What was your moment?



  • Dawn410
    Dawn410 Posts: 120 Member
    Mother's Day. We went to lunch with DH's family. I insisted on on a group photo. I was wearing a white dress that I thought I looked cute in. When I got home and saw the photos in Facebook I wanted to cry. I am wearing a size 4 but I look like a whale. That was my turning point. Took a few weeks to start with a trainer and such, but I'm on the right track now.
  • Caitoriri
    Caitoriri Posts: 87 Member
    I didn't really have a moment. I left home, started cooking for myself, started naturally losing weight and I guess I just kept going.
  • Ati13
    Ati13 Posts: 10 Member
    I woke up in the middle of the night, dizzy, nauseated, and anxious. I made an appointment for the doctor and confirmed my suspicions that it was due to high blood sugars. I'm prediabetic, but thanks to being on top of it I'm very early in the process. I started eating better that day, and when the blood results came back showing my A1C was elevated slightly I really kicked my butt in gear.

    I've been exercising and really paying attention to what I'm eating. I had lost 5 pounds in 2 weeks at my last appointment. This is the beginning, and I feel confident I can control this with diet and exercise, which is a huge blessing. My dad was type 2 diabetic, too, and succumbed to complications of the disease when he was only 52.
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    I was sitting at KFC with my son and I glanced over a got a reflection of this very heavy woman and I thought she should really lose some weight then it dawned on me that the reflection I was looking at was me. That was December now I am down 41 lbs with 40 to go!
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    I never had that moment and I still worry that when I'm done losing, I'll gain it back. The statistics are sobering.

    I began losing because I had health problems that might be fixed (or at least helped) by losing weight, so I went in with an "I have to do this crappy thing. I have to give up what I like and eat what I don't." Mine was not a Woo Hoo! kind of deal.

    I didn't even know I was going to lose weight. It was all about getting better. The weight loss was an added benefit and I got really into it!! But it was always Health First and the whole How I Look thing (and weight loss thing) was a distant second.

