keto low carb refeed question



  • AlexEtheridge1996
    AlexEtheridge1996 Posts: 65 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    That's what I thought.

    I generally am pretty suspect of those who hide their research under a rock.
    Right, "Ketosis has a protein-sparing effect, assuming that you are consuming adequate quantities of protein and calories—0.7 grams per pound of body weight per day—in the first place.1 Once in ketosis, the body actually prefers ketones to glucose. Since the body has copious quantities of fat, this means there is no need to oxidize protein to generate glucose through gluconeogenesis."

    Theres some information i thought of when making my point. As i said previously, people should do there own research and decide themselves on whether they believe or refute the idea. The internet is full of contradictory information
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    Alex I've been wanting to know this as well! Some have said that they can have a carb refeed and never leave ketosis, but how can that be possible IMO.

    I'm in day 4 of keto and absolutely love it! Totally blunts my appetite and I don't feel tired at all. In fact, when I eat carbs I feel sleepy and it doesn't help my performance at all.
    good to hear someone else has the same query. I believe someone above partially answered my question by saying "The leptin increase and glycogen refill can only come from overfeeding carbs."
    I also dont know how one can carb refeed (fill glycogen stores) and still stay in ketosis?

    Well if you understood the principles of ketosis and a ketogenic diet, then you'd know you can't stay in ketosis whilst refeeding large amounts of carbohydrates.
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    Sure. I have no idea where you got that info from or how flawed the research might be that spawned it.

    I get it. You don't have research. You just believe something to be true. Cool. You are like everyone else on the internet. Good day sir.
    Ofc he has no research. He's fell for the bro-science stuff with keto diets. It was evident when I was questioning him on the first page about CICO vs low carb and 'fat adaption'.
    shell1005 wrote: »
    That's what I thought.

    I generally am pretty suspect of those who hide their research under a rock.
    Right, "Ketosis has a protein-sparing effect, assuming that you are consuming adequate quantities of protein and calories—0.7 grams per pound of body weight per day—in the first place.1 Once in ketosis, the body actually prefers ketones to glucose. Since the body has copious quantities of fat, this means there is no need to oxidize protein to generate glucose through gluconeogenesis."

    Theres some information i thought of when making my point. As i said previously, people should do there own research and decide themselves on whether they believe or refute the idea. The internet is full of contradictory information

  • AlexEtheridge1996
    AlexEtheridge1996 Posts: 65 Member
    edited June 2015
    I have personally experienced greater fat loss(not referring to weight loss) during ketosis on a low carb diet, than on a high carb diet with a larger deficit. Hence why im wondering whether it would be optimal to stay in ketosis, and refeed low carbs (increase calories and fat, rather than calories and carbs)

    If you're just looking at the scale, that will most definitely water weight coming off. Low carb diets do that.

    Going low carb doesn't make you lose any more weight than eating a balanced diet whilst counting calories...

    I have body fat scales, i think i know what has worked better. It depends what you call a balanced diet, but eating 'clean' yet having high carbs was not as successful as doing keto, for body fat specifically.
    I have personally experienced greater fat loss(not referring to weight loss) during ketosis on a low carb diet, than on a high carb diet with a larger deficit. Hence why im wondering whether it would be optimal to stay in ketosis, and refeed low carbs (increase calories and fat, rather than calories and carbs)

    If you're just looking at the scale, that will most definitely water weight coming off. Low carb diets do that.

    Going low carb doesn't make you lose any more weight than eating a balanced diet whilst counting calories...
    i did specify i was not referring to weight loss. Have you tried low carb/ketogenic diet?

    Yes, I have tried a ketogenic diet in the past. I didn't particularly like it because it restricted foods that I liked to eat.

    If you're eating at the same caloric deficit on a balanced diet and a low carb diet, there isn't any reason for any extra fat loss on the low carb. Correct?

    it depends how long you did it for, how low you had carbs and whether you actually became fat adapted.

    Balanced diet is very vague, but i, and many others have experienced greater fat loss on a low carb (under 30g) ketogenic diet.

    i would personally say incorrect. You cant argue with a body basically running on fat as a constant energy source (fully adapted). If someone consumes say 200g of carbs a day, one would first use the carbs consumed as energy, and then look for others sources (glycogen, fat, muscle etc)

    So with the keto diet, does your body use your fat intake (because you ramp it up), or does it use bodyfat? I've never truly understood that concept.

    the body becomes fat adapted; it starts to burn fat as a fuel at rest and during exercise. Where as one on a high carb diet would mainly burn glycogen, and rarely tap into fat storage

    And how does a caloric deficit play into that then, if carbs are burned instead of fat?
    if one is in a deficit, they will (or should) lose weight as they're not eating enough to maintain their weight. However i think the difference is on a ketogenic diet is that because there are no carbs/glycogen, and the body adaps to burning fat efficiency (not glycogen), therefore the deficit on a keto diet goes solely towards burning fat.

    a lot of people stall on high carb low fat diets. What do they then do? Lower and lower their intake..

    But you're meant to consume <60g carbs on a ketogenic diet, right? So if I didn't bother counting calories on a ketogenic diet and I ate abundantly, I would lose weight because the body is fat adapted?

    No, you still need a deficit. Thats where the fat/muscle or weight loss occurs.

    Then wouldn't that mean with a ketogenic diet and a caloric deficit wouldn't yield any larger fat loss than a non ketogenic diet and a caloric deficit?

    You know it all boils down to calories, not low carbing or high carbing.

    I just explained how one who is fat adapted will burn more fat in a deficit than someone who has a high card diet. Once the body uses energy from food, it looks for other sources. Fat adapted individuals use fat, where as other would not. Also weight loss is not always fat loss

    Any studies to back that up? I'm intrigued.

    can you please do your own research and decide whether you agree? Continue to drink your coke and have sugary and carby krave for breakfast, but if you think iifym is as good as a clean/balanced diet youre wrong. Also, research about carb blood sugar spike and the effect of insulin (promotes fat storage)

    No need to get hostile.

    Sorry but you have claimed to of tried a keto diet, yet you think its 60g and under carbs(under 30 optimal) and you dont understand it's principles

    Then you'd know the carbohydrate range varies from 20-100g of carbs as slipping into a state of ketosis is different for everybody. And yes, I do understand it's principles.

    You lower your carbohydrate intake to a level where you are in ketosis, i.e 60g carbohydrates.
    You have a moderate protein intake to prevent yourself from slipping into a state of gluconeogenesis (I'm still reading up on this, but I reckon it takes a lot of protein for this to happen).
    You increase your fat intake, as this is supposedly what is used for fuel instead of carbohydrates as well as to keep yourself satiated. But then, you weren't clear on whether body fat or dietary fat was used for fuel when you become 'fat adapted'. A
    dietary fat will be used first as the body will at least burn the calories you eat. The deficit you create from what you eat and what your burn will determine the fat loss. Unless anyone can better explain it?
    I have personally experienced greater fat loss(not referring to weight loss) during ketosis on a low carb diet, than on a high carb diet with a larger deficit. Hence why im wondering whether it would be optimal to stay in ketosis, and refeed low carbs (increase calories and fat, rather than calories and carbs)

    If you're just looking at the scale, that will most definitely water weight coming off. Low carb diets do that.

    Going low carb doesn't make you lose any more weight than eating a balanced diet whilst counting calories...

