Finally diabetic.



  • marykate_1203
    marykate_1203 Posts: 164 Member
    Feel free to add!
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited June 2015
    Yep youve done it to yourself. Its not good, but interesting you will need to make some changes so you can amanage it. Its also possible to reverse it or effectively diminsih the effects. Are you concerned enough to get to grips with it now? Its perfectly possible to lose all that weight by being consistent. Try not to be afraid and learn as much as you cna about how people manage the condition, that will remove some of the fear of the unknown from you.
  • clap4erika
    clap4erika Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you @999tigger
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Just to add I was probably pre diabetic (never had any checks), but health was one of the reasons that motivated me to do soemthing about it. Knowledge is your friend, but you are going to have to change your atitude from whats gone on before. learn about it and then for goodness sake you will need to DO IT because as you cna see form the links you have another choice.

    You can run the serious risks that come with diabetes or with changes in behaviour you cna control and reduce those risks. It is 100% your choice. Your health is very important, so I hope you make the changes needed.
  • kerrywalling1
    kerrywalling1 Posts: 2 Member
    It is reversible. I have lost over 65 lbs and I was type 2 and on 2 meds. Now I am on no meds and I have a morning BSC of 79. I still have 40 lbs to lose and I will. You can do this. I still fix carbs for my family, last night we had spaghetti, I make my own sauce with ground turkey, bell peppers, onions , zucchini, and mushrooms. I just eat the sauce with a salad. I'm happy and they love it. Good luck.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
  • clap4erika
    clap4erika Posts: 9 Member
    Made spaghetti tonight, I had spaghetti squash, skipping the pasta. It's really good!! Had a salad and felt full
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    Scary. This title could be mine in a year if I don't change. Denial denial. I am lazy, and like my carbs. Shoot.
  • Rainforest_Dreams
    Rainforest_Dreams Posts: 1 Member
    I'm sorry that this has happened to you. My mother is diabetic and disabled, making exercise very difficult. One of the things she does to help her situation is she adds cinnamon to her diet wherever she can. This can help with your blood sugar and to lower your body's insulin resistance.

    That's all I really know, but hopefully it helps a bit.
  • clap4erika
    clap4erika Posts: 9 Member
    Didn't go on my walk today, feeling so unmotivated. Going to bed without dinner. I seriously feel like I'm going through a break up. With food. My food addiction.
  • ElJefeChief
    ElJefeChief Posts: 650 Member
    Low carb dieting is the bomb, is great for diabetes, and if done right, can melt the pounds off. Recommend.
  • amycuz14
    amycuz14 Posts: 41 Member
    clap4erika wrote: »
    Didn't go on my walk today, feeling so unmotivated.

    I hear you. I will say this, motivation doesn't show up. Sometimes you have to just say "I'm doing this anyway". It took me a long time to come to that, and I fight with it a lot. Many days I just. don't. want. to.

    Make a playlist of music you love, get out there even when you don't want to, and you'll find you enjoy it once you are there (hopefully!). I often feel unmotivated but once I'm in it, which ever activity it is, I am proud of myself for getting out there.

    Starting is hard, and keeping going is hard. But in the end, it will be worth it! Stay strong :)

  • leeyuhsee
    leeyuhsee Posts: 60 Member
    If you like spaghetti, try making zoodles! Super easy, and super nutritious. Not bad, either!
    And you've got this. I've tried losing weight before, but I've recommitted myself recently, and found that the friends you get on this site are helpful and encouraging. Feel free to add me if you like!
    Best of luck, in any case.