so sorry to hear about Apple Jack...what a beautiful horse with a great name

    <3 Cynthia, your dog is so sweet and patient to soak his foot with little protest

    :) I have lots of MFP friends and sometimes I comment on what's going on with them and sometimes I don't....my diary is open to anyone who wants to look at it....I don't know if anyone does, because no one ever says anything about it.

    :) For me, this journey has been not only about weight loss but also about health, fitness, and longevity so I choose things to eat that will contribute to these goals....just fitting into my calorie allotment is not good enough...I'm sure there is a way to consume pizza, french fries, and M&Ms and stay under calories but that wouldn't contribute to any of my health goals.

    <3 Barbie from sunny beautiful NW Washington

    1461351h0otf8hco5.gif 19,000 steps today with one more dog walk before bedtime
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
    well kids, gonna get ready to ride home
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Well I'm just about to give up here; I can't seem to get here daily and I get so behind I can't catch up! Im sorry I'm not good about supporting you all like I used to be. meg from really hot Omaha where it was nearly 100 today!
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    megblair1 - Just show up as you can. I get as much from people sharing their struggles and triumphs as I do from the words of support. I think everyone has those times when they just cannot keep up and answer everyone.

    I am so fortunate in that the only food DH will buy and bring into the house is Greek yogurt. He likes certain flavors and does not expect me to remember when he is low since they are not flavors I like. Other than that he will eat what I bring home and does not ask me to pick up things for him that I cannot/will not eat. He thinks dessert is something you order when you eat out for special occasions and does not expect it to be served at home. He rarely comments on what I eat and then it is usually something like “Did you get enough protein today?” I must remember to tell him how much I appreciate his support tonight.

    Hopping on a plane tomorrow after work. Gotta get laundry done and pack tonight. I plan to log in every day and log my food and read the thread. However, I may be a bit less chatty since I will be out of town and spending as much time as possible with my friends. I’ll be flying home on Monday.

    Stay safe everyone.

    Mia in MI

    June goal - log food every day
    Word of the month – persevere
  • fiona444
    fiona444 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi from bonnie Scotland. It's June and we're still in our boots lol. ❄️❄️After a bout of ill health trying to lose weight and find exercises that are going to get me in shape but that won't kill me! Did my first gym session last night and planning more. Looking forward to reading more of your posts.
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hi all -

    I am shocked this computer is working today! I was actually able to read pages 24 and 25 without it freezing 10 times! Not even once!!!!

    Allison - I know I missed the info about your struggles but I am sending you (((Hugs))).

    Michele - Did you put another critter by the pool? I bet it is cute as a bug (HA)!

    Meg - NO, NO, NO you cannot leave us. Just do the best you can! I am resolved to that right now because of "technical difficulties". What ever your difficulties please pop in when you can. We would miss you terribly.

    Mary - So what is this "house" news? I take it you are getting one? Must have been news on one of those 14 pages I missed.. CONGRATS! I am so sorry about sweet Apple Jack. Your DD is beautiful!

    I had lunch with my retired teacher friends and got caught up on all the craziness going on with our school and the school system. Sooooooo glad I got out of there when I did! They are looking for a new director of schools and I am surprised anybody would want the job! Feeling better this week thanks to my chiropractor and acupuncturist! Thankful, thankful, thankful for them!

    Oh, and thankful, thankful, thankful, thankful, thankful for all of you!

    TN Toni
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    I'd like to thank all of you who have explained how to do things on this site and I enjoy reading each day's postings.

    Lost 3lbs in 2 weeks ... everybody 'happy' :happy:

    My goals for the next 2 weeks:
    Work my plan as I was told to do. 2 protein shakes, 1 protein bar, and one meal (ONLY)
    Lots and lots of water
    Exercise - 3x for 15 minutes each on my treadmill
    Tell those important to me: "I love you!" "Mean it!" "SMILE"
    Keep up with my tracking; my nurse/MD loves that I do this ... it shows both of us where I need to improve.

