Social gatherings and outings centered around food



  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    food is not required to do as part of any of those things.

    I get a cup of fresh coffee from our local roasters and that's it at the farmers market. then I buy my produce, flowers, other random items and leave.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I was in the same boat until i was 25 or something! Couldn't go anywhere without eating something. But I decided to stop. It wasn't easy, but it's definitely doable...

    I can't really relate to the farmer's market thing because when I go, it's pretty much to buy food for later (although yeah, the one here has a delicious bakery stand, and I did buy something there last time, but it was planned). But they don't have samples.

    For your other examples though... I don't see the problem with it. Just plan your day around it and make better choices... Get a black coffee, get some grilled chicken and veggies as a meal etc. You don't HAVE to get the high calorie food, but you have to eat anyway (to survive, you know), so just make it your planned meal.

    I'm not going to lie though, I don't go out as much as I used to but it's really to save money as a whole...
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    It doesn't sound like those outing are centered around food. It sounds like you choose to make them center around food.

    When I go to a store, I buy what I came to buy and I leave, for example. I don't use it as an excuse to go to a restaurant.


    I eat before I go shopping.

    There's a bigger farmer's market near my Mom's that probably does have samples, but the two I go to the most don't. What are these samples for? Jams? Breads? How about you just plan to get produce at farmer's markets?
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    #firstworldproblem We are fortunate that there is food available around every corner. Some people aren't that lucky. This "problem" really comes down to self control. Eat to fuel. Eat when hungry. And never shop on an empty stomach.
  • pollypocket1021
    pollypocket1021 Posts: 533 Member
    I've never eaten doing any of those activities. Now birthday parties and thanksgiving dinner are a different thing altogether. But those don't happen very often.

    Honestly, here's another example of a time when leaving the house may or may not involve eating:

    Going to the bank to deposit your paycheck, which is right next to the sonic drive through, and since its next door, that activity revolves around food too.

    You can do that with ANYTHING.

  • ketorach
    ketorach Posts: 430 Member
    I have never snacked at a Farmer's Market or bought baked goods/jams. While (whilst?) the idea of a picnic in the park sounds lovely, I've never had one. I go to the park or I eat lunch. Not usually both. And, honestly, after trying on clothes, the last thing I want to do is eat lunch!

    Food is always going to be there. You don't have to eat it.
  • cavia
    cavia Posts: 457 Member
    faithyang wrote: »
    OdesAngel wrote: »
    I don't sample things at a farmer's market, eat while shopping at a dept store, or take a picnic to a park. Not every activity has to revolve around food. And if it does, you can exercise self control. Eat a portion or skip it,there's no rule that says you must indulge all the time. Food at human gatherings has always been a thing, and will continue to be after you and I are gone. You'll have to deal with it one way or another. And the last two sentences at the end.....What?

    So what do you do at farmer's markets? Just buy food, and walk off? Well, that's true. Perhaps its about perspective and control. I keep having to remind myself not every single food item I see, I have to try, or eat. Its not like its going to be my last meal. I keep dipping in and out of dropping off the edge of self-control and casual self-discipline.

    Well if I have a relatively unhealthy perception towards food, I can only imagine what women with eating disorders and the amount of self control and inner conflict they feel when faced with food everywhere they go. That's all.

    That's exactly what I do. I love wandering around my local farmer's market. There are always samples available. I even have vendors asking me if I'd like to try what they have out. I say "No thank-you." and keep walking.

  • Ironmaiden4life
    Ironmaiden4life Posts: 422 Member
    edited June 2015
    Letting food dictate your life to the point you don't feel able to step out of the door is the point you need to seek help.

    Lots of good advice here and all I can add is during comp prep when my dieting is at it strictest I always have my cooler packed and with me. Armed with that so I'm never without my meals and determination to reach my goal I was able to have a life, sure I got funny looks at gatherings whipping out my cold chicken and asparagus but I'd laugh it off and then it wasn't a big deal. I had to learn to say no A LOT but that sacrifice was worth it to me and as another poster said I always kept in my head that the food would always be there when I was done dieting.

    Your diet should fit your lifestyle not the other way round.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Letting food dictate your life to the point you don't feel able to step out of the door is the point you need to seek help.

    Your diet should fit your lifestyle not the other way round.

    I love that last sentence. That quote should be repeated ad nauseum every time someone freaks out about going to a restaurant without calorie counts online, or feels like they have fallen off the wagon because they ate a piece of cake at a birthday party.

  • KrunchyMama
    KrunchyMama Posts: 420 Member
    My friends and I get together for potlucks about once a week, so that's how we do our socializing. I don't stress about thee calories, and I've realized that I don't have to try everything (if I do then I only take a tbsp amount of each item).

    If I know that I'm going somewhere and I'm going to indulge in a snack, then I rearrange my calories accordingly. I might only have an egg for breakfast, then a cookie or muffin at the farmers market. Or I might have a salad for lunch so I can get a treat at the mall. You could always just have a tea after shopping, or go for a walk down a path or through a park with friends instead of buying things at the mall. For picnics, bring low calorie foods like watermelon, grapes, or popcorn instead of sandwiches, cheese, and crackers.