    But it's great to lose!!! :)
  • chochol1
    chochol1 Posts: 1 Member
    edited June 2015
    So I'm new here and this is my first post, hopefully I do it right lol but my shock came this week. My daughter is headed into highschool so she had her 8th grade graduation and a dance all in the same week. So of course we took pictures, Lots of pictures and there i was stuck in the middle of my 4 skinny kids and my tall skinny husband and I swear when i looked at the pictures all I could see was all these skinny hotdogs and my round hamburger self! I looked so akward like I was wearing a fat suit or something. So I stepped on the dreaded scale and sure enough I now weigh 189 lbs. Thats the same weight i was right before I gave birth to my son who was not only late in arriving but also weighed 10 and 1/2 lbs! So today is the day that I start a new life and hopefully get rod of this fat suit by next year. Wish me luck!
  • LouisianaHotSauce_93
    LouisianaHotSauce_93 Posts: 184 Member
    When I saw some pictures of myself,I just cried. I mean ugly cried. Sure I had just had a kid a year ago & had been more focused on his milestones. But, I worked really hard before I got pregnant and Lost a bunch of inches and I felt like i had failed. Especially after seein those pictures.
  • Jaxxie1181
    Jaxxie1181 Posts: 138 Member
    I had three incidents occur within the span of one week that were the catalyst that made me decide to get serious about weight loss. The first was I went to put on underpants one day and I could barely lift my leg to stick it through the leg hole. Putting on my own panties made me out of breath. The second was I went to get into a camping hammock and it broke and I fell. It hurt my back pretty bad, but beyond that it was humiliating. The final straw was the following day I looked down and didn't recognize my feet, because they were so swollen. Just stumpy little toes on puffy blobs. That was when I said enough is enough and re-joined MFP. I've lost 17lbs in a little under a month and a half and I'm feeling really great.
  • eatgoodeat
    eatgoodeat Posts: 180 Member
    All my pants were worn at the inner thigh from friction
  • brrrycicle
    brrrycicle Posts: 64 Member
    When I went to a quick care back in March and had to step on the scale. The number staring back at me was the largest I've ever been (210lbs). I've since lost 20lbs and have another 15 to go.
  • Jiveli85
    Jiveli85 Posts: 37 Member
    After a friend had posted a bunch of pictures from the night before on Facebook I realized how chunky I had gotten. I weighed myself that day and saw 150 lbs. I'm 5'3 and it was a lot for my small frame. I knew I had to do something before it got out of control. I'm down 35 lbs and will never go back.
  • megomerrett
    megomerrett Posts: 442 Member
    Wire an amazing dress out on a night out but all I could see in the photos was that I looked like a barrel. I realised I'd been compromising way too much on outfit choices and clothes, jeans were uncomfortable but I didn't want to go up another size.
    Results of the changes I've made: 17lb lost so far, lost inches off belly and hips and thighs, jeans fit, skin is clearer, no longer need to use reliever asthma pumps daily.
  • megomerrett
    megomerrett Posts: 442 Member
    *wore not wire
  • FatMoojor
    FatMoojor Posts: 483 Member
    my 4 year old daughter mentioning my moobs.....
  • dawniemate
    dawniemate Posts: 395 Member
    Having my photo next to Minnie mouse and basically dwarfing her and I'm only 5ft. Feeling heart palpatation and thinking I was going to have a heart attack. ..then becoming a grandma and realising I needed to get a grip. 2 stone down 1 to go :wink:
  • putzfam4
    putzfam4 Posts: 17 Member
    I was going to my brother's wedding and couldn't a dress that made the cut. I finally really looked and didn't like the dresses because I didn't like what my body looked like. I buckled down snd list the weight and changed my shape.
    over the last decade other life changes got in the way and now at 60 I want to be the best I can be, but health issues are affecting my path. I will be fine but niw realize it's not just the weight, but rather a healthier life style. Dr's that are involved in current 5 month jaw reconstruction are thrilled with my pro-active approach and the way I log in EVERYTHING good and bad so I can control ME. I even put in ALL suppliments and meds daily and in thd end, they are using my fitness log to add to a case study for the dental college. I agreed, happily!
  • dramaqueen45
    dramaqueen45 Posts: 1,009 Member
    Just several things- heart disease, diabetes and bad knees run in my family and my father had open heart surgery a couple of years ago (which started me on MFP but that didn't last long for some reason), mother has bad knees and has been overweight for most of my life, and brother is a type II diabetic. Last summer despite being fairly active with remodeling our home I still ate a lot late at night and stepped on the scale in late July to see 180- my absolute heaviest. I just decided to try MFP again and this time it has stuck long term. I have tried many many diets in years past, to lose and then to gain it back plus some. I think it has stuck this time for several reasons- I have support from members and friends made (before I would always go it alone); I don't have to stick to a menu (I have tried those types of diets many different times from cabbage soup to WW to ediets, you name it); and I found an exercise that I really enjoy as we bought a recumbent trike for myself (husband has a recumbent bike).
  • Jgasmic
    Jgasmic Posts: 219 Member
    I realized the only pants I could wear comfortably were leggings. Leggings and an oversized sweater worked for being snowed in, but I knew spring was coming eventually and I would want more choices. I also figured the extra 15 or so pounds wasn't helping my hip pain and I didn't want to be unable to walk all spring and summer.
  • wildflowerherbal
    wildflowerherbal Posts: 28 Member
    My moment was my husband telling me I was chubby and it was time to lose the baby weight and he wasn't attracted to me. He was vile about it. That was a year ago. For many other reasons in addition, I dumped him and have lost 11lbs now with about a stone to go. Immensely satisfying to see him checking me out when I drop the kids off but I'd never dirty myself with his toxicity again . Life is gooood!
  • vinerie
    vinerie Posts: 234 Member
    Like many others here, I saw a picture and just couldn't believe how I looked. I got on the scale and saw a number I never thought I'd see. :( I started then and there and results have been great so far. I recently took a picture wearing the same outfit in the original 'shocker' picture and I can see a big difference. It's nice to go from pictures making me cry to pictures making me smile.