    I have body fat scales, i think i know what has worked better. It depends what you call a balanced diet, but eating 'clean' yet having high carbs was not as successful as doing keto, for body fat specifically.
    I have personally experienced greater fat loss(not referring to weight loss) during ketosis on a low carb diet, than on a high carb diet with a larger deficit. Hence why im wondering whether it would be optimal to stay in ketosis, and refeed low carbs (increase calories and fat, rather than calories and carbs)

    If you're just looking at the scale, that will most definitely water weight coming off. Low carb diets do that.

    Going low carb doesn't make you lose any more weight than eating a balanced diet whilst counting calories...
    i did specify i was not referring to weight loss. Have you tried low carb/ketogenic diet?

    Yes, I have tried a ketogenic diet in the past. I didn't particularly like it because it restricted foods that I liked to eat.

    If you're eating at the same caloric deficit on a balanced diet and a low carb diet, there isn't any reason for any extra fat loss on the low carb. Correct?

    it depends how long you did it for, how low you had carbs and whether you actually became fat adapted.

    Balanced diet is very vague, but i, and many others have experienced greater fat loss on a low carb (under 30g) ketogenic diet.

    i would personally say incorrect. You cant argue with a body basically running on fat as a constant energy source (fully adapted). If someone consumes say 200g of carbs a day, one would first use the carbs consumed as energy, and then look for others sources (glycogen, fat, muscle etc)

    So with the keto diet, does your body use your fat intake (because you ramp it up), or does it use bodyfat? I've never truly understood that concept.

    the body becomes fat adapted; it starts to burn fat as a fuel at rest and during exercise. Where as one on a high carb diet would mainly burn glycogen, and rarely tap into fat storage

    And how does a caloric deficit play into that then, if carbs are burned instead of fat?
    if one is in a deficit, they will (or should) lose weight as they're not eating enough to maintain their weight. However i think the difference is on a ketogenic diet is that because there are no carbs/glycogen, and the body adaps to burning fat efficiency (not glycogen), therefore the deficit on a keto diet goes solely towards burning fat.

    a lot of people stall on high carb low fat diets. What do they then do? Lower and lower their intake..

    Right, I totally understand the caloric deficit thing. I just don't get why low carbing would give you bigger fat loss if the caloric deficit is the
    same? If your body uses dietary fat?
    if your body is forced to use the dietary fat from food as its main energy source it begins to become fat adapted right. Well after it has consumed and used all energy from food, it will look to use another source of energy. Because a keto dietor will be fat adapted because the bodys using dietary fat for energy, it is more readily able to then burn stored body fat as energy. However a high carbers body will first use carbs(from foo as energy, then deplete glycogen stores and even then there bodys arent adapted well to burning fat as energy = could account for lower levels of fat loss(not weight loss as this can be muscle)

  • AlexEtheridge1996
    AlexEtheridge1996 Posts: 65 Member
    edited June 2015
    Alex I've been wanting to know this as well! Some have said that they can have a carb refeed and never leave ketosis, but how can that be possible IMO.

    I'm in day 4 of keto and absolutely love it! Totally blunts my appetite and I don't feel tired at all. In fact, when I eat carbs I feel sleepy and it doesn't help my performance at all.
    good to hear someone else has the same query. I believe someone above partially answered my question by saying "The leptin increase and glycogen refill can only come from overfeeding carbs."
    I also dont know how one can carb refeed (fill glycogen stores) and still stay in ketosis?

    Well if you understood the principles of ketosis and a ketogenic diet, then you'd know you can't stay in ketosis whilst refeeding large amounts of carbohydrates.
    I said i dont know how one could possibly stay in ketosis during a reefed. I was agreeing with the person i quoted saying that i had no idea how it would be possible. .

  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    I have personally experienced greater fat loss(not referring to weight loss) during ketosis on a low carb diet, than on a high carb diet with a larger deficit. Hence why im wondering whether it would be optimal to stay in ketosis, and refeed low carbs (increase calories and fat, rather than calories and carbs)

    If you're just looking at the scale, that will most definitely water weight coming off. Low carb diets do that.

    Going low carb doesn't make you lose any more weight than eating a balanced diet whilst counting calories...

    I have body fat scales, i think i know what has worked better. It depends what you call a balanced diet, but eating 'clean' yet having high carbs was not as successful as doing keto, for body fat specifically.
    I have personally experienced greater fat loss(not referring to weight loss) during ketosis on a low carb diet, than on a high carb diet with a larger deficit. Hence why im wondering whether it would be optimal to stay in ketosis, and refeed low carbs (increase calories and fat, rather than calories and carbs)

    If you're just looking at the scale, that will most definitely water weight coming off. Low carb diets do that.

    Going low carb doesn't make you lose any more weight than eating a balanced diet whilst counting calories...
    i did specify i was not referring to weight loss. Have you tried low carb/ketogenic diet?

    Yes, I have tried a ketogenic diet in the past. I didn't particularly like it because it restricted foods that I liked to eat.

    If you're eating at the same caloric deficit on a balanced diet and a low carb diet, there isn't any reason for any extra fat loss on the low carb. Correct?

    it depends how long you did it for, how low you had carbs and whether you actually became fat adapted.

    Balanced diet is very vague, but i, and many others have experienced greater fat loss on a low carb (under 30g) ketogenic diet.

    i would personally say incorrect. You cant argue with a body basically running on fat as a constant energy source (fully adapted). If someone consumes say 200g of carbs a day, one would first use the carbs consumed as energy, and then look for others sources (glycogen, fat, muscle etc)

    So with the keto diet, does your body use your fat intake (because you ramp it up), or does it use bodyfat? I've never truly understood that concept.

    the body becomes fat adapted; it starts to burn fat as a fuel at rest and during exercise. Where as one on a high carb diet would mainly burn glycogen, and rarely tap into fat storage

    And how does a caloric deficit play into that then, if carbs are burned instead of fat?
    if one is in a deficit, they will (or should) lose weight as they're not eating enough to maintain their weight. However i think the difference is on a ketogenic diet is that because there are no carbs/glycogen, and the body adaps to burning fat efficiency (not glycogen), therefore the deficit on a keto diet goes solely towards burning fat.

    a lot of people stall on high carb low fat diets. What do they then do? Lower and lower their intake..

    But you're meant to consume <60g carbs on a ketogenic diet, right? So if I didn't bother counting calories on a ketogenic diet and I ate abundantly, I would lose weight because the body is fat adapted?

    No, you still need a deficit. Thats where the fat/muscle or weight loss occurs.

    Then wouldn't that mean with a ketogenic diet and a caloric deficit wouldn't yield any larger fat loss than a non ketogenic diet and a caloric deficit?

    You know it all boils down to calories, not low carbing or high carbing.

    I just explained how one who is fat adapted will burn more fat in a deficit than someone who has a high card diet. Once the body uses energy from food, it looks for other sources. Fat adapted individuals use fat, where as other would not. Also weight loss is not always fat loss

    Any studies to back that up? I'm intrigued.

    can you please do your own research and decide whether you agree? Continue to drink your coke and have sugary and carby krave for breakfast, but if you think iifym is as good as a clean/balanced diet youre wrong. Also, research about carb blood sugar spike and the effect of insulin (promotes fat storage)

    No need to get hostile.

    Sorry but you have claimed to of tried a keto diet, yet you think its 60g and under carbs(under 30 optimal) and you dont understand it's principles

    Then you'd know the carbohydrate range varies from 20-100g of carbs as slipping into a state of ketosis is different for everybody. And yes, I do understand it's principles.