    After re-reading your post, it stands out to me that you must have a lot of disposable income. If you make your budget a little tighter (for example by putting money into RRSPs or something), then you won't have as much income to spend on rich foods. Since our household went down to one income I've noticed a huge drop in my weight, and it's because we have a lot less money to spend on food. When you have less money to spend, then you get more creative with inexpensive activities :)
  • KrunchyMama
    KrunchyMama Posts: 420 Member
    faithyang wrote: »
    Haha that's the thing, every activity short of staying at home means that I am surrounded by really rich foods - which is fine but its alot of temptation. I actually find it easier to stay home and eat something healthy (not always the case since I just had a fairly large meal + dessert with an S at the back at home, but at least I didn't have to spend money and get a double whammy thinking oh shoot I'm now fat AND X dollars short making myself fat. LOL.

    But then again I love love love going out. The eating is really part of that enjoyment as opposed to the focus, but yeah.

    But I'll try looking up things which do not involve eating?

    I can relate to your love of going out. I really enjoy it too. When I get together with friends we go to the park to throw frisbees, go swimming, or go for hikes through the bush. We hang out at each others houses, or go camping together. We like to cross country ski together or go for a walk on the lake in the winter. We have potluck picnics, and lots of potluck dinners, or we go thrift shopping. We never eat out, it's just too expensive for most of us, and the gathering is about spending time with each other. We often end up having dance parties after our potlucks too, another reason why I don't worry too much about calories on those nights.
  • cookiealbright
    cookiealbright Posts: 605 Member
    Last time I went to the Farmer's market a vendor asked me if i wanted to try the hummus. I said no I don't like hummus. He said well the hummus doesn't like you. I said that's fine as long as it doesn't jump into my mouth. I NEVER sample at Farmers markets because all those hands in the bag, basket or whatever...yuck! Where have they been??

    The only activity that I really enjoy is walking my dogs and the first Sunday of the month we stop for ice cream. Shopping - I just want to get it over with. Going to the park - usually with my grandkids at we just play.

    Going out with friends - we always go eat. I log it and that's the end of it. Good luck to ya!!
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I've never seen anyone at my farmer's market offering samples. I wish they did.

    For most other things, my experience is similar. I treasure those days out though. Maybe because we live in a very rural area and don't get out that often, but I love going shopping and out to eat. Geez, I'm not going let trying to shed a few pounds make me miss out on those occasions. I just eat less for other meals that day and don't make a pig of myself when out.
  • elleelise
    elleelise Posts: 33 Member
    Food is inherently enjoyable and pleasurable and pairing it with social activities is normal. However I am an advocate of eating when you actually feel hungry, not simply because food is there, although sometimes it is just there and you want to sample a f-ing peach at a Farmer's Market, so go for it and enjoy life.

    Disordered eating begins with guilt, restricting, overthinking, and villianizing food. Aim to find mental balance and peace in your relationship with food, and health and a balanced body will follow.

  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    It doesn't sound like those outing are centered around food. It sounds like you choose to make them center around food.

    When I go to a store, I buy what I came to buy and I leave, for example. I don't use it as an excuse to go to a restaurant.

  • beachhouse758
    beachhouse758 Posts: 371 Member
    edited June 2015
    I think that you are making the activities around food when they are not about that at all.

    Try to schedule your social time at different times than your breakfasts, lunches and dinners.

    For example, if you are going to the farmer's market Saturday morning, wake up early and have your breakfast before you go.

    The farmer's market can be about enjoying the outdoors, buying fresh eggs and veggies -- not necessarily sampling every man handled piece of rosemary bread and every single dipping sauce.

    If a vendor offers, just say "No thanks, I'm not hungry" -- keep in mind that in these cases, the vendors can be very pushy because their livelihood literally depends on you taking home another loaf of artisanal bread or chocolate covered whatever.
    So it is important that you remember than they have an ulterior motive for pushing their samples on you, and that their (financial) goal should *not* get in the way of you achieving your weight loss goals.

    Always keep your goals in mind. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't sample the bread if you are genuinely thinking about buying it. One sample is not going to break you. But sampling just because it is offered, when you may not be even hungry *and* there are 100 vendors offering samples ...well, that's unnecessary.

    Walking through a department store should not be about food. I mean, I can see how it would be if you scheduled the shopping trip for 6:00 p.m. and you are starving because you haven't eaten in hours and the mall food is so convenient.

    But, for the most part, getting makeup at Sephora, or a lawn mower at Sears are not inherently food centered activities unless you want them to be.

    I go to the park with friends once or more a week and I can say that only once in my life have I felt compelled to bring a picnic basket. It was planned, so I made choices I was comfortable with in regards to what I ate and what I chose to bring with me in the basket.

