What was your 'no more!' Moment



  • mmnv79
    mmnv79 Posts: 538 Member
    JONZ64 wrote: »
    I had always been fit, I got hurt and handled the recovery horribly. I gained 50lbs and made every excuse not to work out: I have plates and screws all up and down my back, I have hypothyroidism, I can't workout like I used to so what's the use, THEN I saw one of the military guys who worked with me come back from Afghanistan, his leg was blown off by a roadside bomb. The day he left the hospital with his new prosthetic leg he ran a mile, over 200 of us stood outside to watch him attempt the run, I knew THEN my bs was BS!! I went home and got in my shorts and running shoes and started to workout again. Its not always easy to workout, I broke my foot last summer and it took 8 months and a surgery to fix it, but I came back as soon as I could. It's a mind game and there's a committee of A-holes in my head feeding me BS about "age, old injuries, and other stuff" trying to knock me down, but there's a voice that is the old me he's in the corner doing pushups and saying LET'S GO!!

    I kind of feel identified myself with your situation. I was fit until I moved country. I had (and have) no friends and family and stopped being active. I have hypothyroidism and PCOS and l used it as a excuse. I attended a course and met a girl of my age in a wheelchair. She told me she has fibromyalgia and many other conditions, but she exercises, she's on a diet and she's losing weight. I felt so bad with myself. I felt crap because I was relatively healthy and yes, there were some really unfortunate things that were happening in my life, but I was choosing to feel sorry for myself instead of looking for ways to move on.
  • dfranch
    dfranch Posts: 207 Member
    I went to a picnic and ate so much, that I felt terrible that entire night. I didn't sleep a wink and called sick into work. I realized I ate myself sick. Was up to 260+ lbs my 42" pants were tight (like should have been 44"). Something had to change. Now 165 lbs 34" waist.
  • RaeB1013
    RaeB1013 Posts: 265 Member
    I caught my full body reflection in a bathroom mirror at a restaurant I had never been to before. The mirror was right there as soon as I walked in and I had zero time to prepare myself for it. I almost didn't recognize myself. That was it. 2 months later I am 29 lbs down and feeling amazing!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,160 Member
    Having been overweight for many years my health was in a steep decline. I could hardly get in and out of vehicles due to the arthritis pain and weight. Major stress last year (2014) due in part to a college closing and at age 63 the doctors wanted me to start Enbrel injections. I think it was the understanding I was going to get cancer most likely from taking Enbrel that got me to moving.

    In trying to learn how to fight getting cancer I learned sugar helped cut pain in many people and that coconut oil helped some too. 30 days after I went off carbs cold turkey (tried tapering off with no luck) and got heavy into taking coconut oil my pain was a fraction of what it had been so I pasted on starting Enbrel. After a couple months the weight started to go down but I was losing inches long before the scales showed any weight loss.

    I think my desire to live being stronger than to do nothing and die was what saved the day.

    Being down about 50 pounds and BMI down from 35 to 28 without going hungry and a now a very reduced level of pain at my age motivates me to finally stop a life of yo yoing weight and poor health due what I was eating.

    I am enjoying reading your stories.
  • splitinhalf12
    splitinhalf12 Posts: 2 Member
    I've had 2 of these. The first was when it got to the point where tying my shoes was a challenge. You know, hold your breath as you stretch down to get that knot tight. "What have I done to myself?" That triggered a great 3 year journey losing 38 pounds and was regularly running 5K's! And for the record, I have never been a runner by any means. Then, I slipped back to my old ways and though I vowed never to get back to where I started, I was a mere 5 pounds away. Shirts were tight again and tying my shoes started to be a challenge. I'm back to rigorously tracking what I eat and making better choices and I'm now only 16lbs up from my lowest point. Still have work to do, but I'm mentally back on track.
  • arrjaysketch
    arrjaysketch Posts: 3 Member
    I had a couple of moments. In early July of 2014, I turned on my phone's camera, and the front-facing camera was on. It's really not flattering for anyone when your chin is tucked while looking at the phone, but this just made me a little horrified. How did I lose control for so long?

    One night in late July of 2014, when I was working second shift at my job, I caught a reflection of myself in a mirror. I really avoided mirrors and looking at myself a the time. I saw how huge my gut had become, and how swollen my face looked. This was not me. My size 42" pants felt tight, like I needed to go one size higher. My shirts barely fit. I did NOT want to buy larger clothes.

    I think, of all the silly things, it was reading a piece of fan fiction that made the light go on. It sparked two things. One, it doesn't matter where you get inspiration to be a better person from. Be it a story, fan fiction, a comic, a picture someone drew, a song, anything that makes you a better person is good.