    You lower your carbohydrate intake to a level where you are in ketosis, i.e 60g carbohydrates.
    You have a moderate protein intake to prevent yourself from slipping into a state of gluconeogenesis (I'm still reading up on this, but I reckon it takes a lot of protein for this to happen).
    You increase your fat intake, as this is supposedly what is used for fuel instead of carbohydrates as well as to keep yourself satiated. But then, you weren't clear on whether body fat or dietary fat was used for fuel when you become 'fat adapted'. A
    dietary fat will be used first as the body will at least burn the calories you eat. The deficit you create from what you eat and what your burn will determine the fat loss. Unless anyone can better explain it?
    I have personally experienced greater fat loss(not referring to weight loss) during ketosis on a low carb diet, than on a high carb diet with a larger deficit. Hence why im wondering whether it would be optimal to stay in ketosis, and refeed low carbs (increase calories and fat, rather than calories and carbs)

    If you're just looking at the scale, that will most definitely water weight coming off. Low carb diets do that.

    Going low carb doesn't make you lose any more weight than eating a balanced diet whilst counting calories...

    I have body fat scales, i think i know what has worked better. It depends what you call a balanced diet, but eating 'clean' yet having high carbs was not as successful as doing keto, for body fat specifically.
    I have personally experienced greater fat loss(not referring to weight loss) during ketosis on a low carb diet, than on a high carb diet with a larger deficit. Hence why im wondering whether it would be optimal to stay in ketosis, and refeed low carbs (increase calories and fat, rather than calories and carbs)

    If you're just looking at the scale, that will most definitely water weight coming off. Low carb diets do that.

    Going low carb doesn't make you lose any more weight than eating a balanced diet whilst counting calories...
    i did specify i was not referring to weight loss. Have you tried low carb/ketogenic diet?

    Yes, I have tried a ketogenic diet in the past. I didn't particularly like it because it restricted foods that I liked to eat.

    If you're eating at the same caloric deficit on a balanced diet and a low carb diet, there isn't any reason for any extra fat loss on the low carb. Correct?

    it depends how long you did it for, how low you had carbs and whether you actually became fat adapted.

    Balanced diet is very vague, but i, and many others have experienced greater fat loss on a low carb (under 30g) ketogenic diet.

    i would personally say incorrect. You cant argue with a body basically running on fat as a constant energy source (fully adapted). If someone consumes say 200g of carbs a day, one would first use the carbs consumed as energy, and then look for others sources (glycogen, fat, muscle etc)

    So with the keto diet, does your body use your fat intake (because you ramp it up), or does it use bodyfat? I've never truly understood that concept.

    the body becomes fat adapted; it starts to burn fat as a fuel at rest and during exercise. Where as one on a high carb diet would mainly burn glycogen, and rarely tap into fat storage

    And how does a caloric deficit play into that then, if carbs are burned instead of fat?
    if one is in a deficit, they will (or should) lose weight as they're not eating enough to maintain their weight. However i think the difference is on a ketogenic diet is that because there are no carbs/glycogen, and the body adaps to burning fat efficiency (not glycogen), therefore the deficit on a keto diet goes solely towards burning fat.

    a lot of people stall on high carb low fat diets. What do they then do? Lower and lower their intake..

    Right, I totally understand the caloric deficit thing. I just don't get why low carbing would give you bigger fat loss if the caloric deficit is the
    same? If your body uses dietary fat?
    if your body is forced to use the dietary fat from food as its main energy source it begins to become fat adapted right. Well after it has consumed and used all energy from food, it will look to use another source of energy. Because a keto dietor will be fat adapted because the bodys using dietary fat for energy, it is more readily able to then burn stored body fat as energy. However a high carbers body will first use carbs(from foo as energy, then deplete glycogen stores and even then there bodys arent adapted well to burning fat as energy = could account for lower levels of fat loss(not weight loss as this can be muscle)

    OP the thing you're forgetting is that the body uses fat and carbohydrates as energy whether you're low carbing or not. It even uses protein in dire situations. But think about this, if it was fat adapted, that means there'd have to be 0 carbohydrates coming in, otherwise it'd try and use those 30g of carbs you get daily on a keto diet?

    You literally have no idea what you're talking about.
  • Ocrgrrrl
    Ocrgrrrl Posts: 189 Member
    To be fair, you can find legitimate evidence for both sides because we're not all robot people whose bodies lose weight the same way. Just because he's not posting research and evidence that you deem legitimate does not mean that keto doesn't work for everyone.
  • AlexEtheridge1996
    AlexEtheridge1996 Posts: 65 Member
    edited June 2015
    shell1005 wrote: »
    Sure. I have no idea where you got that info from or how flawed the research might be that spawned it.

    I get it. You don't have research. You just believe something to be true. Cool. You are like everyone else on the internet. Good day sir.
    I didnt say it was right, or if i was right. I said its -apparently- got a muscle sparing quality.

    Once again, do your own research, im not saying mines right
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    edited June 2015
    shell1005 wrote: »
    Sure. I have no idea where you got that info from or how flawed the research might be that spawned it.

    I get it. You don't have research. You just believe something to be true. Cool. You are like everyone else on the internet. Good day sir.
    I didnt say it was right, or if i was right. I said its -apparently- got a muscle sparing quality.

    Once again, do your own research, im not saying mines right

    That is heavily ironic seeing as you just called @shell1005 something pretty rude.
  • AlexEtheridge1996
    AlexEtheridge1996 Posts: 65 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    shell1005 wrote: »
    Sure. I have no idea where you got that info from or how flawed the research might be that spawned it.

    I get it. You don't have research. You just believe something to be true. Cool. You are like everyone else on the internet. Good day sir.
    Ofc he has no research. He's fell for the bro-science stuff with keto diets. It was evident when I was questioning him on the first page about CICO vs low carb and 'fat adaption'.

    Seems so. I do low carb, but I don't think it does anything magic except for helping me get the easiest way possible to a CICO deficit.

    I always am asking people for their research or where their beliefs come from though. It's for a couple reasons. I want to see if the belief behind someone's diet is based in science and where that science came from. Secondly, I am interested in learning. I can't believe the wonky, bunk science stuff I used to believe. The internet is just spewing with the sludge.
    How low carb are you doing and for how long have you consistently kept your 'low' carbing?

  • AlexEtheridge1996
    AlexEtheridge1996 Posts: 65 Member
    Ofc he has no research. He's fell for the bro-science stuff with keto diets. It was evident when I was questioning him on the first page about CICO vs low carb and 'fat adaption'.
    shell1005 wrote: »
    That's what I thought.

    I generally am pretty suspect of those who hide their research under a rock.
    Right, "Ketosis has a protein-sparing effect, assuming that you are consuming adequate quantities of protein and calories—0.7 grams per pound of body weight per day—in the first place.1 Once in ketosis, the body actually prefers ketones to glucose. Since the body has copious quantities of fat, this means there is no need to oxidize protein to generate glucose through gluconeogenesis."

    Theres some information i thought of when making my point. As i said previously, people should do there own research and decide themselves on whether they believe or refute the idea. The internet is full of contradictory information

    I have personally experienced greater fat loss(not referring to weight loss) during ketosis on a low carb diet, than on a high carb diet with a larger deficit. Hence why im wondering whether it would be optimal to stay in ketosis, and refeed low carbs (increase calories and fat, rather than calories and carbs)

    If you're just looking at the scale, that will most definitely water weight coming off. Low carb diets do that.

