Loosing weight,calorie count is so boring



  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    Kruggeri wrote: »
    abmo32 wrote: »

    You look endomorph to me. And also, hope this is not racist hehe, you look like you culturally enjoy white rice and white bread. Both just like me.

    Wait, so you can tell what body type and what kind of food a person likes just by looking at their profile picture?

    That sounds like a really fun party trick. How about me? What do I like to eat?

    Come on now, that's too easy. You clearly like hay and grass.
  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    abmo32 wrote: »
    I lost most of my weight before counting and I only do it now because it educates me and to keep track out of curiosity.
    Even though it really helps, it is not necessary.

    You look endomorph to me. And also, hope this is not racist hehe, you look like you culturally enjoy white rice and white bread. Both just like me.

    Now this is the problem. We have to accept that our insulin sensitivity sucks. I noticed and accepted that eating big amounts of processed carbs/sugars need to be limited. After workout you can afford a bit of it, but you should reduce it in most of your regular meals.
    A lot of fruit is fine, but don't overdo on bananas and kaloric dense ones if they don't replace a meal.
    Vegetables should be included in as much as possible. If it does not satisfy you, replace half the carbs you usually eat with complex carbs. Replace white rice with brown rice, potatoes with sweet potatoes, white bread with whole grain breads.

    The less processed, the better I feel.
    For example potatoes > mash potatoes, real protein source > protein shake, whole grain > refined grain, corn > corn flakes, fruit > juice etc

    Eat until you are not hungry anymore and feel kinda satisfied. Eating slowly and frequently helps controlling your appetite. Don't eat until you feel really full and become tired or your dish is completed.

    Do weight training and keep slow stady cardio to a minimum. If you want to eat more and burn it off, do high intensity cardio (HIIT). Aim for some kind of workout 5-6 times a week, even if it is only 20-30 minutes each.
    I bet my a** you lose weight if you do all that, counting calories or not.

    With all the tips above you control your sugar levels, avoid cravings and speed up your metabolism.

    First few weeks are the hardest since you don't see the rewards and your body and mind are not used to it yet.
    Let me tell you, the effort you put in is nothing compared to the reward, so keep it up!

    Um....yeah....huh....not even sure what to do with this. This is like every garbage "health" magazine headline, all wrapped up into one tidy little nonsensical reply.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    Kruggeri wrote: »
    abmo32 wrote: »

    You look endomorph to me. And also, hope this is not racist hehe, you look like you culturally enjoy white rice and white bread. Both just like me.

    Wait, so you can tell what body type and what kind of food a person likes just by looking at their profile picture?

    That sounds like a really fun party trick. How about me? What do I like to eat?

    Come on now, that's too easy. You clearly like hay and grass.

    Don't be an *kitten*...
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Kruggeri wrote: »
    abmo32 wrote: »

    You look endomorph to me. And also, hope this is not racist hehe, you look like you culturally enjoy white rice and white bread. Both just like me.

    Wait, so you can tell what body type and what kind of food a person likes just by looking at their profile picture?

    That sounds like a really fun party trick. How about me? What do I like to eat?

    Come on now, that's too easy. You clearly like hay and grass.

    Don't be an *kitten*...

    Ba ha ha to both.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Kruggeri wrote: »
    Kruggeri wrote: »
    abmo32 wrote: »

    You look endomorph to me. And also, hope this is not racist hehe, you look like you culturally enjoy white rice and white bread. Both just like me.

    Wait, so you can tell what body type and what kind of food a person likes just by looking at their profile picture?

    That sounds like a really fun party trick. How about me? What do I like to eat?

    Come on now, that's too easy. You clearly like hay and grass.

    Don't be an *kitten*...

    Ba ha ha to both.

    Judging by your profile picture, car windows seem pretty good.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    Kruggeri wrote: »
    Kruggeri wrote: »
    abmo32 wrote: »

    You look endomorph to me. And also, hope this is not racist hehe, you look like you culturally enjoy white rice and white bread. Both just like me.

    Wait, so you can tell what body type and what kind of food a person likes just by looking at their profile picture?

    That sounds like a really fun party trick. How about me? What do I like to eat?

    Come on now, that's too easy. You clearly like hay and grass.

    Don't be an *kitten*...

    Ba ha ha to both.

    Judging by your profile picture, car windows seem pretty good.

    As long as she doesn't lick them, it's all good. o:)

  • Spreyton22K
    Spreyton22K Posts: 323 Member
    Oh my.......

    OP like Ninkyou said the site is really just a tool to help you track and be successful. Don't look at the tracking other than a very useful tool at that and one that makes weight loss sooo much easier (far better than guessing or the tediousness of having a booklet and writing everything down, like the old days prior to sites like MFP).

    If you have a total of 40 kgs you want to lose, you are going to need a change of mindset though, it will be a longer process than you want it to be..... a lot about weight loss can be very tedious and boring and the motivation wanes. That's where the qualities of patience, persistence and sheer determination come in.

    Do yourself a favour and try to get entertainment from exercise, weight lifting or returning to a sport that you love. Look for the positives as you watch your body transform and get stronger and fitter.....that is a a hellova better place than lugging around the extra weight.

  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    edited June 2015
    If calorie counting was fun, people would do it as recreation, not from neccesity.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    abmo32 wrote: »
    I lost most of my weight before counting and I only do it now because it educates me and to keep track out of curiosity.
    Even though it really helps, it is not necessary.

