Anyone else ever find eating tedious?



  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    bpetrosky wrote: »
    You sound like a friend of mine who has been doing the Soylent thing.

    Personally, I've gotten good enough at preparing my own food that i look forward to my meals. Even if I eat the same thing over several days, I don't find it tedious. I've also started keeping snacks that are portioned in a way that it helps avoid mindless munching.

    HAHA! My hubby's geek friends love the stuff. They're bonkers.

    But I used to eat only twice a day.

  • DangerousDUCK
    DangerousDUCK Posts: 181 Member
    I actually really enjoy food and eating, I think my son is like yourself, he has always seen eating as a chore that is necessary rather than something he looks forward too.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited June 2015
    Not eating, no, but I find cleaning after cooking tedious. To the point that sometimes I eat things just because they take 1 less pot to make than the thing I'd rather have.

    And sometimes I'm amazed at how much food is required to keep humans going. We're an expensive species.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    Nakeshia88 wrote: »
    bpetrosky wrote: »

    Basically a "food replacement" drink. Personally, not something I've tried and not really interested in for a day-to-day thing. I did consider it as a "diagnostic" tool since you could theoretically measure out a nearly exact level of calories for a period of time.

    Someone sent me a link to a podcast where the hosts tried it for a time. The big thing they noted: it gave them really bad gas...

    Sounds even worse than not eating to me! I guess I just get fed up because foods that are 'safe' for me for a time can suddenly change and start giving me horrific issues. It's a never ending guessing game and no matter how 'clean' or simply I eat I still have issues.

    If you have IBS, it could be that you can be fine with small amounts of some triggers or in combination with particular foods but not others. Try an elimination diet? (If you have IBS)
  • Nakeshia88
    Nakeshia88 Posts: 119 Member
    I was diagnosed with IBS about 6 years ago, currently doing my second round of a low FODMAP diet, it's not helping with the feeling of tedium as it takes so much more planning and effort to prepare meals!
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    If you stick it out, you'll have some answers to work with, and that will be less tedious. Sorry it's frustrating :(
  • faithyang
    faithyang Posts: 297 Member
    Nakeshia88 wrote: »
    Some days I wish that humans didn't have to eat so often during the day... How awesome would it be if we only had to eat once a day?!

    Maybe it's because I have so many digestion issues, but some days I just find eating tedious and almost stressful... especially when I unintentionally over-eat, it makes me quite distressed afterwards having to pull through the various symptoms that over-eating causes. I'm prone to mindless eating (such as eating in front of the TV or computer), it's something I need to work on... I wish I could be one of those people that only eat when they are hungry and savour every mouthful!

    Anyone else ever feel this way about eating?

    So why don't you eat once a day then? You can literally eat pretty much whatever you want so long as its not a 10 course meal and 2 pints of Ben & Jerrys.

    People yap on too much about the whole 5 meals 2 snacks cauliflower rice sweet potato Paleo <insert food fad> puree religion as though that "lifestyle" existed before computers and facebook and everyone were Jabba the Hutts.

    As long as you have your meat, fruit and veg for the nutrients (or/and supplement with multivitamins to make up for the loss) diet really doesn't have to be some regimental military drill.

    My husband has horrible digestion and stomach problems but he still eats and makes his diet work for him in the way that he feels comfortable so he can enjoy food - even if it means 3 meals a day, or 1. Do what works for you so long as its reasonably healthy and not dysfunctional, its the best way to be consistent and work up a long-term habit for weight loss.
  • Nakeshia88
    Nakeshia88 Posts: 119 Member
    faithyang wrote: »
    Nakeshia88 wrote: »
    Some days I wish that humans didn't have to eat so often during the day... How awesome would it be if we only had to eat once a day?!

    Maybe it's because I have so many digestion issues, but some days I just find eating tedious and almost stressful... especially when I unintentionally over-eat, it makes me quite distressed afterwards having to pull through the various symptoms that over-eating causes. I'm prone to mindless eating (such as eating in front of the TV or computer), it's something I need to work on... I wish I could be one of those people that only eat when they are hungry and savour every mouthful!

    Anyone else ever feel this way about eating?

    So why don't you eat once a day then? You can literally eat pretty much whatever you want so long as its not a 10 course meal and 2 pints of Ben & Jerrys.

    People yap on too much about the whole 5 meals 2 snacks cauliflower rice sweet potato Paleo <insert food fad> puree religion as though that "lifestyle" existed before computers and facebook and everyone were Jabba the Hutts.

    As long as you have your meat, fruit and veg for the nutrients (or/and supplement with multivitamins to make up for the loss) diet really doesn't have to be some regimental military drill.

    My husband has horrible digestion and stomach problems but he still eats and makes his diet work for him in the way that he feels comfortable so he can enjoy food - even if it means 3 meals a day, or 1. Do what works for you so long as its reasonably healthy and not dysfunctional, its the best way to be consistent and work up a long-term habit for weight loss.

    That would never work for me as I also have low blood pressure, I need to eat regularly to stop myself from fainting. I'm the queen of invisible illnesses :-)

  • lesliezimmer
    lesliezimmer Posts: 85 Member
    With how much I eat you wouldn't believe it, but I agree with the tedious part. I LOVE to cook, I could cook for hours on end and prepare food for tons of people with joy and energy... but then when it comes to eating that food, I definitely don't find the same joy. It's more okay, pile a bunch on my plate and I'll wolf it down.

    My bf has actually commented that I eat way too fast, and I'm not enjoying my food (and as a result I eat too much in one portion) and he's right. I don't enjoy eating. I just do it because I'm pretty sure I'm hungry and that's what I have to do to stay alive.

    Cooking though... oh my I love it. Such joy, enjoyment, and fulfillment in cooking meals.