    Going low carb doesn't make you lose any more weight than eating a balanced diet whilst counting calories...

    I have body fat scales, i think i know what has worked better. It depends what you call a balanced diet, but eating 'clean' yet having high carbs was not as successful as doing keto, for body fat specifically.
    I have personally experienced greater fat loss(not referring to weight loss) during ketosis on a low carb diet, than on a high carb diet with a larger deficit. Hence why im wondering whether it would be optimal to stay in ketosis, and refeed low carbs (increase calories and fat, rather than calories and carbs)

    If you're just looking at the scale, that will most definitely water weight coming off. Low carb diets do that.

    Going low carb doesn't make you lose any more weight than eating a balanced diet whilst counting calories...
    i did specify i was not referring to weight loss. Have you tried low carb/ketogenic diet?

    Yes, I have tried a ketogenic diet in the past. I didn't particularly like it because it restricted foods that I liked to eat.

    If you're eating at the same caloric deficit on a balanced diet and a low carb diet, there isn't any reason for any extra fat loss on the low carb. Correct?

    it depends how long you did it for, how low you had carbs and whether you actually became fat adapted.

    Balanced diet is very vague, but i, and many others have experienced greater fat loss on a low carb (under 30g) ketogenic diet.

    i would personally say incorrect. You cant argue with a body basically running on fat as a constant energy source (fully adapted). If someone consumes say 200g of carbs a day, one would first use the carbs consumed as energy, and then look for others sources (glycogen, fat, muscle etc)

    So with the keto diet, does your body use your fat intake (because you ramp it up), or does it use bodyfat? I've never truly understood that concept.

    the body becomes fat adapted; it starts to burn fat as a fuel at rest and during exercise. Where as one on a high carb diet would mainly burn glycogen, and rarely tap into fat storage

    And how does a caloric deficit play into that then, if carbs are burned instead of fat?
    if one is in a deficit, they will (or should) lose weight as they're not eating enough to maintain their weight. However i think the difference is on a ketogenic diet is that because there are no carbs/glycogen, and the body adaps to burning fat efficiency (not glycogen), therefore the deficit on a keto diet goes solely towards burning fat.

    a lot of people stall on high carb low fat diets. What do they then do? Lower and lower their intake..

    But you're meant to consume <60g carbs on a ketogenic diet, right? So if I didn't bother counting calories on a ketogenic diet and I ate abundantly, I would lose weight because the body is fat adapted?

    No, you still need a deficit. Thats where the fat/muscle or weight loss occurs.

    Then wouldn't that mean with a ketogenic diet and a caloric deficit wouldn't yield any larger fat loss than a non ketogenic diet and a caloric deficit?

    You know it all boils down to calories, not low carbing or high carbing.

    I just explained how one who is fat adapted will burn more fat in a deficit than someone who has a high card diet. Once the body uses energy from food, it looks for other sources. Fat adapted individuals use fat, where as other would not. Also weight loss is not always fat loss

    Any studies to back that up? I'm intrigued.

    can you please do your own research and decide whether you agree? Continue to drink your coke and have sugary and carby krave for breakfast, but if you think iifym is as good as a clean/balanced diet youre wrong. Also, research about carb blood sugar spike and the effect of insulin (promotes fat storage)

    No need to get hostile.

    Sorry but you have claimed to of tried a keto diet, yet you think its 60g and under carbs(under 30 optimal) and you dont understand it's principles

    Then you'd know the carbohydrate range varies from 20-100g of carbs as slipping into a state of ketosis is different for everybody. And yes, I do understand it's principles.

    You lower your carbohydrate intake to a level where you are in ketosis, i.e 60g carbohydrates.
    You have a moderate protein intake to prevent yourself from slipping into a state of gluconeogenesis (I'm still reading up on this, but I reckon it takes a lot of protein for this to happen).
    You increase your fat intake, as this is supposedly what is used for fuel instead of carbohydrates as well as to keep yourself satiated. But then, you weren't clear on whether body fat or dietary fat was used for fuel when you become 'fat adapted'. A
    dietary fat will be used first as the body will at least burn the calories you eat. The deficit you create from what you eat and what your burn will determine the fat loss. Unless anyone can better explain it?
    I have personally experienced greater fat loss(not referring to weight loss) during ketosis on a low carb diet, than on a high carb diet with a larger deficit. Hence why im wondering whether it would be optimal to stay in ketosis, and refeed low carbs (increase calories and fat, rather than calories and carbs)

    If you're just looking at the scale, that will most definitely water weight coming off. Low carb diets do that.

    Going low carb doesn't make you lose any more weight than eating a balanced diet whilst counting calories...

    I have body fat scales, i think i know what has worked better. It depends what you call a balanced diet, but eating 'clean' yet having high carbs was not as successful as doing keto, for body fat specifically.
    I have personally experienced greater fat loss(not referring to weight loss) during ketosis on a low carb diet, than on a high carb diet with a larger deficit. Hence why im wondering whether it would be optimal to stay in ketosis, and refeed low carbs (increase calories and fat, rather than calories and carbs)

    If you're just looking at the scale, that will most definitely water weight coming off. Low carb diets do that.

    Going low carb doesn't make you lose any more weight than eating a balanced diet whilst counting calories...
    i did specify i was not referring to weight loss. Have you tried low carb/ketogenic diet?

    Yes, I have tried a ketogenic diet in the past. I didn't particularly like it because it restricted foods that I liked to eat.

    If you're eating at the same caloric deficit on a balanced diet and a low carb diet, there isn't any reason for any extra fat loss on the low carb. Correct?

    it depends how long you did it for, how low you had carbs and whether you actually became fat adapted.

    Balanced diet is very vague, but i, and many others have experienced greater fat loss on a low carb (under 30g) ketogenic diet.

    i would personally say incorrect. You cant argue with a body basically running on fat as a constant energy source (fully adapted). If someone consumes say 200g of carbs a day, one would first use the carbs consumed as energy, and then look for others sources (glycogen, fat, muscle etc)

    So with the keto diet, does your body use your fat intake (because you ramp it up), or does it use bodyfat? I've never truly understood that concept.

    the body becomes fat adapted; it starts to burn fat as a fuel at rest and during exercise. Where as one on a high carb diet would mainly burn glycogen, and rarely tap into fat storage

    And how does a caloric deficit play into that then, if carbs are burned instead of fat?
    if one is in a deficit, they will (or should) lose weight as they're not eating enough to maintain their weight. However i think the difference is on a ketogenic diet is that because there are no carbs/glycogen, and the body adaps to burning fat efficiency (not glycogen), therefore the deficit on a keto diet goes solely towards burning fat.

    a lot of people stall on high carb low fat diets. What do they then do? Lower and lower their intake..

