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Beer! I love it, but it dosnt help the weight loss.



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    edited June 2015
    I love a good brew, but I resigned myself long ago to the fact that I can only have a beer or two on occasion...not just a calorie or weight thing, but beer in particular seems to elevate my triglycerides more than if I'm just drinking wine or spirits and it also tends to have a more profound impact on my fasted glucose levels as well.

    Let's just say I've become much more wine savvy over the past few years and I enjoy a good Vodka and bourbon in the winter.
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    I like to drink. I watch what I eat but get a lot of calories from my liquid diet. Anyone have any advice besides to grow up and stop drinking

    I drink at least 2 pints of craft beer every day. Granted I am not trying to cut weight at this time but even when I was I had beer every day. The trick is just to moderate it, just like everything else. If you are tracking your food, track the beer too and make it fit. Nothing more to it. I would give the same answer to someone who said they loved cheese, or bacon, or marshmallow peeps.
  • terrenceobrien1
    terrenceobrien1 Posts: 22 Member
    I had to quit drinking in order to stay on track with proper nutrition. I was, unlike the poster above, unable to moderate. If I were to have two pints of quality craft beer, I would most certainly have seven more. Then I would be drunk, and eat a whole pizza and pass out. I would then eat junk food to quell the hangover. Vicious cycle.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    I love, love, love beer! I have cut back, but I still have a beer most days. What works for me is:
    - I only have a beer if I've "earned" it by getting 10,000 steps or more. 15,000 steps earns me a second beer. Sometimes I actually go out walking or running, just so I can drink another beer.
    - I buy quality craft beer and savor the hell out of it. Small sips, not guzzling. A beer might last me a half hour or more. This doesn't work with budmillercoors because that stuff tastes worse than piss when it's warm.
    - Budget for the calories in MFP.
    - If I end up drinking many beers and go over my calorie budget, I make up for over the course of the next several days.

    This all applies to wine too.
  • RedVonMunster
    RedVonMunster Posts: 18 Member
    I like to drink. I watch what I eat but get a lot of calories from my liquid diet. Anyone have any advice besides to grow up and stop drinking

    Basically you're saying "any advice besides something that works".
  • terrenceobrien1
    terrenceobrien1 Posts: 22 Member
    edited June 2015
    Basically you're saying "any advice besides something that works".

    I concur. Alcohol is very prevalent in almost all societies. That does not change that fact that it is a mind altering drug. Consumption of it affects so many facets of life and one's perception of life-- it's more than just belly fat.

  • Journey30toLife
    Journey30toLife Posts: 17 Member
    Craft beer and Buffalo Wings are my struggle :)
    I just started using buffalo sauce on my grilled chicken, that takes care of my buffalo wing craving for the most part. When it comes to beer, I love stouts and porters which are not in my favor. Ha ha. Lucky for me, during the summer I don't drink the heavy ones like that. I have been fitting them into my calories, exercising more to earn them and cutting back :neutral:
  • andrikosDE
    andrikosDE Posts: 383 Member
    I prefer to make beer than drink it. I'm more of a "taster" than a quantity drinker.
    If I were to drink multiple beers in a day (weekends only) I'd make sure to work out extra. The sense of accomplishment would get its reward with some nice tasty drinks at the end of the day.

    My "light" beer is Berliner Weisse which I brew to 2.8% ABV strength and age in probiotic bacterial culture for a few months. The sour fermentation gives the beers aromatic compounds and flavor profiles that are very unusual for such a low alcohol beer.

    My winter beer is a nice 12% russian imperial stout or a 13% barleywine that I sip from a small glass... Mmm.... winter warmer! :D
  • sixxpoint
    sixxpoint Posts: 3,529 Member
    @andrikosDE I knew we were cut from the same cloth.

    I have been homebrewing for 6+ years. I mostly brew American IPAs, but I love it all!
  • justmytype
    justmytype Posts: 117 Member
    I love my beer too (especially craft beers) but decided a while ago to limit my drinking to 2 days per week (usually weekends). Not hard in the wintertime to do this, but summers, yeah nothing like a cold beer on a hot day! And I save the craft beers for special occasions since they have many more calories than say a Miller Lite or Mich Ultra.

