Will you eat it if you hate the taste?



  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    edited June 2015
    Heck no. No one can make me eat skinless boneless chicken breasts. Forget that. Skin on or nothing.

    Fish-wise, tilapia's kind of weak-tasting imo. If you get frozen (like most people do, like I do), the texture's not amazing. Lately I'm really into mackerel - it's fattier (good fats!) and there's a place near me that grills a whole (fresh) fish beautifully. I eat half for dinner and the other half for lunch. OR you could try marinating your tilapia and making it masala style, baking rather than frying.

    I think the trick is to get better quality meat/fish/poultry if you can. Or learn some tricks to make the frozen stuff taste good (marinating or frying, usually :/ - I'm too lazy for that.)

    OR buy really nice meat (not fish) that's on sale because it's on the "best by" date, and freeze it.
  • sharhealth
    sharhealth Posts: 20 Member
    I'm sure you could find something equally healthy for yourself that you do enjoy. There are so many healthy things to eat out there, so why the heck would you consume something you don't enjoy...
  • Ls_505
    Ls_505 Posts: 14 Member
    I can be very picky sometimes. It depends though. If it's given to me I'll do my best to eat it. Otherwise I stay away. Ive tried and tried to eat fresh tomatoes but I just do not like the taste at all.mixed in with something not as bad.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Do you eat it if you hate the taste or do you opt for something different?

    Absolutely not.

    I'm not that picky, though, and like lots of nutrient dense foods, so that doesn't pose a challenge for me. But eating fewer calories has if anything made me more choosy.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    edited June 2015
    I used to be the pickiest eater around until I forced myself to eat things over and over again knowing those foods were good for me. Now I can eat almost anything. If I'm not a huge fan of something yet I won't gag eating it, I'll eat it since I am geared more towards performance. In time, if my body likes it, it will eventually accept it.

    ^^this. Your taste buds can change their preferences.

    I look down upon picky eaters with disdain. Sure, if something is making you gag then obviously don't eat it. But it's pathetic to avoid whole classes of healthy food just because you don't love them.

    If you just make yourself eat new foods for awhile you'll begin to tolerate them. Eventually you'll even start to like them. And then you won't be so annoying whenever anyone else is cooking.
  • regime34
    regime34 Posts: 2 Member
    I won't even eat it if I don't like the smell... so probably not. :s
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member

    Do you eat it if you hate the taste or do you opt for something different?

    No, why would I eat something that I hate? Makes no sense to me.
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    I won't eat something I flat-out can't stand, but if I cooked something and it just turned out so-so? Yeah, I'd tolerate it. I'm not the most exact cook, so that happens sometimes when I eff something up.

    Like, in your example -- if I'd packed these things for lunch, and one sounds just okay? I'd eat it. But if I took a bite and it literally turned my stomach? I'd toss it and get something else.
  • spoonyspork
    spoonyspork Posts: 238 Member
    I refuse to eat kale or quinoa just because some faceless authority tells me that they're good for me.
    I think they're disgusting and I won't eat them.

    This! Quinoa is like eating baby spiders. Just. Bluh. And kale makes my throat itchy: stop putting it in everything!

    On the other hand, there are things that when I think about it, I really dislike them... but for some reason will go on kicks of wanting it *constantly*. Like, I really don't enjoy mango at all. Offer me mango? I'll eat the heck out of it. Same with taro. I like neither the flavor nor texture, but can't get enough of it. Last night I got one of those Vietnamese jelly che drinks with chunks of mango, and taro milk. I actually asked for both in the drink. I couldn't finish it because the taste and texture just threw me off, but drank the first half with gusto and went out of my way to eat most of the mango first. WTF? o.O