ten question/fill in the blank

achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
ok, here are some random questions/fill in the blank to help us get to know each other
i will answer them first

1. when do you feel the sexiest?
when im exercising...i can envision the weight leaving my body

2. my favorite colors are....teal, silver, red, black

3. when i reach my goal weight, i want to.....go on vacation and make my hubby have "bug eyes"....hehe
4. my favorite way to lose weight is....
use elliptical/treadmill/walk on track/dance/strength training

5. name one "random" thing that you do to make yourself laugh...
i snort when i laugh, and when i do i snort louder and laugh harder

6. my favorite music is....
country, gospel, 80's rock

7. what is your motivation to lose weight....to reverse my diabetes and maintain a healthy life

8. do you have any pets......
i have 2 dogs, Sugar and P-Nut

9. name one thing that inspires you to continue your journey....
the results im seeing

10. name your favorite healthy thing to do or eat....
mine is low carb low fat tortilla w/ peanut butter and grapes rolled in it


  • dublindoors
    dublindoors Posts: 13
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    1. when do you feel the sexiest?
    whenever I receive a compliment - they are few and far between but that makes them more meaningful
    2. my favorite colors are...ALL! I love colors
    3. when i reach my goal weight, i want to..... wear a two-piece bathing suit
    4. my favorite way to lose weight is.... swimming, elliptical, running, anything really :)
    5. name one "random" thing that you do to make yourself laugh... unfortunately, i laugh at my own jokes
    6. my favorite music is.... ROCK! All rock! ONLY rock
    7. what is your motivation to lose weight.... I want to feel good about myself and I dont want my hubs to look like he's married to sasquatch
    8. do you have any pets...... 2 dogs - Stud the pug, Punk the boston terrier, Ferret named Pickles, and a school of fish
    9. name one thing that inspires you to continue your journey.... the extra belt holes i keep needing
    10. name your favorite healthy thing to do or eat.... nice big fruit salad on warm days like today!
  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    1. when do you feel the sexiest?
    When I am dressed down, feeling good, giddy, and happy.

    2. my favorite colors are....purple, blue and red

    3. when i reach my goal weight, i want to.....go to the beach with my kids for a long week..

    4. my favorite way to lose weight is.... strength training, walking, boxing

    5. name one "random" thing that you do to make yourself laugh... Think of my x-husband

    6. my favorite music is.... country, oldies

    7. what is your motivation to lose weight....to feel good about myself, look good, to hear the man that I have been in love with for over 10 years tell me I am HOT..

    8. do you have any pets...... 4 dogs- Italian Mastiff- 148lb- Milan , Blue Pitt -90lbs- Apollo, Fawn Pitt- 28lbs-Alaia, Silver/Blk Schnauzer - 7lbs - Pandora...

    9. name one thing that inspires you to continue your journey....My daughter, she is always telling me how good I am looking, and when you reach your goal we are going to do this and do that...

    10. name your favorite healthy thing to do or eat.... fruit and almonds..
  • ESVABelle
    ESVABelle Posts: 1,264 Member
    1. When do you feel the sexiest?
    When I'm wearing heels...I have some sexy calves!

    2. My favorite colors are:
    Blue, Yellow, Black

    3. When I reach my goal weight, I want to:
    Stay that way! And look damn good in my camo bikini :-D

    4. My favorite exercise is:
    Running with my dog, Jillian Michaels

    5. Name one "random" thing that you do to make yourself laugh:
    Talk to the dog and play with him - he brings me so much joy

    6. My favorite genre of music is:
    Rock? I don't know, I don't listen to a lot of music these days

    7. What is your motivation to lose weight?
    To be healthier, stronger and fit.

    8. Do you have any pets?
    Yes, a 2yr old Bullmastiff named Koda

    9. Name one thing that inspires you to continue your journey.
    I'm too damn stubborn to stop until I get where I want to be.

    10. Name your favorite healthy thing to do or eat:
    To eat: Parmesan crusted flounder (my recipe), homemade sweet potato sticks & steamed broccoli
    To do: Hike through the woods with my little brothers or walking on the beach (hellooooo calf muscles!)
  • em_lou007
    em_lou007 Posts: 117

    Interesting questions! I'm game so here we go...

    1. when do you feel the sexiest?
    When I wear my perfectly fitting blue dress from next

    2. my favorite colors are....Red and blue

    3. when i reach my goal weight, i want to.....look stunning at my 30th Birthday party

    4. my favorite way to lose weight is....walking and jogging with my puppy Sam

    5. name one "random" thing that you do to make yourself laugh...try and make my husband jump when he's washing the pots!

    6. my favorite music is....70s and 80's

    7. what is your motivation to lose weight....to have a baby and be a yummy mummy!

    8. do you have any pets......My puppy Sam and 2 goldfish - baby and Whisky

    9. name one thing that inspires you to continue your journey....People saying how good I look

    10. name your favorite healthy thing to do or eat....Oooo this is hard I think it has to be walking with friends and their dogs


    Feel free to add me if you wish xx
  • dublindoors
    dublindoors Posts: 13
    Sorry can't seem to delete the last post....I will try this again...

    1. when do you feel the sexiest?
    in my favorite clothes...that fit!!! When I am hanging with my hunny.
    2. my favorite colors are...ALL! I love colors
    3. when i reach my goal weight: I want to buy a sexy dress and go dancing with my sweetie
    4. my favorite way to lose weight is.... bootcamp!!!
    5. name one "random" thing that you do to make yourself laugh...hang out with my kids, they always make me laugh!
    6. my favorite music is.... most anything...I listen to everything
    7. what is your motivation to lose weight.... I want to feel good about myself and maintain my health for as long as I can
    8. do you have any pets...... 1 dog - Cedar, German Shepard tripod and a toad named Mork...she's awesome
    9. name one thing that inspires you to continue your journey....Ben...I want a long life with him
    10. name your favorite healthy thing to do or eat.... eat breakfast...it really is the most important meal of the day. I love fruit and I love porridge...pretty boring eh?
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    1. when do you feel the sexiest?
    When Im out and have had a coulple of drinks in me...hehehehe

    2. my favorite colors are....Blue...black silver

    3. when i reach my goal weight, i want to......celebrate!
    4. my favorite way to lose weight is....
    run! run! run brown man run!!!

    5. name one "random" thing that you do to make yourself laugh...
    Think of a past experience

    6. my favorite music is....
    90's rock and folk music

    7. what is your motivation to lose weight....tO MAINTAIN my awesomeness!

    8. do you have any pets......
    rip lil CHihuahua...miss ya!

    9. name one thing that inspires you to continue your journey....

    10. name your favorite healthy thing to do or eat.... Run! run!
  • FruitLoop05317
    ok, here are some random questions/fill in the blank to help us get to know each other

    1. when do you feel the sexiest?
    everytime i see my boyfriend. he tells me how beautiful and sexy i am as much as possible

    2. my favorite colors are....pink, orange, yellow, red, black

    3. when i reach my goal weight, i want to.....wear a bikini for the first time

    4. my favorite way to lose weight is....
    walking...soon to be jogging

    5. name one "random" thing that you do to make yourself laugh...
    i squeak when i laugh and it makes everyone else laugh which makes me laugh harder

    6. my favorite music is....
    Lil Wayne, Gucci, Luda, Wocka Flacka,T.I., Drake, Nicki Minaj, and country

    7. what is your motivation to lose weight....
    to be healthy and happy, and be able to buy clothes anywhere and know they will fit

    8. do you have any pets......
    i have 2 dogs, Maximus(Red brindle red nose pit) and Bubbles(Maltese Yorkie mix), and My cat Weezy F. Kitty

    9. name one thing that inspires you to continue your journey....
    the results im seeing

    10. name your favorite healthy thing to do or eat....
    walking my dogs
  • fabi8081
    fabi8081 Posts: 232 Member
    My name is Fabrianne (Fabi for short),
    I've just started MFP and I LOVE IT!!!! I've only been doing it for 5 or 6 days now and I've already lost 5 lbs!!!!

    1. when do you feel the sexiest?
    Right after I work out. I feel like I can see a difference (although I'm sure it's all in my head!!! hahaha)

    2. my favorite colors are
    blue and green

    3. when i reach my goal weight, i want to.....buy sexy underwear!!!!

    4. my favorite way to lose weight is....
    swimming dance and the rower!!! I love the row machine!!!!

    5. name one "random" thing that you do to make yourself laugh...
    shake my booty..I can't dance

    6. my favorite music is....
    praise and worship music.

    7. what is your motivation to lose weight....my husband just lost 60 lbs and now he is skinnier than me. That can't stay that way.

    8. do you have any pets......
    4 dogs - Kyah Tank Kuma and Charlie

    9. name one thing that inspires you to continue your journey.... How I feel. I feel sooooo much better!!! Lighter fitter amazing!!!

    10. name your favorite healthy thing to do or eat....
    excersise...I hated excersising before. Now when I miss a day I'm sad like I didn't see my bf.
  • misschocolate82
    1. when do you feel the sexiest?
    when im dressed up (corset or beautiful dress)

    2. my favorite colors are....LOVE red

    3. when i reach my goal weight, i want to.....buy a new pair of jeans!

    4. my favorite way to lose weight is....
    getting to the gym when possible

    5. name one "random" thing that you do to make yourself laugh...
    not really random....watch some 'friends'

    6. my favorite music is....
    a bit of everything, loving jessie j and bruno mars at the mo

    7. what is your motivation to lose weight....to like what i see in the mirror

    8. do you have any pets......
    i have a dog, stig and a cat, violet

    9. name one thing that inspires you to continue your journey....

    10. name your favorite healthy thing to do or eat....
  • kacione
    kacione Posts: 68 Member
    i 1. when do you feel the sexiest?
    when I put on a pair of yoga pants, tight fitting and looking goood
    2. my favorite colors are....blue, red, black
    3. when i reach my goal weight, i want to.....get a makeover
    4. my favorite way to lose weight is....
    use elliptical/treadmill/walking, gardening
    5. name one "random" thing that you do to make yourself laugh...
    remembering things my grandkids have done
    6. my favorite music is....
    country, 50's and 60's
    7. what is your motivation to lose weight....wanting to be able to enjoy my time with my grandkids and my brother and sister developing diabetes
    8. do you have any pets......
    not at the moment
    9. name one thing that inspires you to continue your journey....
    the results im seeing, support from friends

    10. name your favorite healthy thing to do or eat....
    I love to go for walks and work in my flower gardens
  • MaddameKat
    MaddameKat Posts: 200 Member
    1. when do you feel the sexiest?
    When i wake up in the morning nothing has had a chance to put me down, i have scoffed something naughty

    2. my favorite colors are black, petrol blue

    3. when i reach my goal weight, i want to go to ballet class and get my tattoo finished

    4. my favorite way to lose weight is....
    i am loving the turbo jam otherwise itrain rocks my socks!

    5. name one "random" thing that you do to make yourself laugh...
    tickling match always works for me

    6. my favorite music is....
    Nice american Rock or 70s rock classics

    7. what is your motivation to lose weight .. to stop feeling rubbish about myself

    8. do you have any pets......
    i have 2 geckos and a horse ( who is for sale...)

    9. name one thing that inspires you to continue your journey....
    my tape measure

    10. name your favorite healthy thing to do or eat....
    discover new ways of eating
  • Jizes318
    Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
    1. when do you feel the sexiest?

    2. my favorite colors are....

    3. when i reach my goal weight, i want to.....

    4. my favorite way to lose weight is....

    5. name one "random" thing that you do to make yourself laugh...

    6. my favorite music is....

    7. what is your motivation to lose weight....

    8. do you have any pets......

    9. name one thing that inspires you to continue your journey....

    10. name your favorite healthy thing to do or eat....
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    your answers are awesome....i especially like the one about feeling sexy when you've got a few drinks in you...hehehehe...that reminds me of a country song :bigsmile:
  • Triquetra
    Triquetra Posts: 270 Member
    1. Just after reading one of Ed's posts (soldierdad)....or when I put something on that actually feels good and doesn't pull anywhere it shouldn't
    2. Greens
    3. Goal weight - go shopping and wear a bikini for the first time EVER
    4. Wii fit plus and bike riding (pulling the 100lbs of kids in the trailer behind me)
    5. Play with the dog...he's funny
    6. Anything but country but love hard rock, metal the most
    7. Being healthy for my children after getting sole custody of them
    8. I have a miniature Schnoodle named Tyson (in my ticker)
    9. Anytime I have to look/chase my children
    10. Yogurt with a bit of granola mixed in for the crunch
  • jad54
    jad54 Posts: 192
    1. when do you feel the sexiest? - Ughh, not sure I ever feel sexy. Confident is the word I'd use.

    2. my favorite colors are - Navy Blue and Orange

    3. when i reach my goal weight, i want to - dunking a basketball again.

    4. my favorite way to lose weight is - playing basketball, football, and hockey.

    5. name one "random" thing that you do to make yourself laugh - Think about the drunken nights back in college and the *kitten* we used to get away with.

    6. my favorite music is - alternative, hip-hop, and trance.

    7. what is your motivation to lose weight - Da Beach, to feel better, and look better. YEah, I admit it...I'm vain.

    8. do you have any pets - not currently.

    9. name one thing that inspires you to continue your journey - releasing those endorphins. makes me feel like rocky, baby!

    10. name your favorite healthy thing to do or eat - chicken breast w/ broccoli and rice.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    1. when do you feel the sexiest?
    The days I take the time to do some hair and makeup....and any time I wear a specific scent....

    2. my favorite colors are....purple, black, red

    3. when i reach my goal weight, i want to.....skydive

    4. my favorite way to lose weight is....
    walking, weight lifting

    5. name one "random" thing that you do to make yourself laugh...
    Reread a list of "Adult Truths" that I have hanging near my desk at work and at home...

    6. my favorite music is....
    Hard Rock, punk, and some pop (stuff you can dance to)

    7. what is your motivation to lose weight....to shop where ever I please, and to start a family

    8. do you have any pets......
    2 cats Bear and Diego

    9. name one thing that inspires you to continue your journey....
    The compliments I've received. I may not always see the results but other people are noticing so it's positive.

    10. name your favorite healthy thing to do or eat....
    Lately I've been focusing on really learning to relax, meditate, and stretch....I do ok with eating well and exercising...but finally my stress is getting...well less stressful :happy:
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    1. when do you feel the sexiest?
    With my wife.

    2. my favorite colors are....
    On me - Black and Denim. On my wife - Red and Cobalt Blue

    3. when i reach my goal weight, i want to.....

    4. my favorite way to lose weight is....
    Walking, Soccer

    5. name one "random" thing that you do to make yourself laugh...
    People watch

    6. my favorite music is....
    Blues, Classic Rock

    7. what is your motivation to lose weight....to
    Play soccer into my 60's. Retire healthy.

    8. do you have any pets......
    1 Cat - Joey

    9. name one thing that inspires you to continue your journey....
    Increased endurance.

    10. name your favorite healthy thing to do or eat....
    Walking to Sushi Restaurant
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    1. when do you feel the sexiest?
    when I feel a man's eyes on me from across the room, or if he is standing nearby checking me out and there's a wall mirror and I can watch him looking at me.

    2. my favorite colors are....
    dark red, aqua blue

    3. when i reach my goal weight, i want to.....
    have professional photos taken

    4. my favorite way to lose weight is....
    still trying to figure out what actually works for me

    5. name one "random" thing that you do to make yourself laugh...
    remember slick things I've done in the past that I never got caught doing

    6. my favorite music is....
    classic rock all the way

    7. what is your motivation to lose weight....
    I remember the attention I got years ago when I had a smokin' body....... that's what I want again. Since I'm in my 30s now, I guess the health benefits are a plus, too. ;)

    8. do you have any pets......

    9. name one thing that inspires you to continue your journey....
    seeing individuals who are larger than me

    10. name your favorite healthy thing to do or eat....
    I am still learning to enjoy a healthy lifestyle, which is probably why I fall off the wagon more than I care to admit.
  • princesspurple
    1. when do you feel the sexiest?
    after exercising, still a little sweaty

    2. my favorite colors are....
    purple and green

    3. when i reach my goal weight, i want to
    put on a nice pear of jeans and fitted top and walk into my husbands work:)

    4. my favorite way to lose weight is....
    running, insanity, eating healthy

    5. name one "random" thing that you do to make yourself laugh...
    i think of saying something funny-i dont have to say it-i just think it-i think i am super funny

    6. my favorite music is....
    dave, jack, janis, etc...i love music

    7. what is your motivation to lose weight
    to maintain a healthy lifestyle for me and my family

    8. do you have any pets......
    1 dog-Joplin

    9. name one thing that inspires you to continue your journey....
    the results i saw before getting prego

    10. name your favorite healthy thing to do or eat....