    As far as fitting it in, I "save" calories throughout the week for my weekend "splurges" (not going totally crazy though) or get extra activity in. I'm still managing to lose weight this way and have never given up my beer. The way I look at it, this is a lifestyle change and not short term, so I need something I can live with.
  • andrikosDE
    andrikosDE Posts: 383 Member
    sixxpoint wrote: »
    @andrikosDE I knew we were cut from the same cloth.

    I have been homebrewing for 6+ years. I mostly brew American IPAs, but I love it all!

    I'm not a chef, alas, just a lowly engineer.
    I've been homebrewing for almost 10 years now, and man, do I love IPAs!
    I live in Germany now but I do have over 20 US hop varietals in my freezer for my IPA batches that are lapped up by my friends as soon as they are bottled.
    I average drinking 1-2 bottles per 30 liter batch! I get my enjoyment for having made it and spreading some joy... ;)

    I live in the fatherland of Lager yet I struggle to enjoy it... I do admire the brewing expertise needed to make it, but it's just too bland for my taste buds.

    I was recently asked at a dinner "what type of food don't you like?".
    I guess the expected answer was "fish" or a specific cuisine.
    My answer, however, was simply "boring food".
    I feel the same about beer. I'd rather drink water and save the calories for something worth it.

  • s2mikey
    s2mikey Posts: 146 Member
    edited June 2015
    I can confidently state that having even a couple(thats TWO, not FOUR ;) ) beers a day will NOT harm anyones diet provided you are staying within calorie goals and macro targets. How do I know? Ive been experimenting with beer over the last few months and my overall diet and workout schedule stays the same week to week. So, I changed ONLY beer intake to see what would happen.

    Nothing changed after removing beer or cutting it to 1-3 total a week versus 1-2 a day. Nothing at all. I stayed within calorie goals though and also left room for the carbs you get from beer. I did not lose any extra weight, I did not feel any better, I did not feel more lean either. No change.

    But I did MISS my beers so Im going to enjoy them from time to time. Dont fall for the bro-science Horse crap about a few beers sabotaging diets or causing muscles to stop growing. Its lies and is based on drinking like a 6 pack a day or more.
  • Noelv1976
    Noelv1976 Posts: 18,948 Member
    I like to drink. I watch what I eat but get a lot of calories from my liquid diet. Anyone have any advice besides to grow up and stop drinking

    Nothing wrong with drinking beer as long as you constistently work out and don't drink a whole keg in one sitting. Since January I was able to lose nearly 20 lbs, while continuing my usual weekend bar drinks. Unless you're trying to lose a butt load of weight, then yeah, cut back until you reach your goal.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    andrikosDE wrote: »

    I was recently asked at a dinner "what type of food don't you like?".
    I guess the expected answer was "fish" or a specific cuisine.
    My answer, however, was simply "boring food".
    I feel the same about beer. I'd rather drink water and save the calories for something worth it.

    Amen, brother! That is exactly how I feel.

    Aside: Do you keep a second set of equipment for brewing sour beers? Or do you just do really thorough sanitation? I've wanted to try using lactobacillus but am nervous about cross-contamination.
  • andrikosDE
    andrikosDE Posts: 383 Member
    edited June 2015
    Jruzer wrote: »
    Amen, brother! That is exactly how I feel.

    Aside: Do you keep a second set of equipment for brewing sour beers? Or do you just do really thorough sanitation? I've wanted to try using lactobacillus but am nervous about cross-contamination.

    I do keep separate equipment but the lacto isn't the really the issue. It's the Brettanomyces that sends chills down Brewers' spines (originally Vintners' spines).

    Brettanomyces burrows into everything and actually metabolizes cellulose (wood) so a Brettanomyces infected barrel is either anathema for a conventional brewer or heaven for a sour beer brewer. :)

    Keep in mind that all these bugs are everywhere all the time along with hundreds (thousands?) of other species. Thorough sanitation is a must for any brewing process, especially on the cold side.

    Cheers with a yummy Flander's red... :)
  • brownsdown
    brownsdown Posts: 3 Member
    Do your research and log the beer correctly. If wine? Weigh it. All comes natural after that. If you have come this far, to MFP, and even a small modicum of self discipline, you will make the right decisions when looking at your MFP screen.