    Right, I totally understand the caloric deficit thing. I just don't get why low carbing would give you bigger fat loss if the caloric deficit is the
    same? If your body uses dietary fat?
    if your body is forced to use the dietary fat from food as its main energy source it begins to become fat adapted right. Well after it has consumed and used all energy from food, it will look to use another source of energy. Because a keto dietor will be fat adapted because the bodys using dietary fat for energy, it is more readily able to then burn stored body fat as energy. However a high carbers body will first use carbs(from foo as energy, then deplete glycogen stores and even then there bodys arent adapted well to burning fat as energy = could account for lower levels of fat loss(not weight loss as this can be muscle)

    OP the thing you're forgetting is that the body uses fat and carbohydrates as energy whether you're low carbing or not. It even uses protein in dire situations. But think about this, if it was fat adapted, that means there'd have to be 0 carbohydrates coming in, otherwise it'd try and use those 30g of carbs you get daily on a keto diet?

    You literally have no idea what you're talking about.
    the body uses fat not very well in the presense of carbs. Do you know what you are talking about? You can be fat adapted and have minimal carb intake? What happens when the small amount of carbs are used up quickly?

  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    Ofc he has no research. He's fell for the bro-science stuff with keto diets. It was evident when I was questioning him on the first page about CICO vs low carb and 'fat adaption'.
    shell1005 wrote: »
    That's what I thought.

    I generally am pretty suspect of those who hide their research under a rock.
    Right, "Ketosis has a protein-sparing effect, assuming that you are consuming adequate quantities of protein and calories—0.7 grams per pound of body weight per day—in the first place.1 Once in ketosis, the body actually prefers ketones to glucose. Since the body has copious quantities of fat, this means there is no need to oxidize protein to generate glucose through gluconeogenesis."

    Theres some information i thought of when making my point. As i said previously, people should do there own research and decide themselves on whether they believe or refute the idea. The internet is full of contradictory information

    I have personally experienced greater fat loss(not referring to weight loss) during ketosis on a low carb diet, than on a high carb diet with a larger deficit. Hence why im wondering whether it would be optimal to stay in ketosis, and refeed low carbs (increase calories and fat, rather than calories and carbs)

    If you're just looking at the scale, that will most definitely water weight coming off. Low carb diets do that.

    Going low carb doesn't make you lose any more weight than eating a balanced diet whilst counting calories...

    I have body fat scales, i think i know what has worked better. It depends what you call a balanced diet, but eating 'clean' yet having high carbs was not as successful as doing keto, for body fat specifically.
    I have personally experienced greater fat loss(not referring to weight loss) during ketosis on a low carb diet, than on a high carb diet with a larger deficit. Hence why im wondering whether it would be optimal to stay in ketosis, and refeed low carbs (increase calories and fat, rather than calories and carbs)

    If you're just looking at the scale, that will most definitely water weight coming off. Low carb diets do that.

    Going low carb doesn't make you lose any more weight than eating a balanced diet whilst counting calories...
    i did specify i was not referring to weight loss. Have you tried low carb/ketogenic diet?

    Yes, I have tried a ketogenic diet in the past. I didn't particularly like it because it restricted foods that I liked to eat.

    If you're eating at the same caloric deficit on a balanced diet and a low carb diet, there isn't any reason for any extra fat loss on the low carb. Correct?

    it depends how long you did it for, how low you had carbs and whether you actually became fat adapted.

    Balanced diet is very vague, but i, and many others have experienced greater fat loss on a low carb (under 30g) ketogenic diet.

    i would personally say incorrect. You cant argue with a body basically running on fat as a constant energy source (fully adapted). If someone consumes say 200g of carbs a day, one would first use the carbs consumed as energy, and then look for others sources (glycogen, fat, muscle etc)

    So with the keto diet, does your body use your fat intake (because you ramp it up), or does it use bodyfat? I've never truly understood that concept.

    the body becomes fat adapted; it starts to burn fat as a fuel at rest and during exercise. Where as one on a high carb diet would mainly burn glycogen, and rarely tap into fat storage

    And how does a caloric deficit play into that then, if carbs are burned instead of fat?
    if one is in a deficit, they will (or should) lose weight as they're not eating enough to maintain their weight. However i think the difference is on a ketogenic diet is that because there are no carbs/glycogen, and the body adaps to burning fat efficiency (not glycogen), therefore the deficit on a keto diet goes solely towards burning fat.

    a lot of people stall on high carb low fat diets. What do they then do? Lower and lower their intake..

    But you're meant to consume <60g carbs on a ketogenic diet, right? So if I didn't bother counting calories on a ketogenic diet and I ate abundantly, I would lose weight because the body is fat adapted?

    No, you still need a deficit. Thats where the fat/muscle or weight loss occurs.

    Then wouldn't that mean with a ketogenic diet and a caloric deficit wouldn't yield any larger fat loss than a non ketogenic diet and a caloric deficit?

    You know it all boils down to calories, not low carbing or high carbing.

    I just explained how one who is fat adapted will burn more fat in a deficit than someone who has a high card diet. Once the body uses energy from food, it looks for other sources. Fat adapted individuals use fat, where as other would not. Also weight loss is not always fat loss

    Any studies to back that up? I'm intrigued.

    can you please do your own research and decide whether you agree? Continue to drink your coke and have sugary and carby krave for breakfast, but if you think iifym is as good as a clean/balanced diet youre wrong. Also, research about carb blood sugar spike and the effect of insulin (promotes fat storage)

    No need to get hostile.

    Sorry but you have claimed to of tried a keto diet, yet you think its 60g and under carbs(under 30 optimal) and you dont understand it's principles

    Then you'd know the carbohydrate range varies from 20-100g of carbs as slipping into a state of ketosis is different for everybody. And yes, I do understand it's principles.

    You lower your carbohydrate intake to a level where you are in ketosis, i.e 60g carbohydrates.
    You have a moderate protein intake to prevent yourself from slipping into a state of gluconeogenesis (I'm still reading up on this, but I reckon it takes a lot of protein for this to happen).
    You increase your fat intake, as this is supposedly what is used for fuel instead of carbohydrates as well as to keep yourself satiated. But then, you weren't clear on whether body fat or dietary fat was used for fuel when you become 'fat adapted'. A
    dietary fat will be used first as the body will at least burn the calories you eat. The deficit you create from what you eat and what your burn will determine the fat loss. Unless anyone can better explain it?
    I have personally experienced greater fat loss(not referring to weight loss) during ketosis on a low carb diet, than on a high carb diet with a larger deficit. Hence why im wondering whether it would be optimal to stay in ketosis, and refeed low carbs (increase calories and fat, rather than calories and carbs)

    If you're just looking at the scale, that will most definitely water weight coming off. Low carb diets do that.

    Going low carb doesn't make you lose any more weight than eating a balanced diet whilst counting calories...

    I have body fat scales, i think i know what has worked better. It depends what you call a balanced diet, but eating 'clean' yet having high carbs was not as successful as doing keto, for body fat specifically.
    I have personally experienced greater fat loss(not referring to weight loss) during ketosis on a low carb diet, than on a high carb diet with a larger deficit. Hence why im wondering whether it would be optimal to stay in ketosis, and refeed low carbs (increase calories and fat, rather than calories and carbs)

    If you're just looking at the scale, that will most definitely water weight coming off. Low carb diets do that.

    Going low carb doesn't make you lose any more weight than eating a balanced diet whilst counting calories...
    i did specify i was not referring to weight loss. Have you tried low carb/ketogenic diet?

    Yes, I have tried a ketogenic diet in the past. I didn't particularly like it because it restricted foods that I liked to eat.

    If you're eating at the same caloric deficit on a balanced diet and a low carb diet, there isn't any reason for any extra fat loss on the low carb. Correct?

    it depends how long you did it for, how low you had carbs and whether you actually became fat adapted.

