How do I increase my water intake???



  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    br3adman wrote: »
    Read about Cayenne they even bottle it for metabolism....

  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    I find it ingesting that water would send you to the bathroom more than the soda you drink. If I drank soda that would make me go to the bathroom more due to the caffeine in it.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    I live in the desert. I teach preschool, so we're spending time on the playground and doing outdoor stuff for much of the morning in 110+ degrees. So drinking gallons of water is essential to keeping myself from getting heat stroke. It's just become a way of life. I have a bladder the size of a ladybug, and if I'm not careful I can end up running to the bathroom every ten minutes for the next hour, which does not work with my job!!!

    Drinking only water and lots of it, will flush the electrolytes out of your body. Electrolytes act as sponges to help keep fluids in your bloodstream. If you flush them away, and then drink more water after that...that water has nothing to hold onto and it rushes straight out. You must have electrolytes in your system while you're drinking your water. Think sodium and potassium. That's way over-simplified and probably not 100% accurate, but I like visuals and it's good enough.

    Sports drinks are pure sodium and they will stay with you longer. However, you probably don't want to overload on sodium. Potassium works just as well, without the potential health risks (if that's a concern for you). Oranges, orange juice, bananas, potatoes, peaches, etc. Incorporate those into your diet (and log them, of course) and you'll do quite a bit better with your water retention. I like to either alternate OJ and water, or dilute my OJ with a lot of water. Or just eat lots of foods that are high in potassium. It really helps a lot, for me anyway. I can now drink 32 ounces of water at once and still be OK to wait until my lunchbreak to use the restroom.

  • jadedhippo
    jadedhippo Posts: 95 Member
    Drink 1 glass of water every hour for 8 hours
  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    edited June 2015
    Just pull over and pee on a tree

    For all your peeing on a tree needs.

    My husband got this for me as a gag gift last Christmas and didn't understand why I though it was kinda awesome.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    ^ lol

    OP - I sympathize - I have a tiny bladder myself and have to think about these things whenever I leave the house. I'd eat more high water content foods and drink water when you know there will be a convenient bathroom.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    I'm an opportunistic urinator. I'll go whenever I get the chance, because when the need hits, I gotta go. I truly sympathise with your situation and the anxiety you feel. If it's really bad, maybe consider some protection? (pad or something?)
    Can you drink more when you're at home to make up for not drinking so much during the day?
  • pdxwine
    pdxwine Posts: 389 Member
    You can also get water from your food intake (fruit and vegetables.) I drink a good amount of water (2-3 liters a day). I do not need to visit the restroom too often. My body has gotten used to my intake. :smile:
  • macr0babe
    macr0babe Posts: 61 Member
    Oh, wow. A lot of woo. While getting enough water is important, you don't need as much as people make it out to be. Drink a glass of water when you wake up (it doesn't "kickstart your organs", because if your organs needed kickstarting, you're probably already dead), to get that out of the way. A lot of water is already in your food, So I'd say just drink a glass at each big meal, and when you wake/before bed.

    I drink a few liters of water a day and I'm not running to the bathroom all the time like I used to. Your body will get used to it :smiley:
  • candigurl322
    candigurl322 Posts: 5 Member
    Very good suggestions from everyone!! Thanks for the insight, at least I know I'm not the only one with this issue. Just wanted some suggestions that maybe I hadn't already considered. Thanks again
  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    Drinking only water and lots of it, will flush the electrolytes out of your body. Electrolytes act as sponges to help keep fluids in your bloodstream. If you flush them away, and then drink more water after that...that water has nothing to hold onto and it rushes straight out. You must have electrolytes in your system while you're drinking your water. Think sodium and potassium. That's way over-simplified and probably not 100% accurate, but I like visuals and it's good enough.

    This is interesting. I wonder if drinking Smart Water would help solve her problem. Doesn't it have electrolytes added into it?
  • musicandarts
    musicandarts Posts: 187 Member
    edited June 2015
    I tend to agree with macr0babe above. I grew up in India where it is really hot. People drink a lot less water, and pee a lot less frequently. The OP must consult a physician to check whether she has any bladder control issues.
  • candigurl322
    candigurl322 Posts: 5 Member
    I've see the smart water, but haven't tried it. Will definitely give it a go. I will also talk with my primary doc on my next visit about my "issues" just to rule out anything serious. Thanks!!
  • brilliantwords
    brilliantwords Posts: 97 Member
    Just drink more and your body will adapt. I drink at least 3 litres on a typical day, up to 4 sometimes, but don't go to washroom any more than an average person would. Even while pregnant, I drank that much and still only had to get up once per night to pee. Just start slow. Increase gradually, rather than trying to drink a ton all at once.
  • ccourcha
    ccourcha Posts: 316 Member
    kristydi wrote: »
    Just pull over and pee on a tree

    For all your peeing on a tree needs.

    My husband got this for me as a gag gift last Christmas and didn't understand why I though it was kinda awesome.

    thissssss and there are also FtM devices too for a more realistic STP experience
  • PixelPuff
    PixelPuff Posts: 901 Member
    I'd actually suggest seeing a doc to make sure everything is good 'down there', too. Peeing often can be an indicator of an infection, etc [many others exist besides STDs, so don't worry, not saying that. xD].