    Two, the story itself was about depression, and how weirdly and badly life starts to spin when you live inside your own head. I had realized that I had been living in my own head! It's also how we can live our whole lives with a mask on, trying to be something we are not. We can get so caught up living for others that we forget to live for ourselves. We forget how to live. I don't want to spend my twilight years sick from diabetes, cancer, heart disease, or any of that. I like being alive and feeling well! I remembered what it was like to be thin.

    So, I hit the gym 3-4 times a week. I've lost 57 pounds since August of 2014. 19 more to go!
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    I went on a cruise this last January and took a picture with my daughter on the top deck overlooking the ocean. I was wearing a T-shirt and looked so huge my fat had fat. I was 254 pounds. After great research I started my new lifestyle in April and I have lost 26 pounds so far. I'm going on another Cruise at the end of July and I'm going to take a picture with the exact same shirt in the exact same spot. I'm guessing I'm gonna notice a 30 pound difference. I'm gonna do this every six months along my journey and then post the pictures on the bathroom mirror so I never forget where I started.
  • Spencerport
    Spencerport Posts: 270 Member
    April 2014 was the first time I stepped on a scale in years, I was 278lbs and knew as soon as I saw that number it was time to change. I'm down to 206.4 as of my last weigh in, just have to get down to 200lbs.
  • Sharon_73
    Sharon_73 Posts: 189 Member
    My "no more" moment didn't necessarily involve the number on the scale but rather I made the decision it was time to start caring about myself. 5 years ago I was diagnosed with cervical cancer. I was already suffering from depression, but that just added to it. I'm a single Mom and moping around feeling bad for myself was not the image I wanted to project on to my sons. I figured if that cancer didn't take me then I was here for a purpose and that is when I made a commitment to myself.

    Now, 4 years later I am so much happier. I workout regularly, I pay attention to what I am eating and try to become educated about food, nutrition and health. I have tried so many new activities I would have never tried before (tomorrow I start stand up paddleboard lessons!)
  • Xo_c_e_b_xo
    Xo_c_e_b_xo Posts: 70 Member
    Mine was looking at pictures of myself from holiday (cliche I know) I looked enormous ! Also the fact I was eating the same if not more than my dad who is a pretty big guy !
  • alleolala
    alleolala Posts: 19 Member
    When I sold my horse a friend offered to let me ride her pony - a lovely little mare that I've ridden often before. But I've gained just over a stone and wouldn't feel right riding her at my current weight. So off it comes again!
  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,818 Member
    edited June 2015
    Mine was nothing as noble as anything already mentioned here.

    I simply had enough of needing a degree in engineering every time I wanted to go to the loo and of sex being a chore because of the logistics of it.

    In short, i wanted to be able to crap anywhere without stressing about it and I wanted to be intimate with my wife the way she deserved it to be.

    Happily she keeps me focused and gives me loads of compliments and that keeps me going lol
  • cc3833
    cc3833 Posts: 80 Member
    My horse's vet told me I needed to lose weight for HIS health! OUCH! I wasn't going to be the cause of any of my horse's injuries. So 26 lbs down 15-20 lbs to go!
  • noel2fit
    noel2fit Posts: 235 Member
    It's been little things for a while now- liking fewer and fewer pics of myself when I'm out with friends or my husband, walking up the 2 flights of stairs leaving me winded when it used to be a breeze, putting off buying a bikini...

    Finally for the past few weeks, when I sit down at my desk, my stomach folds over in the front and no matter how straight I sit up or how much I suck it in, I can't get that fold to go away. That's enough. I want to feel happy and comfortable and proud of my body. Not embarrassed and uncomfortable and like I should wear more black and hide more! Time to turn the numbers on the scale around and head back the other direction. 15lbs in 8 months is enough.
  • jos05
    jos05 Posts: 263 Member
    The moment I rolled over in bed and my stomach rolled over before I did...that was it! I knew it was time for a change!! I have stumbled over the years; but I always remain committed. Some days I'm more committed than others...
  • mooo92
    mooo92 Posts: 39 Member
    I got out of a 2 and a half year relationship and reflected on myself. I was letting my weight gain slowly eat me up inside. It was depressing enough to lose appetite, so I started going to the gym.
  • gurlofgod
    gurlofgod Posts: 15 Member
    I think I've had a few little moments that build up to become a "No More" moment! Definitely many over the years. This time was realizing I was avoiding clothes that used to be too big for me because now they're too small. Uhg.
  • slees21
    slees21 Posts: 44 Member
    Heart attack after I started eating better and exercising. Convinced my yo-yo of 20 - 25 pounds at least once every year was and is the cause. Still started the yo yo cycle again until I started having chest "weirdness" again. Insanity. Committed now. Going to "Do the Work".