    Balanced diet is very vague, but i, and many others have experienced greater fat loss on a low carb (under 30g) ketogenic diet.

    i would personally say incorrect. You cant argue with a body basically running on fat as a constant energy source (fully adapted). If someone consumes say 200g of carbs a day, one would first use the carbs consumed as energy, and then look for others sources (glycogen, fat, muscle etc)

    So with the keto diet, does your body use your fat intake (because you ramp it up), or does it use bodyfat? I've never truly understood that concept.

    the body becomes fat adapted; it starts to burn fat as a fuel at rest and during exercise. Where as one on a high carb diet would mainly burn glycogen, and rarely tap into fat storage

    And how does a caloric deficit play into that then, if carbs are burned instead of fat?
    if one is in a deficit, they will (or should) lose weight as they're not eating enough to maintain their weight. However i think the difference is on a ketogenic diet is that because there are no carbs/glycogen, and the body adaps to burning fat efficiency (not glycogen), therefore the deficit on a keto diet goes solely towards burning fat.

    a lot of people stall on high carb low fat diets. What do they then do? Lower and lower their intake..

    Right, I totally understand the caloric deficit thing. I just don't get why low carbing would give you bigger fat loss if the caloric deficit is the
    same? If your body uses dietary fat?
    if your body is forced to use the dietary fat from food as its main energy source it begins to become fat adapted right. Well after it has consumed and used all energy from food, it will look to use another source of energy. Because a keto dietor will be fat adapted because the bodys using dietary fat for energy, it is more readily able to then burn stored body fat as energy. However a high carbers body will first use carbs(from foo as energy, then deplete glycogen stores and even then there bodys arent adapted well to burning fat as energy = could account for lower levels of fat loss(not weight loss as this can be muscle)

    OP the thing you're forgetting is that the body uses fat and carbohydrates as energy whether you're low carbing or not. It even uses protein in dire situations. But think about this, if it was fat adapted, that means there'd have to be 0 carbohydrates coming in, otherwise it'd try and use those 30g of carbs you get daily on a keto diet?

    You literally have no idea what you're talking about.
    the body uses fat not very well in the presense of carbs. Do you know what you are talking about? You can be fat adapted and have minimal carb intake? What happens when the small amount of carbs are used up quickly?


    OP you go ahead and do your low carb
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    edited June 2015
    Ofc he has no research. He's fell for the bro-science stuff with keto diets. It was evident when I was questioning him on the first page about CICO vs low carb and 'fat adaption'.
    shell1005 wrote: »
    That's what I thought.

    I generally am pretty suspect of those who hide their research under a rock.
    Right, "Ketosis has a protein-sparing effect, assuming that you are consuming adequate quantities of protein and calories—0.7 grams per pound of body weight per day—in the first place.1 Once in ketosis, the body actually prefers ketones to glucose. Since the body has copious quantities of fat, this means there is no need to oxidize protein to generate glucose through gluconeogenesis."

    Theres some information i thought of when making my point. As i said previously, people should do there own research and decide themselves on whether they believe or refute the idea. The internet is full of contradictory information

    I have personally experienced greater fat loss(not referring to weight loss) during ketosis on a low carb diet, than on a high carb diet with a larger deficit. Hence why im wondering whether it would be optimal to stay in ketosis, and refeed low carbs (increase calories and fat, rather than calories and carbs)

    If you're just looking at the scale, that will most definitely water weight coming off. Low carb diets do that.

    Going low carb doesn't make you lose any more weight than eating a balanced diet whilst counting calories...

    I have body fat scales, i think i know what has worked better. It depends what you call a balanced diet, but eating 'clean' yet having high carbs was not as successful as doing keto, for body fat specifically.
    I have personally experienced greater fat loss(not referring to weight loss) during ketosis on a low carb diet, than on a high carb diet with a larger deficit. Hence why im wondering whether it would be optimal to stay in ketosis, and refeed low carbs (increase calories and fat, rather than calories and carbs)

    If you're just looking at the scale, that will most definitely water weight coming off. Low carb diets do that.

    Going low carb doesn't make you lose any more weight than eating a balanced diet whilst counting calories...
    i did specify i was not referring to weight loss. Have you tried low carb/ketogenic diet?

    Yes, I have tried a ketogenic diet in the past. I didn't particularly like it because it restricted foods that I liked to eat.

    If you're eating at the same caloric deficit on a balanced diet and a low carb diet, there isn't any reason for any extra fat loss on the low carb. Correct?

    it depends how long you did it for, how low you had carbs and whether you actually became fat adapted.

    Balanced diet is very vague, but i, and many others have experienced greater fat loss on a low carb (under 30g) ketogenic diet.

    i would personally say incorrect. You cant argue with a body basically running on fat as a constant energy source (fully adapted). If someone consumes say 200g of carbs a day, one would first use the carbs consumed as energy, and then look for others sources (glycogen, fat, muscle etc)

    So with the keto diet, does your body use your fat intake (because you ramp it up), or does it use bodyfat? I've never truly understood that concept.

    the body becomes fat adapted; it starts to burn fat as a fuel at rest and during exercise. Where as one on a high carb diet would mainly burn glycogen, and rarely tap into fat storage

    And how does a caloric deficit play into that then, if carbs are burned instead of fat?
    if one is in a deficit, they will (or should) lose weight as they're not eating enough to maintain their weight. However i think the difference is on a ketogenic diet is that because there are no carbs/glycogen, and the body adaps to burning fat efficiency (not glycogen), therefore the deficit on a keto diet goes solely towards burning fat.

    a lot of people stall on high carb low fat diets. What do they then do? Lower and lower their intake..

    But you're meant to consume <60g carbs on a ketogenic diet, right? So if I didn't bother counting calories on a ketogenic diet and I ate abundantly, I would lose weight because the body is fat adapted?

    No, you still need a deficit. Thats where the fat/muscle or weight loss occurs.

    Then wouldn't that mean with a ketogenic diet and a caloric deficit wouldn't yield any larger fat loss than a non ketogenic diet and a caloric deficit?

    You know it all boils down to calories, not low carbing or high carbing.

    I just explained how one who is fat adapted will burn more fat in a deficit than someone who has a high card diet. Once the body uses energy from food, it looks for other sources. Fat adapted individuals use fat, where as other would not. Also weight loss is not always fat loss

    Any studies to back that up? I'm intrigued.

    can you please do your own research and decide whether you agree? Continue to drink your coke and have sugary and carby krave for breakfast, but if you think iifym is as good as a clean/balanced diet youre wrong. Also, research about carb blood sugar spike and the effect of insulin (promotes fat storage)

    No need to get hostile.

    Sorry but you have claimed to of tried a keto diet, yet you think its 60g and under carbs(under 30 optimal) and you dont understand it's principles

    Then you'd know the carbohydrate range varies from 20-100g of carbs as slipping into a state of ketosis is different for everybody. And yes, I do understand it's principles.

