How do you get your protein in?



  • CandiceMcD
    CandiceMcD Posts: 115 Member
    I always have hard boiled eggs, cottage cheese, chicken breasts & black beans on hand. Like, if I make brown rice, I mix in black beans and serve myself 1/4 cup of them. Mixing in any proteins will keep you way fuller longer too. I never have a problem hitting my protein goal, but its only set at 76. I usually go over. Even adding a glass of skim milk to dinner will give you another 8.5 g
  • patrickfish7
    patrickfish7 Posts: 190 Member
    edited June 2015
    Depends what activity you are doing - high-intensity, heavy work like running paired with weight work = more protein requirements. I clock between 120 and 180g each day depending on what I'm doing. Its not hard to get there either. 2 shakes a day = 50g so thats half your target straight away. Meats, dairy products like milk, eggs and cheese make up a majority of the rest.

    For examle, I clocked 179g of protein yesterday, 1900 calories in total. The key is protein with every meal, every 3 to 4 hours, without being overly restrictive on other macros.
  • buntzums
    buntzums Posts: 8 Member
    I got to around 80 g protein yesterday but I ate a half can of tuna, a Isofemme whey protein shake and got 20g from chicken. I also had a cup of yogurt and some small amount came from veggies. It's not just about amount of protein for me but rather trying to find proteins that absorb easily and also are "high quality." My goal is only 70 for protein because I have hypothyroidism so have a slow metabolism (thus I'm never very hungry anyway) and I generally have to force myself to eat protein (cause I know it makes me sluggish.) If I had wanted to get 100g of protein I could have added one more Isofemme shake. I hope that helps.
  • buntzums
    buntzums Posts: 8 Member
    Wait a minute did you say your hair is falling out and your nails are splitting? That shouldn't be happening at 30g of protein... Especially high quality protein from meats... Have you been tested for hypothyroidism?
  • kellyship17
    kellyship17 Posts: 112 Member
    Chicken, turkey, beef, eggs, beans, greek yogurt, milk, protein powder, and protein bars. A combination of these keeps me full and satisfied, and I have no problem reaching my daily protein goal.