2015 Adopt a Noob Official MFP Thread



  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    I am willing to mentor. I have been on MFP for over four years. I have worked out all my life. I have studied weight loss and hormones for a long time and have already mentored several people on my own over the last few years. I love to help people and I love to see people be successful. I have struggled my whole life with eating too many pop tarts and donuts and I have spent much of my life carrying too much fat.
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member

    I would be happy to mentor a newbie.

    My name is Carol and I am 67 years old, I am an administrator for the NHS although at the moment I am between jobs. I have logged onto MFP every day for the last 20 months and have lost 42lbs, I am a slow loser so have now learnt to live with the fact that it's not going to happen overnight. I have also increased my activity and use a fit bit to track my steps taken each day and this has increased three fold.

    If you need a mentor please drop me a line and tell me about yourself

    Good luck. carol
  • mahroukhh
    mahroukhh Posts: 29 Member
    Hello, I would like a mentor. I have previously lost about 22 pounds more than two years ago. After that, everything has kind of just gone downhill. I went into depression, started gaining weight.. I didn't gain back as much, but I had never lost enough to begin with. My goal right now is to lose 24 pounds. I find it hard to stay motivated so I joined MFP hoping to change that. Is there anybody who is willing to mentor me?
  • bethnheidi
    bethnheidi Posts: 23 Member
    Hi I'm new on here and I'm looking for a mentor. I started my diet and fitness 7 days ago and I want to lose 4 stone. I have Crohns Disease so a healthy diet should be crucial but I have been complacent in the past but not anymore. I am determined to lose this weight and become healthier. Any advice would be most appreciated...thank you ☺
  • lesliezimmer
    lesliezimmer Posts: 85 Member
    I'm a noob. 32, 5'4" 170-ish lbs. and around 31% body fat. Looking to lose fat and gain strength/muscle. I've been working out 5 days a week at my gym for a month now. I just started weighing all of my food with a food scale and counting calories.

    I have done some reading and I like the TDEE method, so that's why I don't log my workouts. -20% of my TDEE is around 1800 calories.

    Anybody want to volunteer to help me out??
  • allaboutthefood
    allaboutthefood Posts: 781 Member
    Hello I can Mentor up to 4 new noobs.
    I am still on my journey, but I am all about clean and healthy eating, real exceptions, exercise and work out routines that fit you. It's about a life style change not a diet.
    About me: I am 43 yrs old still have 115 lbs to lose, have already lost 37 lbs in about 3 months. I love food and love to cook, I am always sharing healthy recipes and hints and tips. I am a mother of 5, 3 of my own and 2 step children. We are on a tight budget so we all pretty much eat the same things. I do not judge, we are all on a journey and this road isn't easy. I wish you all much success with your journey.
  • ronbegbie
    ronbegbie Posts: 4 Member
    I am a newbie here and looking for a mentor. I have around 100lbs to lose. I have previously lost 150 pounds but gained 100 again. I need someone to help me with advice on nutrition and exercise and help keep me motivated. I really want to change my habits and routine once and for all and live a healthy lifestyle
  • Stayhuman853
    Stayhuman853 Posts: 13 Member
    24 y o female. HW 139, CW 130, GW 122. I've been doing pretty well by myself but would love a mentor/someone to talk to.

    Is anyone a RUNNER? I would love help with that as I am training for my first 5k and would love any and all advice. Add me!
  • loxoli
    loxoli Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I'm looking for a mentor who has experience losing weight while breastfeeding. I don't have heaps to lose but I'm having a hard time working out how to reduce calories and maintain my milk supply. For exercise, I do interval running, yoga and a bit of Crossfit. Please PM if you think you can help!
  • jasondinger
    jasondinger Posts: 32 Member
    edited June 2015
    I could use a mentor. As usual, I jumped in to this without knowing what I was doing, but have managed to somehow drop 20(ish) pounds so far.
    I have a great sense of humor and I love people. I am very easy going, but can be a real smart a** sometimes. I am very motivated and very driven. I don't do anything halfway.
    I am 40yrs old, and have three kiddos. I work two jobs and go to school, so my time is at a real premium. I have been working out five days per week for about an hour per day (running and lifting and planking mostly) and its work for me so far, but I think my diet is probably too strict, because I am hungry all the time.
  • stef156
    stef156 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm looking for a mentor or even just friends on here. I'm looking to lose about 45 lbs but have multiple autoimmune conditions that are impeding weight loss (hypothroidism, RA, etc.) as well as a bunch of dietary restrictions due to allergies, so any help/encouragement/advise is always welcome!
  • dandytea88
    dandytea88 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm looking for a mentor to help as well. I'm 27 years old and I'm a stay at home wife to a husband with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and mom to a beautiful little girl with moderate Autism so days are often tiresome and stressful. I'm an introvert by nature but I'm not looking for a drill Sargent :) I weigh 213 and am hoping to one day getting down to 175 and then further down to 150!
  • slikorify
    slikorify Posts: 130 Member
    edited June 2015
    • 21 Years old
    • Male
    • From the UK
    • Started at 323lbs (first time I weighed myself, probably a bit more before that since I'd been trying to eat less before)
    • Now at 188lbs = 135lbs lost
    • Not at goal yet