    You lower your carbohydrate intake to a level where you are in ketosis, i.e 60g carbohydrates.
    You have a moderate protein intake to prevent yourself from slipping into a state of gluconeogenesis (I'm still reading up on this, but I reckon it takes a lot of protein for this to happen).
    You increase your fat intake, as this is supposedly what is used for fuel instead of carbohydrates as well as to keep yourself satiated. But then, you weren't clear on whether body fat or dietary fat was used for fuel when you become 'fat adapted'. A
    dietary fat will be used first as the body will at least burn the calories you eat. The deficit you create from what you eat and what your burn will determine the fat loss. Unless anyone can better explain it?
    I have personally experienced greater fat loss(not referring to weight loss) during ketosis on a low carb diet, than on a high carb diet with a larger deficit. Hence why im wondering whether it would be optimal to stay in ketosis, and refeed low carbs (increase calories and fat, rather than calories and carbs)

    If you're just looking at the scale, that will most definitely water weight coming off. Low carb diets do that.

    Going low carb doesn't make you lose any more weight than eating a balanced diet whilst counting calories...

    I have body fat scales, i think i know what has worked better. It depends what you call a balanced diet, but eating 'clean' yet having high carbs was not as successful as doing keto, for body fat specifically.
    I have personally experienced greater fat loss(not referring to weight loss) during ketosis on a low carb diet, than on a high carb diet with a larger deficit. Hence why im wondering whether it would be optimal to stay in ketosis, and refeed low carbs (increase calories and fat, rather than calories and carbs)

    If you're just looking at the scale, that will most definitely water weight coming off. Low carb diets do that.

    Going low carb doesn't make you lose any more weight than eating a balanced diet whilst counting calories...
    i did specify i was not referring to weight loss. Have you tried low carb/ketogenic diet?

    Yes, I have tried a ketogenic diet in the past. I didn't particularly like it because it restricted foods that I liked to eat.

    If you're eating at the same caloric deficit on a balanced diet and a low carb diet, there isn't any reason for any extra fat loss on the low carb. Correct?

    it depends how long you did it for, how low you had carbs and whether you actually became fat adapted.

    Balanced diet is very vague, but i, and many others have experienced greater fat loss on a low carb (under 30g) ketogenic diet.

    i would personally say incorrect. You cant argue with a body basically running on fat as a constant energy source (fully adapted). If someone consumes say 200g of carbs a day, one would first use the carbs consumed as energy, and then look for others sources (glycogen, fat, muscle etc)

    So with the keto diet, does your body use your fat intake (because you ramp it up), or does it use bodyfat? I've never truly understood that concept.

    the body becomes fat adapted; it starts to burn fat as a fuel at rest and during exercise. Where as one on a high carb diet would mainly burn glycogen, and rarely tap into fat storage

    And how does a caloric deficit play into that then, if carbs are burned instead of fat?
    if one is in a deficit, they will (or should) lose weight as they're not eating enough to maintain their weight. However i think the difference is on a ketogenic diet is that because there are no carbs/glycogen, and the body adaps to burning fat efficiency (not glycogen), therefore the deficit on a keto diet goes solely towards burning fat.

    a lot of people stall on high carb low fat diets. What do they then do? Lower and lower their intake..

    Right, I totally understand the caloric deficit thing. I just don't get why low carbing would give you bigger fat loss if the caloric deficit is the
    same? If your body uses dietary fat?
    if your body is forced to use the dietary fat from food as its main energy source it begins to become fat adapted right. Well after it has consumed and used all energy from food, it will look to use another source of energy. Because a keto dietor will be fat adapted because the bodys using dietary fat for energy, it is more readily able to then burn stored body fat as energy. However a high carbers body will first use carbs(from foo as energy, then deplete glycogen stores and even then there bodys arent adapted well to burning fat as energy = could account for lower levels of fat loss(not weight loss as this can be muscle)

    OP the thing you're forgetting is that the body uses fat and carbohydrates as energy whether you're low carbing or not. It even uses protein in dire situations. But think about this, if it was fat adapted, that means there'd have to be 0 carbohydrates coming in, otherwise it'd try and use those 30g of carbs you get daily on a keto diet?

    You literally have no idea what you're talking about.
    the body uses fat not very well in the presense of carbs. Do you know what you are talking about? You can be fat adapted and have minimal carb intake? What happens when the small amount of carbs are used up quickly?


    I literally can't even
  • AlexEtheridge1996
    AlexEtheridge1996 Posts: 65 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    Sure. I have no idea where you got that info from or how flawed the research might be that spawned it.

    I get it. You don't have research. You just believe something to be true. Cool. You are like everyone else on the internet. Good day sir.
    no need to be a *kitten*? I didnt say it was right, or if i was right. I said its -apparently- got a muscle sparing quality.

    Once again, do your own research, im not saying mines right

    That is heavily ironic seeing as you just called @shell1005 something pretty rude.
    Dude, i understand low carb hasn't worked for you. Get over it and continue with your diet!

  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    edited June 2015
    eric_sg61 wrote: »
    Ofc he has no research. He's fell for the bro-science stuff with keto diets. It was evident when I was questioning him on the first page about CICO vs low carb and 'fat adaption'.
    shell1005 wrote: »
    That's what I thought.

    I generally am pretty suspect of those who hide their research under a rock.
    Right, "Ketosis has a protein-sparing effect, assuming that you are consuming adequate quantities of protein and calories—0.7 grams per pound of body weight per day—in the first place.1 Once in ketosis, the body actually prefers ketones to glucose. Since the body has copious quantities of fat, this means there is no need to oxidize protein to generate glucose through gluconeogenesis."

    Theres some information i thought of when making my point. As i said previously, people should do there own research and decide themselves on whether they believe or refute the idea. The internet is full of contradictory information
    I have personally experienced greater fat loss(not referring to weight loss) during ketosis on a low carb diet, than on a high carb diet with a larger deficit. Hence why im wondering whether it would be optimal to stay in ketosis, and refeed low carbs (increase calories and fat, rather than calories and carbs)

    If you're just looking at the scale, that will most definitely water weight coming off. Low carb diets do that.

    Going low carb doesn't make you lose any more weight than eating a balanced diet whilst counting calories...

    I have body fat scales, i think i know what has worked better. It depends what you call a balanced diet, but eating 'clean' yet having high carbs was not as successful as doing keto, for body fat specifically.
    I have personally experienced greater fat loss(not referring to weight loss) during ketosis on a low carb diet, than on a high carb diet with a larger deficit. Hence why im wondering whether it would be optimal to stay in ketosis, and refeed low carbs (increase calories and fat, rather than calories and carbs)

    If you're just looking at the scale, that will most definitely water weight coming off. Low carb diets do that.

    Going low carb doesn't make you lose any more weight than eating a balanced diet whilst counting calories...
    i did specify i was not referring to weight loss. Have you tried low carb/ketogenic diet?

    Yes, I have tried a ketogenic diet in the past. I didn't particularly like it because it restricted foods that I liked to eat.

    If you're eating at the same caloric deficit on a balanced diet and a low carb diet, there isn't any reason for any extra fat loss on the low carb. Correct?

    it depends how long you did it for, how low you had carbs and whether you actually became fat adapted.

    Balanced diet is very vague, but i, and many others have experienced greater fat loss on a low carb (under 30g) ketogenic diet.

    i would personally say incorrect. You cant argue with a body basically running on fat as a constant energy source (fully adapted). If someone consumes say 200g of carbs a day, one would first use the carbs consumed as energy, and then look for others sources (glycogen, fat, muscle etc)

    So with the keto diet, does your body use your fat intake (because you ramp it up), or does it use bodyfat? I've never truly understood that concept.

    the body becomes fat adapted; it starts to burn fat as a fuel at rest and during exercise. Where as one on a high carb diet would mainly burn glycogen, and rarely tap into fat storage

    And how does a caloric deficit play into that then, if carbs are burned instead of fat?
    if one is in a deficit, they will (or should) lose weight as they're not eating enough to maintain their weight. However i think the difference is on a ketogenic diet is that because there are no carbs/glycogen, and the body adaps to burning fat efficiency (not glycogen), therefore the deficit on a keto diet goes solely towards burning fat.

    a lot of people stall on high carb low fat diets. What do they then do? Lower and lower their intake..