    Love this site! So encouraging and kind-hearted. :bigsmile:
  • mah654
    mah654 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello from Vermont.
    I am new to MFP . I was able to lose 17lbs in 6 weeks with diet and exercise.
    I lost ground this past week due to Plantar Fasciitis in my right foot.
    Goals for June
    Eat more fruits and veg.
    Continue 10 cups water a day
    Find exercises which help my foot.
    Start to lose weight again.
    Stay positive.
    Mary Ann

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    OK, . . . another question. Why has my daily caloric intake changed from the 960 that is entered to
    1030-something? I entered some exercise that I did today; is that the reason? Just wondering.
  • jeanniebeanie59
    jeanniebeanie59 Posts: 141 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    miakoda - thanks, just doin my job - my LIFE is to make u smile :0)

    jeanniebean- waytago gurlfriend!! REFUSE those chips, just say I REBUKE THEEEE!!!!!!!
    haha I like that pipcd34...I love those chips though!!
    did my 20 min exercise today and logged food.goal met for today
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Wednesday here, training = JJ's Cardio kick-boxing and Stretch it out and walk dog.
    Yesterday my walk gave me 301 cals and only 4911 steps and food = 1511 (yes even with fish and chip lunch)
    My computer has been hacked and TROJANS but clean again now
    NEED to log food
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    OK, . . . another question. Why has my daily caloric intake changed from the 960 that is entered to
    1030-something? I entered some exercise that I did today; is that the reason? Just wondering.

    Yes, the plan at MFP is to allow additional calories to offset the extra calories you burn with exercise. It is your choice whether to eat additional food to use those calories....some of us do, and some don't.....It makes sense to me to eat more when I am more active (like putting more fuel in your car when you drive longer distances)

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    miakoda - thanks, just doin my job - my LIFE is to make u smile :0)

    jeanniebean- waytago gurlfriend!! REFUSE those chips, just say I REBUKE THEEEE!!!!!!!
    haha I like that pipcd34...I love those chips though!!
    did my 20 min exercise today and logged food.goal met for today

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
    stats for the day: another over 1k burned... :0)
    ride hm 2 gym- 12.31min, 14.1amph, 2.9mi = 88c
    jog- 23.02min, 3.5incline whole time, 10.14ap, 5.8-6.1speed w/6.5speed bursts, 2.25mi = 216c
    other- floor exer.- 15min, 16knees bent, 16knees up, 16legs straight up, repeat 5sets, 240total, hamstring leg lifts, 16ea leg, 7sets, 112ea leg, plank 30sec then 8 pushups and repeat = 40c
    ride gym 2 wk- 52.37min, 12.9amph, 11.3mi = 428c
    ride wk 2 hm- 55.16min, 10.9amph, 10mi = 462cal
    total cal 1234
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    mah654 wrote: »
    Hello from Vermont.
    I am new to MFP . I was able to lose 17lbs in 6 weeks with diet and exercise.
    I lost ground this past week due to Plantar Fasciitis in my right foot.
    Goals for June
    Eat more fruits and veg.
    Continue 10 cups water a day
    Find exercises which help my foot.
    Start to lose weight again.
    Stay positive.
    Mary Ann

    Welcome Mary Ann! You've come to the right place for friendly support on your journey. I wanted to speak to your Plantar Fasciitis issue. I suffered for an entire year with it in my left foot. Other than the prednisone injections and stretching exercises I found taping my foot everyday helped the most during the healing process. See if this helps. I used sport tape from Walmart (lots of it). Best of luck!
    Cheri in Fairlawn, Ohio


  • Heart_Fit
    Heart_Fit Posts: 63 Member
    Hey Everyone, im so glad that i found this thread for women 50 plus
  • Heart_Fit
    Heart_Fit Posts: 63 Member
    Most of my mfp are younger than me and i think i need some people more of my age so i can their motivation reminding me that i can do it as well regardless of age, lol
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Lisa, I like the broken egg analogy. That was a good one. Thanks for sharing.

    Heather, your lunch and walk with friends sound lovely. Have a ball.

    Chris, great job on your jog. Way to go!!!