    What I can offer
    Hey! Willing to help anyone that feels like they need help or support from somebody like me. Been at this for over a year and a half and faced a lot of problems through the time, so hopefully I can help people trying to overcome similar problems. Obviously I'd probably be more help to people similar to me, but am willing to try to help anyone. I'm online pretty much every day, so easy to contact me. I go to the gym most days, although I didn't do that for most of my weight loss, took me a long time to get the confidence to actually go. Most of what I ate for the majority of my weight loss was simple and easy to make food. Used to really hate having to prepare anything so I just found out the easiest ways to get my body what it needs, so if you're like that then I can probably help you with some ideas. Now I'm starting to learn to cook a bit more, but still nothing too complex haha. Through my whole weightloss I've also been a student at university, so have been drinking at least once a week and not had too much money to spend on fitness, so have also found different ways to work around those problems

    Thanks for reading, feel free to message me if you would like me as a mentor, will reply to it as soon as I can! :)

  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    I'm volunteering to be a mentor for one newbie!

    I recently graduated for the second time, and I understand the weight gain that can come with college. I've been on MFP for 4 years now, and only started taking it seriously in March of 2014. I started my current 450+ day stint at 150lbs, and currently am around 123lbs. My original goal was 115 (my high school weight), but my final goal is most likely going to be close to the 120s. Since I'm near the end of my journey, I'm gauging my "stop" point by how I feel, rather than focusing on a number. I will eventually transition to a lifting program to get some muscle!

    I started MFP in 2011 on 2lb/week, 1,200/day, and using inflated calorie burns through the website and gym machines. I've learned now in 2015 that 2lb/week is not appropriate for everyone's weight loss goals, that online estimates/machines can only guess, and I like eating. I've been doing around .5lb/week since I started in March 2014, and I've created a sustainable lifestyle for myself that has allowed me to keep the weight I lost off.

    Like OwlHouse, I follow CICO, moderation, and believe nothing should be blacklisted unless you have a medical reason to do so. I log my food (even the days I go over), and am pretty active here on the forums, and with my friend's list. I'm looking to mentor someone who is open to constructive feedback, and is willing to learn sustainable changes for themselves through healthy calorie nets, asking questions, and being active on this site. I would like to mentor someone with an open diary; not to judge your foods, but to steal meal ideas, and to make sure you're staying on track with your goals, and to point out anything that might hinder your progress (eg: not weighing food).

    Please send me a message with your fitness goals and why you're looking for a mentor. Thanks!
  • justjoanne7
    justjoanne7 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a "pseudo newbie" - I've been on MFP on and off for a few years. I started my weight loss journey probably around 4 years ago on Weight Watchers, dropped about 30lbs, fell off the wagon and gained it all back. In 2013, I was about 230lbs and as heavy as I was at 9mos pregnant. I started the Paleo diet, working out (Shaun T's T25), and the weight fell off. Between April of '13 and August of '13 I was down to about 198. Right now I hover around 210, and I want to drop down to my healthy weight range close to 140. I know, it's a long way to go, and I struggle when I don't see instant results. Plus, I love food.

    Right now I am logging everything I eat, trying to stay away from bread/pasta/etc. I am working out 5-6 days a week, on my own combination of beach body workouts and gym classes (kettlebells/zumba), and track my steps on fitbit.

    It would really be great to have some guidance with someone who has been "sorta" paleo - as I see that high protein/veggies/fruit (clean eating) and low carb seems to work for me.

  • mrsbeccacompton89
    mrsbeccacompton89 Posts: 130 Member
    I'm new and would like to be adopted. Need help losing pregnancy weight from all four of my kids lol Just had my last one a month ago :)
  • laurrosk
    laurrosk Posts: 3 Member
    I am looking for a mentor. I am new to the MFP community and need the motivation. I work an office job so a lot of sitting and need to get my butt moving. Plus I am look for a way to eat better and learn the right way to portion. Thanks!
  • xmikeyw
    xmikeyw Posts: 67 Member
    Help i keep starting and then not following through need to lose a lot of weight not happy with my fat XXL self, Mike
    Who can help me and kick me???
  • mgonyer123
    mgonyer123 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm looking for a mentor! I have about 49lbs left to lose. I'm 31 and pretty dedicated to becoming healthier for my kids (namely my oldest who is sadly following my unhealthy path)

    I'd like some one who knows about strength training (to a degree nothing fancy) and has no problem looking at my diary and telling me what um doing right AND wrong!

    Let's do this!
  • kailyface
    kailyface Posts: 7 Member
    I'd be happy to volunteer!

    My name is Kaily! I'm more geared towards losing inches than pounds, so I don't know how many pounds I've lost. Over my years of getting fit I have dropped about 4 pant sizes and about 15 inches overall. I'm still working at it and learning every day. I'd love to share my knowledge with others!
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