    Going out with friends is a different story. Because I am assuming that you are making set plans to go out to eat or drink, right?
    In this instance you have two choices if you want to stay on track:
    a) take the IIFYM approach and plan your macro and caloric allotment so you have a lot of flexibility for what to eat and drink
    b) Plan ahead and study menus to make the best choices with what is offered.

    You always have choices, even when you decide to stick to your weight loss goals
    For example, if you are going to the movies with your friends you can either, adjust your eating earlier in the day to allow for your medium popcorn with butter and M&Ms OR you can eat a filling dinner prior to the movies and not snack there.

    Your social activities are not in control of what you consume. But you have to plan ahead in order to make conscious decisions about what you eat.

    There's nothing wrong with sampling the dip, grabbing a coffee or eating popcorn. But, are you really hungry? or are eating just because?

    If these treats are a priority to you; in order to stay on track you need to have a plan about how you are going to make these treats fit into your allotments. This takes planning.

    Reaching goals usually take lots of hard work, discipline and planning.

    But ultimately, it is is your choice. You are in control.
  • Amerielle
    Amerielle Posts: 153 Member
    None of the things you listed revolve around food...right now it's your thinking revolves around food. Try to focus on the extra activity you are getting and the fun time with friends you are having.

    You can do it...just takes some practice. Log your food, don't eat (much) more than your calorie allotment and enjoy life! :smile:
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Here's how I would handle all of your situations:
    faithyang wrote: »
    Hi all,
    Example: Walking through a farmer's market. How could you not eat or sample anything there? Its not that you HAVE to, but its part of the enjoyment of viewing and trying local produce, then settling for a meal you enjoy. I never take free samples, unless it is a product I was thinking about buying and wasn't sure about. I know what a pepper tastes like. I know what cheese tastes like. I don't need to try it.

    Example: Going out with friends. You almost ALWAYS have a coffee with them, even if its a walk through the park, and it always is interspersed, starts with or ends with a nice meal with them bonding over some good food. I drink black coffee. You can drink a nice cup of tea and walk about. There's nothing wrong with a nice meal over good food. You can work in some extra exercise in anticipation of a meal outing, or order something light, or cut back in your other meals that day/that week.

    Example: Walking through a department store. You tend to walk around, then stop by for lunch or dinner at a nice restaurant/cafe, then maybe stroll a little more somewhere. Is this a shopping day with friends? Then it's the exact same situation as above. Eat lightly OR exercise more OR cut back your calories elsewhere for the week.

    Example: Park. You bring a picnic basket filled with food even if its healthy, or you stop by or end the activity you have planned at a coffee stand, a food cart, a cafe.For what? Food? Or Coffee? See either of the above examples. Black coffee/tea, or cut back calories elsewhere, or workout.

    I do a LOT of social events that revolve around food- restaurants, brunches with other couples, beer brewing days, beer and wine festivals where the only food is food truck deliciousness. The key is that I plan ahead. I never wander into restaurants or coffee shops. I meet up with friends at bars and sometimes we plan to "go where the wind takes us" but usually we have dinner reservations if we plan to eat out. The key, I've found, is just pick one thing that is worth going nuts on. If I'm going to a beer festival with bottomless samples, I decide to be the DD the night before at happy hour. If I'm going out to lunch with my girlfriends, I make sure I take the dogs for a run that morning because I want to eat at that french place with all the cheese. It's about balance.
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    When I want to keep away from food samples, I imagine a little kid with sticky, snotty fingers picking up some of the samples and then putting them back.

    You're welcome.
  • faithyang
    faithyang Posts: 297 Member
    faithyang wrote: »
    Haha that's the thing, every activity short of staying at home means that I am surrounded by really rich foods - which is fine but its alot of temptation. I actually find it easier to stay home and eat something healthy (not always the case since I just had a fairly large meal + dessert with an S at the back at home, but at least I didn't have to spend money and get a double whammy thinking oh shoot I'm now fat AND X dollars short making myself fat. LOL.

    But then again I love love love going out. The eating is really part of that enjoyment as opposed to the focus, but yeah.

    But I'll try looking up things which do not involve eating?

    I can relate to your love of going out. I really enjoy it too. When I get together with friends we go to the park to throw frisbees, go swimming, or go for hikes through the bush. We hang out at each others houses, or go camping together. We like to cross country ski together or go for a walk on the lake in the winter. We have potluck picnics, and lots of potluck dinners, or we go thrift shopping. We never eat out, it's just too expensive for most of us, and the gathering is about spending time with each other. We often end up having dance parties after our potlucks too, another reason why I don't worry too much about calories on those nights.

    That's a good idea of keeping it within an area of active enjoyment as opposed to constraining the mindset that it has to be about food - not to mention the potluck!

    This is not so much of a problem per se as it is more of a cultural norm but where I'm from the cultural norm is actually eating out for singles/couples most days/nights - usually only those with kids tend to eat in due to having to pay for 4 or more people (unless they are really rich lol) and also due to the fact that most places aren't very kid-friendly.

    So it would be a very interesting experience and experiment to try on my friends to invite them over to my place for potluck gatherings as they will not be used to it! :smile: It sounds really fun tbh!