    You look endomorph to me. And also, hope this is not racist hehe, you look like you culturally enjoy white rice and white bread. Both just like me.

    Now this is the problem. We have to accept that our insulin sensitivity sucks. I noticed and accepted that eating big amounts of processed carbs/sugars need to be limited. After workout you can afford a bit of it, but you should reduce it in most of your regular meals.
    A lot of fruit is fine, but don't overdo on bananas and kaloric dense ones if they don't replace a meal.
    Vegetables should be included in as much as possible. If it does not satisfy you, replace half the carbs you usually eat with complex carbs. Replace white rice with brown rice, potatoes with sweet potatoes, white bread with whole grain breads.

    The less processed, the better I feel.
    For example potatoes > mash potatoes, real protein source > protein shake, whole grain > refined grain, corn > corn flakes, fruit > juice etc

    Eat until you are not hungry anymore and feel kinda satisfied. Eating slowly and frequently helps controlling your appetite. Don't eat until you feel really full and become tired or your dish is completed.

    Do weight training and keep slow stady cardio to a minimum. If you want to eat more and burn it off, do high intensity cardio (HIIT). Aim for some kind of workout 5-6 times a week, even if it is only 20-30 minutes each.
    I bet my a** you lose weight if you do all that, counting calories or not.

    With all the tips above you control your sugar levels, avoid cravings and speed up your metabolism.

    First few weeks are the hardest since you don't see the rewards and your body and mind are not used to it yet.
    Let me tell you, the effort you put in is nothing compared to the reward, so keep it up!

    Congratulations on making the dumbest post I've read here in at least a few days. That's saying a lot.
  • clairepfitness14
    clairepfitness14 Posts: 36 Member
    It may seem boring, but it's SOOO worth it! I'd advise you to start tracking your protein/fat/carbs you get too! Helps a lot when losing fat and building muscle!
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    I find that dieting when you're not losing, is boring. Weight loss when you're doing it right, and seeing and feeling improvements on a daily basis, is really exciting!!
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    This thread is beautiful. Guess my food next!
  • genki90
    genki90 Posts: 94 Member
    Tracking calories may be boring, but having a strong and healthy body isn't!
    MFP helps you realise what is actually in your meals, and how beneficial it is for your body. You can either take that information and do something great for yourself or leave it and try other methods. Different things work for different people.
    Personally I find tracking calories as the most accurate way to know how food affects my body and weight. You can't go wrong with calories in vs. calories out, it's simple math!
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    This thread is beautiful. Guess my food next!
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    This thread is beautiful. Guess my food next!

    Tastes like chicken. <nods>
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    abmo32 wrote: »
    abmo32 wrote: »
    From your profile: 'I was one of those tall, skinny people most of my life'
    You seem like the perfect guy to take weight loss tips from.

    Amazing post, almost a handfull of words.

    Thx for the great input!

    Wow - well, you didn't read that she's a female - or that several medical issues hit her to cause her to gain weight, but you cherry-picked that one sentence and decided that it some invalidated her argument (which I second, BTW).

    Edit: SnickersCharlie has a detailed list and dated account of her successes following the weightloss plan she has. If that doesn't say something, I don't know what does.

    Just an FYI too, attacking individuals on the forums goes against forum rules.

    How did i attack any1, she clearly is an ectomorph. God, is it so hard to google body types?

    You're right @abmo32. It's not hard to google stuff, so you should be able to find out pretty quickly that somatotypes were developed by a psychologist to predict mental characteristics, and it's pretty much bunk when talking about weight loss.

    OP, yes it can get boring, but the results are worth it. :)

  • Clarewho
    Clarewho Posts: 494 Member
    abmo32 wrote: »
    I lost most of my weight before counting and I only do it now because it educates me and to keep track out of curiosity.
    Even though it really helps, it is not necessary.

    You look endomorph to me. And also, hope this is not racist hehe, you look like you culturally enjoy white rice and white bread. Both just like me.

    Now this is the problem. We have to accept that our insulin sensitivity sucks. I noticed and accepted that eating big amounts of processed carbs/sugars need to be limited. After workout you can afford a bit of it, but you should reduce it in most of your regular meals.
    A lot of fruit is fine, but don't overdo on bananas and kaloric dense ones if they don't replace a meal.
    Vegetables should be included in as much as possible. If it does not satisfy you, replace half the carbs you usually eat with complex carbs. Replace white rice with brown rice, potatoes with sweet potatoes, white bread with whole grain breads.

    The less processed, the better I feel.
    For example potatoes > mash potatoes, real protein source > protein shake, whole grain > refined grain, corn > corn flakes, fruit > juice etc

    Eat until you are not hungry anymore and feel kinda satisfied. Eating slowly and frequently helps controlling your appetite. Don't eat until you feel really full and become tired or your dish is completed.

    Do weight training and keep slow stady cardio to a minimum. If you want to eat more and burn it off, do high intensity cardio (HIIT). Aim for some kind of workout 5-6 times a week, even if it is only 20-30 minutes each.
    I bet my a** you lose weight if you do all that, counting calories or not.

    With all the tips above you control your sugar levels, avoid cravings and speed up your metabolism.

    First few weeks are the hardest since you don't see the rewards and your body and mind are not used to it yet.
    Let me tell you, the effort you put in is nothing compared to the reward, so keep it up!

    Seriously - what???????????????
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Why do these threads happen when I'm asleep? :(
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    OdesAngel wrote: »
    Why do these threads happen when I'm asleep? :(

    Based on your profile you eat children.