Shy big boned woman looking for friends



  • lsd007
    lsd007 Posts: 435
    This place has changed my life and how I view working out! You could not find a lazier person than me... but MFP changed this. The support is amazing. I'll friend request you... anyone else that needs support can also friend request me. We are all in this together. it's about health and support!

    She makes a great mfp friend(:

    And the same goes for me! Feel free to add, you can never have too many friends(:
  • cdclark81
    cdclark81 Posts: 11
    You've taken a great first step in reaching your goal. I also read that you mentioned diet and exercise in your post, which is great because you can lose a little weight by dieting and a little weight by exercising, but it's not until you combine both that you'll achieve real results. The key is to find a fit that works for you. We all know that there's diet food out there that tastes like cardboard, but the truth is that there's plenty of healthy food that tastes great. Check out some health and fitness magazines, or even look online to find some healthy recipes. Try them out at home and see which ones you like. And as far as exercise is concerned, if it's something you haven't been doing on a regular basis, start out small and work your way up. That way, 1) you won't injure yourself, and 2) you won't burn yourself out mentally. And finally, everyone has good days and bad days, and just because you don't achieve in one particular day what you wanted do doesn't mean you should give it all up. Take it on the chin and drive on. And don't forget to reward yourself even for the small victories. If you wanted to lose two pounds in one particular week and only lost one, no, you didn't achieve your goal for the week, but on the other hand, that's one pound that you'll never see again. Just remember at all times that you can do this, and keep pushing yourself. This battle is just as much mental as it is physical. Now go forth and achieve your goal to live the life you've always wanted.
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    Friend requests on the way to all of you that I haven't friended.
    May take a bit. MFP limits number of requests to 5 every 10 mins. Add me if i haven't added you.