    But you're meant to consume <60g carbs on a ketogenic diet, right? So if I didn't bother counting calories on a ketogenic diet and I ate abundantly, I would lose weight because the body is fat adapted?

    No, you still need a deficit. Thats where the fat/muscle or weight loss occurs.

    Then wouldn't that mean with a ketogenic diet and a caloric deficit wouldn't yield any larger fat loss than a non ketogenic diet and a caloric deficit?

    You know it all boils down to calories, not low carbing or high carbing.

    I just explained how one who is fat adapted will burn more fat in a deficit than someone who has a high card diet. Once the body uses energy from food, it looks for other sources. Fat adapted individuals use fat, where as other would not. Also weight loss is not always fat loss

    Any studies to back that up? I'm intrigued.

    can you please do your own research and decide whether you agree? Continue to drink your coke and have sugary and carby krave for breakfast, but if you think iifym is as good as a clean/balanced diet youre wrong. Also, research about carb blood sugar spike and the effect of insulin (promotes fat storage)

    No need to get hostile.

    Sorry but you have claimed to of tried a keto diet, yet you think its 60g and under carbs(under 30 optimal) and you dont understand it's principles

    Then you'd know the carbohydrate range varies from 20-100g of carbs as slipping into a state of ketosis is different for everybody. And yes, I do understand it's principles.

    You lower your carbohydrate intake to a level where you are in ketosis, i.e 60g carbohydrates.
    You have a moderate protein intake to prevent yourself from slipping into a state of gluconeogenesis (I'm still reading up on this, but I reckon it takes a lot of protein for this to happen).
    You increase your fat intake, as this is supposedly what is used for fuel instead of carbohydrates as well as to keep yourself satiated. But then, you weren't clear on whether body fat or dietary fat was used for fuel when you become 'fat adapted'. A
    dietary fat will be used first as the body will at least burn the calories you eat. The deficit you create from what you eat and what your burn will determine the fat loss. Unless anyone can better explain it?
    I have personally experienced greater fat loss(not referring to weight loss) during ketosis on a low carb diet, than on a high carb diet with a larger deficit. Hence why im wondering whether it would be optimal to stay in ketosis, and refeed low carbs (increase calories and fat, rather than calories and carbs)

    If you're just looking at the scale, that will most definitely water weight coming off. Low carb diets do that.

    Going low carb doesn't make you lose any more weight than eating a balanced diet whilst counting calories...

    I have body fat scales, i think i know what has worked better. It depends what you call a balanced diet, but eating 'clean' yet having high carbs was not as successful as doing keto, for body fat specifically.
    I have personally experienced greater fat loss(not referring to weight loss) during ketosis on a low carb diet, than on a high carb diet with a larger deficit. Hence why im wondering whether it would be optimal to stay in ketosis, and refeed low carbs (increase calories and fat, rather than calories and carbs)

    If you're just looking at the scale, that will most definitely water weight coming off. Low carb diets do that.

    Going low carb doesn't make you lose any more weight than eating a balanced diet whilst counting calories...
    i did specify i was not referring to weight loss. Have you tried low carb/ketogenic diet?

    Yes, I have tried a ketogenic diet in the past. I didn't particularly like it because it restricted foods that I liked to eat.

    If you're eating at the same caloric deficit on a balanced diet and a low carb diet, there isn't any reason for any extra fat loss on the low carb. Correct?

    it depends how long you did it for, how low you had carbs and whether you actually became fat adapted.

    Balanced diet is very vague, but i, and many others have experienced greater fat loss on a low carb (under 30g) ketogenic diet.

    i would personally say incorrect. You cant argue with a body basically running on fat as a constant energy source (fully adapted). If someone consumes say 200g of carbs a day, one would first use the carbs consumed as energy, and then look for others sources (glycogen, fat, muscle etc)

    So with the keto diet, does your body use your fat intake (because you ramp it up), or does it use bodyfat? I've never truly understood that concept.

    the body becomes fat adapted; it starts to burn fat as a fuel at rest and during exercise. Where as one on a high carb diet would mainly burn glycogen, and rarely tap into fat storage

    And how does a caloric deficit play into that then, if carbs are burned instead of fat?
    if one is in a deficit, they will (or should) lose weight as they're not eating enough to maintain their weight. However i think the difference is on a ketogenic diet is that because there are no carbs/glycogen, and the body adaps to burning fat efficiency (not glycogen), therefore the deficit on a keto diet goes solely towards burning fat.

    a lot of people stall on high carb low fat diets. What do they then do? Lower and lower their intake..

    Right, I totally understand the caloric deficit thing. I just don't get why low carbing would give you bigger fat loss if the caloric deficit is the
    same? If your body uses dietary fat?
    if your body is forced to use the dietary fat from food as its main energy source it begins to become fat adapted right. Well after it has consumed and used all energy from food, it will look to use another source of energy. Because a keto dietor will be fat adapted because the bodys using dietary fat for energy, it is more readily able to then burn stored body fat as energy. However a high carbers body will first use carbs(from foo as energy, then deplete glycogen stores and even then there bodys arent adapted well to burning fat as energy = could account for lower levels of fat loss(not weight loss as this can be muscle)

    OP the thing you're forgetting is that the body uses fat and carbohydrates as energy whether you're low carbing or not. It even uses protein in dire situations. But think about this, if it was fat adapted, that means there'd have to be 0 carbohydrates coming in, otherwise it'd try and use those 30g of carbs you get daily on a keto diet?

    You literally have no idea what you're talking about.
    the body uses fat not very well in the presense of carbs[\b]. Do you know what you are talking about? You can be fat adapted and have minimal carb intake? What happens when the small amount of carbs are used up quickly?

    I literally can't even

    This is actually the worst case of brosciencitus i've seen on MFP or even on the internet lol srs im dead
  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    Sure. I have no idea where you got that info from or how flawed the research might be that spawned it.

    I get it. You don't have research. You just believe something to be true. Cool. You are like everyone else on the internet. Good day sir.
    no need to be a *kitten*? I didnt say it was right, or if i was right. I said its -apparently- got a muscle sparing quality.

    Once again, do your own research, im not saying mines right

    That is heavily ironic seeing as you just called @shell1005 something pretty rude.
    Dude, i understand low carb hasn't worked for you. Get over it and continue with your diet!

    I am over it... and it did work pretty well for me. I lost 10lb's on it. I just didn't like it because I like carbs.
  • AlexEtheridge1996
    AlexEtheridge1996 Posts: 65 Member
    To be fair, you can find legitimate evidence for both sides because we're not all robot people whose bodies lose weight the same way. Just because he's not posting research and evidence that you deem legitimate does not mean that keto doesn't work for everyone.
    exactly. Who needs to find evidence when only us who have gave keto a fair chance have benefitted massively. I for one could not of achieved what i have on a iifym style diet that allows anything, namely malteizers, orange juice daily, coke, deep pan pizzas etc like this guy arguing with me