Need hobby ideas so won't eat



  • DanielleandCuller
    DanielleandCuller Posts: 3 Member
    Oh, and volunteer somewhere. Before I was disabled, a mom and a caregiver, I spent almost any of my free time volunteering...I think I got more out of it than them:D
  • Patriots96
    Patriots96 Posts: 96 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions. My hubby and son are gamers. I have a 14 yr old and a 19 yr old, and they definitely do for themselves now. We do bowl and go to the movies sometimes. My oldest is in college 4 hrs away from home. I like the sound of knitting. How do I get started on learning how to do it?
  • ManiacalLaugh
    ManiacalLaugh Posts: 1,048 Member
    DaveAkeman wrote: »
    pdank311 wrote: »
    DaveAkeman wrote: »
    Second knitting or cross-stitching. If you're not creative you can download or purchase patterns from a craft store. I've found this is awesome for me because I don't want to get the fabric/thread dirty, so my hands are pristine. I'm a lot less likely to snack on stuff if I'm trying to keep my hands pristine.

    Or video gaming! That can also distract the mind and your hands are busy there too.

    Just don't take up writing. I love writing, but seriously... every time you hit a wall, you think "I'll just go grab a snack and figure it out." -_____- Soooo hazardous.

    Video gaming is good, but I can't imagine a serious gaming session without chips and soda. Or at least popcorn. Maybe pizza . . .

    How are you going to gtfo of the fire when your hands are all greasy? :D

    Gaming is my go to hobby after exercise. Also tinker in my vege garden.

    Maybe that's why my middle-school age son always CREAMS me in first person shooters. :smiley:

    Haha - I was about to say the same! Unless I'm grinding on an RPG, my hands are fairly occupied - PC or console.
  • Fitfornowt
    Fitfornowt Posts: 24 Member
    Try walking! You don't need special equipment, you can just get up and go at a moment's notice when you have a spare 15/30 minutes. You will burn off calories (varies with weight, age, etc, but probably about 75 calories per mile!!) You can really enjoy exploring your local area!
  • North44
    North44 Posts: 359 Member
    Patriots96 wrote: »
    Thanks for all the suggestions. My hubby and son are gamers. I have a 14 yr old and a 19 yr old, and they definitely do for themselves now. We do bowl and go to the movies sometimes. My oldest is in college 4 hrs away from home. I like the sound of knitting. How do I get started on learning how to do it?

    My oldest is in college too! I also have 3 still at home and it's true about them not needing me as much physically. I've actually thought about getting a dog- one because I just want one but also because it'll force me off the couch more often- lol

    CASSANDRATHOMAS1 Posts: 3 Member
    wood working, writing, learn a new language, take a class online at a place like udacity and coursera - many are free, painting, gardening, beekeeping, and drawing. on knitting, i know in my area, many places offer classes. check yarn stores in your area.
  • pdank311
    pdank311 Posts: 137 Member
    DaveAkeman wrote: »
    pdank311 wrote: »
    DaveAkeman wrote: »
    Second knitting or cross-stitching. If you're not creative you can download or purchase patterns from a craft store. I've found this is awesome for me because I don't want to get the fabric/thread dirty, so my hands are pristine. I'm a lot less likely to snack on stuff if I'm trying to keep my hands pristine.

    Or video gaming! That can also distract the mind and your hands are busy there too.

    Just don't take up writing. I love writing, but seriously... every time you hit a wall, you think "I'll just go grab a snack and figure it out." -_____- Soooo hazardous.

    Video gaming is good, but I can't imagine a serious gaming session without chips and soda. Or at least popcorn. Maybe pizza . . .

    How are you going to gtfo of the fire when your hands are all greasy? :D

    Gaming is my go to hobby after exercise. Also tinker in my vege garden.

    Maybe that's why my middle-school age son always CREAMS me in first person shooters. :smiley:

    hehe. I think our reaction time slows down as we get older and squint at the screen too.

  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I scrapbook, make jewelry, cook, read, watch movies...I need more active workouts :) I guess my gym time is a hobby though too.
  • whyteorchid
    whyteorchid Posts: 18 Member
    Recently discovered apps on your phone or tablet that you can take those photos you have already taken an piece them together in premade frames, stickers and effects and create "your own" art work with your photos. I've tried about 3-4 and I've found two I like so far. And I only use the free stuff and have been distracted for HOURS with out realizing it. This way you can take what you've already done and enjoyed doing and just expand upon it. Good luck to you. If you want or need friends add me.
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    wood working, writing, learn a new language, take a class online at a place like udacity and coursera - many are free, painting, gardening, beekeeping, and drawing. on knitting, i know in my area, many places offer classes. check yarn stores in your area.

    How did I have no clue that such a thing as coursera existed?? I feel so betrayed by my lack of knowledge! I just signed up for one haha :)

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Patriots96 wrote: »
    because if I have nothing to do, all I think about is food. Food makes me happy, I know that is sad but it is true. I have anxiety issues and few close friends so food is my comfort. I am not creative but need a hobby to keep me busy on weekends. I do volunteer work but I need something for my time at home. My sons no longer need me all the time so now I can do things I enjoy but I can't figure out how they translates into a hobby? I like taking pictures but my kids are tired of me chasing them around with my phone. They are now 19 and 14. Hubby has a hobby but I am not interested in fixing lawn mowers. What hobbies do you all have and/or what do you do so that you don't eat when you are bored or have down time?

    I ride my bike a lot...especially weekends...a Sunday morning is a great time to hit the road for 4 hours or so.
  • Jennjenn453
    Jennjenn453 Posts: 12 Member
    I like to crochet and paint. Both very relaxing even if they turn out awful. But once you get good at it you can make Christmas gifts! I also picked up guitar. You can learn pretty much anything on YouTube! And if you want to get some exercise walking/running some trails is always good for clearing the mind. Hope this helps!
  • megantischner
    megantischner Posts: 85 Member
    Patriots96 wrote: »
    Thanks for all the suggestions. My hubby and son are gamers. I have a 14 yr old and a 19 yr old, and they definitely do for themselves now. We do bowl and go to the movies sometimes. My oldest is in college 4 hrs away from home. I like the sound of knitting. How do I get started on learning how to do it?
    There's a bunch of tutorials online and video tutorials on youtube. Many craft stores and yarn stores also offer classes.
  • gothicfires
    gothicfires Posts: 240 Member
    I write erotica, make jewelry and use a loom to knit. I can draw and paint but there's only so many things one can do. Oh, I also sew. I love making costumes. I'm avoiding sewing at the moment but once I loose 20 or 30lbs I'll start altering my current wardrobe. When I get close to my goal I'll start making new cloths.
  • Nataliegetfit
    Nataliegetfit Posts: 395 Member
    Crochet, quilting, beading, lots of crafty things that would be fairly easy. Reading. Biking,
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    So many good suggestion so far! I come read the forums when I want to eat out of boredom. It helps a lot! Reading success stories too :)

    I think exercise would be great to keep your mind and body occupied.