    DeeDee, our humidity was back today too. Bummer

    Allison, I guess I just don’t understand? When he asked about washing the floors, why didn’t you just tell him you didn’t get to it today. You work and do everything at the house and cook all his meals….I know you have to do what works for you, but he sounds like the biggest jerk! Were the floors that fu#@$%g dirty? What did he do today???

    Poop, I love your yard at night!!!

    Mia, you asked why I haven’t been able to walk. I had a spinal fusion about 10 years ago. The thing that hurts my back the most is standing and/or walking. The surgery helped but the added weight didn’t. Now that I have dropped 50 pounds, I’m just starting to walk again. We didn’t go for a walk on the beach yesterday only because it was very crowded and we didn’t want to leave our “stuff” unattended.

    NMMargaret, glad you had a nice visit with your Mom. Why is it hard to find clothes to fit her? It’s terrible that their clothes disappear. Wonder why some don’t just appear? Guess the clothes fairies aren’t favoring her this year.

    Janetr, I know what you mean about not gaining the weight back. I am down 53 with 28 lbs to go. I am getting rid of my clothes as fast as I undergrow them. If my clothes start getting tight, I’ll just have to do something about my weight, because I simply will never allow myself to get that fat again! I love myself too much for that. Plus to be honest, this journey isn’t all fun, but it’s not anything like some of the diets I’ve been on. My loss has really slowed down but I am still losing. This is something I can and will control. I love being at 177 and not 230 so willing to work to never go back.

    Glimmerssilver, welcome. You will find this a very supportive group with lots of information. You will find inspiration and well wishes, but only you can decide if this is something you are willing to do. If it is, just start by logging everything that goes in your mouth. Next, try, NO, do move more. Broken toes don’t stop you from flailing your arms or raising your legs as you sit in a chair. And no more of this “tomorrow” chit! Start now! If you fail, just start again. This is a life journey for most of us, with eating right and exercise for health. Thanks for telling us about yourself, now, please sign all posts with the name you want us to call you. We’re glad you are here.

    Michele, I love the snail!!! I’m still thinking on the turtle and have drawn out the shell on a piece of paper, just to envision. I’m sure what you decide on will be perfect.

    Dlevans, Welcome to the group. I hope you will come often because this is a place full of support and it sounds like you need it. I guess my suggestion would be to talk to your hubby and explain that you are on a mission to be as healthy and fit as possible. That you love him and want to be together for many years to come. I’d ask that he support you in this journey and explain to him what that support would look like to you. Sometimes (not always) we can get what we need simply by asking for it. Sorry your daughter has an eating disorder and hope your example of healthy eating can help. Good luck.

    Penny, just when we got used to you way up there, you are leaving the Pole. Have a safe trip and an enjoyable one.

    Heather, very well said. We just have to find what works or us and stick to it. I like being smaller more than I like eating things that aren’t good for me. We have to be patient with our DHs when they are kind enough to go shopping for us, even though they often get the wrong thing. I try to write it down whenever possible.

    Caz, welcome to this great group of ladies. We are happy to have you with us and hope you come often.

    Katla, don’t keep putting off your estate planning. It’s such a simple process and you’ll feel better when it’s done. You know we never know when our last day is.

    Sylvia, great joke. Some days I know how he feels.

    Jeannie, you stick to your guns. We are the ones to suffer if we don’t. good for you.

    Pip, you are doing a great job at your job of making us smile. Thanks.

    TNToni, Go Toni, Go Toni, Go Toni…..keep it up and you’ll be there before you know it.

    Mary, I don’t understand why you unfriend everyone because of your log? You can just make it private for only you to see. So sorry about your horse.

    Yannie, great deal on the cheese. I love those bargains.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I went to the doctor this morning for allergy tests. I was/am allergic to most things that are green and grow. But I had figured that out years ago. Now the decision is if I want to pay for the drugs. They use drops now rather than shots and I would have to pay for them out of pocket. If it were just the 3 months, I’d not hesitate, but the maintenance is for about 2 years. That’s a long time to add $65 a month to what I already spend. Oh decisions. I have read all but one page and simply have to get off the computer. Will join you all again in the morning.

    Make it a healthy and happy day, my friends.

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC