Chocolate is there a substitute?



  • IEatVeg
    IEatVeg Posts: 38 Member
    rachelbouc wrote: »
    I'm a choco-holic too. I budget myself one piece of chocolate a day. That piece is usually around 50 calories and I let it melt in my mouth. I never chew it. If you can find the healthy choice fudge pops I do suggest getting them. So good and chocolaty. Also, check out the blog has lots of great ideas for desserts in general. Maybe make some of the fudge balls that uses dates. She even has her own low cal chocolate bar recipe!

    Thanks I'll check out the website. I have weakness for Twirls(not sure if you can these in the states)and I do love dark chocolate. :)
  • IEatVeg
    IEatVeg Posts: 38 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    You can eat a whole pint of Stonyfield chocolate frozen yogurt for 400 calories. Add cocoa powder to make it even more chocolately. Or eat actual chocolate. I chose the frozen yogurt tonight because real chocolate would have helped me meet my fat macro better.
    Frozen yoghurt isn't a big thing in the UK, I can only seem to find fruit ones. Although I did see a coconut and chocolate ice cream, so coconut milk based. I just thought "irk calories" lol.
  • IEatVeg
    IEatVeg Posts: 38 Member
    kyla_mari wrote: »
    You can still eat chocolate just switch it up from time to time, for example, add cocoa powder to a banana smoothie for a chocolatey indulgence, or melt some dark chocolate and dip your favorite fruit in it! Also a few squares of dark chocolate aren't that bad for you again it's all about portion control :) another thing you could try is dipping a dark chocolate square in all natural peanut butter, even adding to cocoa powder to oatmeal is tasty :) hope this is helpful

    When I have cocoa powder it doesn't seem to set off a craving for more chocolate. I had a frozen banana, peanut butter and cocoa smoothie for breakfast(just a tsp of cocoa). Can I ask do you have a few squares of chocolate a day?
  • IEatVeg
    IEatVeg Posts: 38 Member
    NH_1970 wrote: »
    High fat content and bitterness and the texture. +sugars. Figure out why you like it maybe? and then substitute it with something healthier. For me food texture and taste and fat content are major pulls, which is why I don't keep ice cream in my home. I don't binge on chocolate though which is good.

    Cocoa beans contain approximately 50% fat. It is primarily comprised of two saturated fatty acids (palmitic and stearic acids) and one mono-unsaturated acid (oleic acid). Cocoa butter and chocolate do not raise blood cholesterol. However, when consuming milk chocolate or lower grade chocolate where a part of the total fat content comes from milk fat or various other types of fat, the cholesterol level might be adversely affected.

    Try avacado for healthy fats.
    Bitterness try good coffee that is black without any lightners/creamer in it.
    Hard to soft creamy texture. Maybe figure out if you enjoy chewing the chocolate, or letting it melt in your mouth and find something like that whatever it is for you in the part of the eating sensation that can replace that. I frickin love avocado because it's creamy I like the way it feels in my mouth, the smooth which is one of the reasons I like chocolate that coaty smooth feel it has in the mouth.

    Also I only eat fair trade chocolate (research how much human trafficking/slave labor in chocolate production and you may too) and dark bitter chocolates because I like that feeling and taste on my tongue, and having my mouth really awake to the flavors of bitter. Plus cheap chocolate/white sugar they use in it's production it just is gross it's salty it's almost has a chemical taste it leaves on the tongue and a film ick.

    I definitely prefer dark chocolate over milk chocolate and the bitter the better. I get milk chocolate because it's just there but yea I agree it's just not as nice and it doesn't always hit the spot. I like the way chocolate melts on my tongue and my brain like the seratonine producing effects it gives.
  • IEatVeg
    IEatVeg Posts: 38 Member
    All this chocolate talk is making my hungry! Thank you everyone for replying to my post. I had the realisation the other night that losing weight is a slow progress and addressing my food issues is something I need to do along the way. As a kid I was always made to eat everything on my plate and now as an adult I find it hard to leave some food even if I'm full. It's the same when it comes to chocolate, I don't just eat a few squares I end up eating the whole bar. I think until I can have that self control, eating chocolate may have to wait awhile.
  • Hypsibius
    Hypsibius Posts: 207 Member
    Enjoy a piece of dark chocolate while you enjoy something complementary, low cal, and filling (like yogurt or yogurt drink). Keep it out of the home expect what you'll portion for the week :). If you kill it... Well now it's gone.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    OP you need to address why you are eating chocolate to feel better as that is a sign of emotional eating.
  • spoonyspork
    spoonyspork Posts: 238 Member
    What is your calorie allowance? I actually *have* to eat a whole dark chocolate bar almost every evening, because I have difficulty getting in enough fats anyway and it usually has exactly the protein and fiber I need to finish off the day. It fits fine and I'm usually *still* under calories at the end of the day (and that's WITH manually setting my limit slightly lower than maintenance, which is lower than a lot of people eat to lose). Eating chocolate has almost become a chore XD

    Feel free to look at my diary to see how things fit. If I have enough carbs and sugars left I'll do weird things to 'liven up' the chocolate, like make mini s'mores (honey ritz crackers and one jumbo marshmallow split between them), or melt it on a yeast roll.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    there is nothing inherently wrong with chocolate. eat it if it fits in your calories

    if you are eating due to emotions, deal with the emotions instead of escaping into food.
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
  • IEatVeg
    IEatVeg Posts: 38 Member
    Hypsibius wrote: »
    Enjoy a piece of dark chocolate while you enjoy something complementary, low cal, and filling (like yogurt or yogurt drink). Keep it out of the home expect what you'll portion for the week :). If you kill it... Well now it's gone.
    Ha thank you that's good advice. I haven't even bought any chocolate this week as I've not really wanted any. Last week I ate 3 amounts of chocolate over the weekend, one dark and two milk. However I did have a stressful weekend, (no excuse I know) but eating chocolate is lot less harmful to my body than drinking alcohol or smoking. I think I got into the mindset that chocolate is really bad for me (but honestly it's probably the only food treat I have). This thread has helped me chill out a bit, which is great. :)

  • IEatVeg
    IEatVeg Posts: 38 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    OP you need to address why you are eating chocolate to feel better as that is a sign of emotional eating.

    Yep I get stressed and I eat some chocolate. That's it really. I don't eat bars and bars and bars of it just a small amount of the period of time that I'm stressed. Incidentally I don't go over my calorie allowance when I do ;)
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    It sounds like you need to find a new way to deal with the stress. Write in a journal, talk to a friend, go for a walk, pick up a hobby, something that will keep you from turning to food to deal with it.
  • JohnBarth
    JohnBarth Posts: 672 Member
    Cocoa powder in unsweetened almond milk is pretty awesome. Throw in some protein powder, and it's an awesome recovery drink!
  • IEatVeg
    IEatVeg Posts: 38 Member
    What is your calorie allowance? I actually *have* to eat a whole dark chocolate bar almost every evening, because I have difficulty getting in enough fats anyway and it usually has exactly the protein and fiber I need to finish off the day. It fits fine and I'm usually *still* under calories at the end of the day (and that's WITH manually setting my limit slightly lower than maintenance, which is lower than a lot of people eat to lose). Eating chocolate has almost become a chore XD

    Feel free to look at my diary to see how things fit. If I have enough carbs and sugars left I'll do weird things to 'liven up' the chocolate, like make mini s'mores (honey ritz crackers and one jumbo marshmallow split between them), or melt it on a yeast roll.

    My calorie allowance is 1825. I'm still figuring out the whole micro nutrients stuff, at the moment I'm just eating pretty much what I ate before and I'm still under every day. I'd like to eat chocolate as a chore!!! xD
  • IEatVeg
    IEatVeg Posts: 38 Member
    edited June 2015
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    It sounds like you need to find a new way to deal with the stress. Write in a journal, talk to a friend, go for a walk, pick up a hobby, something that will keep you from turning to food to deal with it.

    Thanks for the advice. :)
    I'll be going back to mindful meditation, that helped a lot.
  • IEatVeg
    IEatVeg Posts: 38 Member
    JohnBarth wrote: »
    Cocoa powder in unsweetened almond milk is pretty awesome. Throw in some protein powder, and it's an awesome recovery drink!
    Yep I do that, just minus the protein powder! I like a banana and a little bit of peanut butter in with mine. I tried it with rice milk this morning and it was still pretty good! :)
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    greenfus3 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    OP you need to address why you are eating chocolate to feel better as that is a sign of emotional eating.

    Yep I get stressed and I eat some chocolate. That's it really. I don't eat bars and bars and bars of it just a small amount of the period of time that I'm stressed. Incidentally I don't go over my calorie allowance when I do ;)

    if you don't go over your calorie allowance then why are you worried about eating the chocolate?
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I like Riesen, because it takes a lot longer to chew. That means I get to savor the chocolate taste longer and I'm likely to get sidetracked before reaching for another. :)
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    greenfus3 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    OP you need to address why you are eating chocolate to feel better as that is a sign of emotional eating.

    Yep I get stressed and I eat some chocolate. That's it really. I don't eat bars and bars and bars of it just a small amount of the period of time that I'm stressed. Incidentally I don't go over my calorie allowance when I do ;)

    Uhhmmm, then what's the problem???? Eating small amounts of chocolate that fit into your daily calorie goals is probably good for you.