It's not working for Me



  • DaliaMaria73
    DaliaMaria73 Posts: 10 Member
    I started mfp about two weeks ago and I am slowly getting back into the habit of exercising.
    On most days my calorie intake is actually less than it says I should be taking(I'm not starving I'm actually very full) but I haven't really lost any weight at all. I'm getting married next June and I really want to lose about 40 pounds before then.
    Can anyone help with some advice on maybe what I SHOULD be eating and stuff??

  • DaliaMaria73
    DaliaMaria73 Posts: 10 Member
    Two weeks is nothing. We don't all lose weight in a linear fashion. The last time I started a weight-loss regime, I went six weeks with no change on the scale, then overnight, boom! Six pounds gone from one day to the next. The one-pound-per-week loss showed up all at once. Forty pounds by next year is totally doable but this is a marathon, not a race. Take it a day at a time.
  • VenusStar101
    VenusStar101 Posts: 17 Member
    Once you start working out there is actually a weight gain. Muscle building weights more than fat loss. It takes about a month of steady exercise to have the scale tip back the other way. Also be generous with your intake calories. Better to guess high and eat less.
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    Once you start working out there is actually a weight gain. Muscle building weights more than fat loss. It takes about a month of steady exercise to have the scale tip back the other way. Also be generous with your intake calories. Better to guess high and eat less.

    Unless she's in a caloric surplus there is likely not any noticeable amount of muscle building going on. Especially not in 2 weeks.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Once you start working out there is actually a weight gain. Muscle building weights more than fat loss. It takes about a month of steady exercise to have the scale tip back the other way. Also be generous with your intake calories. Better to guess high and eat less.

    In a deficit, muscle building in two weeks, no. Water retention from new exercise-yes.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    It really helps if you take time to understand the basics and how to execute them properly. Accurate calorie counting is where it starts. The links given by blankie are must reads. You have a nice amount of time within which to lose 40, so the bit in the beginning can just be learning and perfecting your plan.
  • dlevans_59
    dlevans_59 Posts: 10 Member
    Everybody has good things to say. Hang in there!
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    Drink loads of water, don't eat your exercise cals either (I know a lot of people will disagree with that) cut out sugar and evil gluten. If that still doesn't work go speak with your GP and make sure there is no medical reason for you not losing.

    Hope you find come thing that works for you soon x
    Never knew of food that had morals.
    Can she eat gluten that feeds starving orphans and does other good deeds?

  • jenniferplatter
    jenniferplatter Posts: 21 Member
    edited June 2015
    Jumping on the bandwagon here...log everything you put in your mouth. I have had people ask "You count the calories of the creamer you put in your coffee?!?" Yep. And food scale...even the good ol' eyeballing is usually inaccurate. I use a small digital scale. I don't log any physical activity, just food. As for eliminating certain don't believe the
    anti-gluten/carbs/sugar/dairy hype. I do think what should be limited is saturated and trans fats. I recently had a vegetarian, sometimes vegan friend tell me if I quit eating dairy or went vegan I would drop 10 pound like that. NOT true. I know alot of non-gluten, non-dairy, vegan, vegetarians, "clean eaters" or whatever who are overweight.

  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    Drink loads of water, don't eat your exercise cals either (I know a lot of people will disagree with that) cut out sugar and evil gluten. If that still doesn't work go speak with your GP and make sure there is no medical reason for you not losing.

    Hope you find come thing that works for you soon x
    Never knew of food that had morals.
    Can she eat gluten that feeds starving orphans and does other good deeds?

    Evil doesn't do good deeds!
  • sugarcoated2015
    sugarcoated2015 Posts: 89 Member
    I also reccomend the thing about measuring your food, I have been using MFP for 2 weeks and I lost 2 kg.
    You may not be logging your food correctly, I personally just use a measuring cup and the barcode thing on here to be more accurate.
    You said that you do exercise, so maybe the problem is the amount of calories you are eating, the exercise you do is perhaps only helping you stay on the same weight.