Allergic to fruit - Dieting is hard

I am allergic to all fruit, and it is absolutely devastating.
Of course fruit isn't everything, but a college girl that is always on the go to work or school it makes everything so much harder for snacking. I wish I could just pack some fruit and call it a day, or replace a meal with a smoothie but I can't.

I tried nuts, and some veggies. But are there any other snack ideas.
I am a junior in college that literally gained the freshman 15 and desperately needs to lose it.

I really need help with meal prep, and ideas :neutral:


  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    For snacks I usually go for yogurt bars, breakfast biscuits, cereal bars and chocolate.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I don't snack.... I just eat bigger meals. Problem solved!

    You could try yoghurt, hb eggs, egg "muffins" (mini frittatas made in muffin tins with vegies, egg, cheese etc), crackers/rice cakes with nut butter, protein shakes, beef jerky, tins of fish, protein pancakes/bread.

  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    edited June 2015
    Yogurt, granola bars, trail mix, nuts, seeds, hard boiled eggs, cheese, popcorn, dry cereal, crackers, beef jerky
  • Bacchants
    Bacchants Posts: 92 Member
    I like to snack on jerky/dried sausage or some crackers (ryvita etc) with some cheese (I tend to go for low fat laughing cow as I don't like cottage cheese.

    I had a friend who didn't really like fruit (she wasn't allergic just didn't like it) and she ate beef tomatoes and peppers like an apple!
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    You are medically allergic or you just dont like it?
    Are you allergic to vegetables as well?

    Am bemused why you think fruit is so important to losing weight.
  • perdurabo0
    perdurabo0 Posts: 3 Member
    Fruit is just sugar; Not a good idea to start with. I take proteins or starches (protein bars, granola, etc) when I'm on the go.
  • serenity1097
    serenity1097 Posts: 135 Member
    It's not that hard really...I don't eat fruit (exception being an occasional banana), and I still find enough food to meet my calorie goal. Hard boiled eggs are great, I boil a dozen at the beginning of the week & munch on them all week. Granola, beef jerky, crackers, veggie strips & hummus, there are plenty of options!!
  • BethClicks
    BethClicks Posts: 61 Member
    raw nuts
    a pickle wrapped in sliced turkey
    pickles all by themselves
    cheese pre-portioned in .75-1oz servings
    a baggie of baby carrots, celery sticks and cherry tomatoes
    non-fruit containing protein bars
    These are things I have on a regular basis :)
    I do eat a good amount of fruit but snacking on plan without it, not a big deal once you get around it in your head :)
  • moonmina
    moonmina Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks everyone for such great suggestions! But would running on the treadmill 30 minutes five days a week be enough just to start out? I really don't know where to get started. I have so much to learn to start this healthy lifestyle.
  • moonmina
    moonmina Posts: 21 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    You are medically allergic or you just dont like it?
    Are you allergic to vegetables as well?

    Am bemused why you think fruit is so important to losing weight.

    Yes medically :(
    I watch some youtube videos where they always suggest a fruit salad, smoothies, or etc.
    I really don't have too much knowledge, so please help with more suggestions! :)

  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    edited June 2015
    moonmina wrote: »
    Thanks everyone for such great suggestions! But would running on the treadmill 30 minutes five days a week be enough just to start out? I really don't know where to get started. I have so much to learn to start this healthy lifestyle.

    All you need is a calorie deficit to lose weight. If you want to run on the treadmill for 30 minutes then go for it, but you can lose weight just fine without doing so. You're best off finding an exercise you enjoy that you can stick with, so you'll stay with it rather than stopping once you reach your goal weight.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    moonmina wrote: »
    Thanks everyone for such great suggestions! But would running on the treadmill 30 minutes five days a week be enough just to start out? I really don't know where to get started. I have so much to learn to start this healthy lifestyle.

    You lose weight from being in a caloric deficit. Accurately weighing, measuring, and logging your food is the way to know you're in a deficit - just adding exercise isn't overly accurate as you don't know what you're putting in to your body to start off with.

    Start by focusing on what's going in. Log everything you eat, perhaps without trying to hit certain numbers initially. Work out roughly what you put in over a week and then go from there. It'll give you insite in to where your calories are coming from and where you may need to tweak things.
  • moonmina
    moonmina Posts: 21 Member
    moonmina wrote: »
    Thanks everyone for such great suggestions! But would running on the treadmill 30 minutes five days a week be enough just to start out? I really don't know where to get started. I have so much to learn to start this healthy lifestyle.

    All you need is a calorie deficit to lose weight. If you want to run on the treadmill for 30 minutes then go for it, but you can lose weight just fine without doing so. You're best off finding an exercise you enjoy that you can stick with, so you'll stay with it rather than stopping once you reach your goal weight.

    So as long as I stick to the 1200 calorie meal plan it is fine? And also beside losing the weight I want to start getting toned, do you have any suggestions for at home workouts?

  • moonmina
    moonmina Posts: 21 Member
    moonmina wrote: »
    Thanks everyone for such great suggestions! But would running on the treadmill 30 minutes five days a week be enough just to start out? I really don't know where to get started. I have so much to learn to start this healthy lifestyle.

    You lose weight from being in a caloric deficit. Accurately weighing, measuring, and logging your food is the way to know you're in a deficit - just adding exercise isn't overly accurate as you don't know what you're putting in to your body to start off with.

    Start by focusing on what's going in. Log everything you eat, perhaps without trying to hit certain numbers initially. Work out roughly what you put in over a week and then go from there. It'll give you insite in to where your calories are coming from and where you may need to tweak things.

    Thank you so much! :)
    Can I add you, so I can keep you updated?
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    moonmina wrote: »
    moonmina wrote: »
    Thanks everyone for such great suggestions! But would running on the treadmill 30 minutes five days a week be enough just to start out? I really don't know where to get started. I have so much to learn to start this healthy lifestyle.

    All you need is a calorie deficit to lose weight. If you want to run on the treadmill for 30 minutes then go for it, but you can lose weight just fine without doing so. You're best off finding an exercise you enjoy that you can stick with, so you'll stay with it rather than stopping once you reach your goal weight.

    So as long as I stick to the 1200 calorie meal plan it is fine? And also beside losing the weight I want to start getting toned, do you have any suggestions for at home workouts?

    Why would you want to restrict yourself to 1200 calories unnecessarily? You want to try and lose on as many calories as possible!

    Getting toned will come from losing fat and the muscles being more defined. Resistance training and sufficient protein will help you maintain muscle as you diet.
  • moonmina
    moonmina Posts: 21 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    All fruit? Everyone kind? Is that even possible?

    Sadly yes, I used to be able to eat fruit and ate it all the time. Then I think around middle school it started.
    I guess it wouldn't be an exact allergic reaction, but every time I would eat fruit my stomach would be in pain and I would throw up the fruit I ate and ONLY the fruit. It is very strange. I have been trying to eat little by little to maybe gain some tolerance but it is only getting worse. Now my mouth and throat get itchy plus the throwing up.


  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    moonmina wrote: »
    moonmina wrote: »
    Thanks everyone for such great suggestions! But would running on the treadmill 30 minutes five days a week be enough just to start out? I really don't know where to get started. I have so much to learn to start this healthy lifestyle.

    All you need is a calorie deficit to lose weight. If you want to run on the treadmill for 30 minutes then go for it, but you can lose weight just fine without doing so. You're best off finding an exercise you enjoy that you can stick with, so you'll stay with it rather than stopping once you reach your goal weight.

    So as long as I stick to the 1200 calorie meal plan it is fine? And also beside losing the weight I want to start getting toned, do you have any suggestions for at home workouts?

    Is that what MFP told you to eat when you plugged your stats and goals into ?

    Since your ticker says you only have 16 pounds to lose, I suggest you set your goals to lose 0.5 pounds per week. More would probably be too aggressive for that little weight and therefore be unsustainable.
  • moonmina
    moonmina Posts: 21 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    moonmina wrote: »
    moonmina wrote: »
    Thanks everyone for such great suggestions! But would running on the treadmill 30 minutes five days a week be enough just to start out? I really don't know where to get started. I have so much to learn to start this healthy lifestyle.

    All you need is a calorie deficit to lose weight. If you want to run on the treadmill for 30 minutes then go for it, but you can lose weight just fine without doing so. You're best off finding an exercise you enjoy that you can stick with, so you'll stay with it rather than stopping once you reach your goal weight.

    So as long as I stick to the 1200 calorie meal plan it is fine? And also beside losing the weight I want to start getting toned, do you have any suggestions for at home workouts?

    Is that what MFP told you to eat when you plugged your stats and goals into ?

    Since your ticker says you only have 16 pounds to lose, I suggest you set your goals to lose 0.5 pounds per week. More would probably be too aggressive for that little weight and therefore be unsustainable.

    I weight 118, so would 1 pound a week be still too aggressive?
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited June 2015
    You have had allergy testing then .. skin pricks?

    Because being allergic to every single fruit is kinda odd

    Not that it matters .. you just need to eat to your defecit the foods you can eat