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Ridiculous thoughts that get you through your diet/workout- NO JUDGEMENT

I was wondering today if other people have certain things they focus on when they are working out or trying not to eat ALL the biscuits, or am I the only one? I mean ridiculous, selfish thoughts you don't tell anyone because they would never understand.

When I'm struggling I think of all the people that have done me wrong or left me behind. Everytime anyone called me fat. And I imagine them seeing me now and feeling bad and me feeling SMUG.

I can't be the only person who does this. Can I?


  • noclady1995
    noclady1995 Posts: 452 Member
    I wouldn't consider this ridiculous, but it's actually more on the serious side. I think about all of the people who are serving our country in the military and are overseas far away from home in uncomfortable and scary conditions. And that if they can do hard things for me, then I can do less hard things for me. :)
  • jnoegrah
    jnoegrah Posts: 119 Member
    edited June 2015
    Wwwwaaaayyyy back in jr high school, a girl commented on how nerdy looking i was. Not that nerdy is a bad thing, but she said it in a derogatory way. Out of nowhere.

    Thats always been in the back of my mind.
  • Wrecka31
    Wrecka31 Posts: 15 Member
    I once had a lady whisper to another, WITHIN HEARING RANGE, that she wondered if I was pregnant....I was so NOT pregnant. I'll never forget that, especially when working on my abdominal area
  • MissAmyx
    MissAmyx Posts: 48 Member
    When I'm finding myself struggling I say to myself "Amy, you @#%$ing #@$%& this summer do you want to be FIT or Jealous?(as in being jealous of all the "skinny" girls wearing nice clothes and looking flawless while I'm stuck wearing shapeless maxi dresses and sweating like a baked ham in the heat) I kind of chant that to myself "Fit.not.Jealous.Fit.not.Jealous"

    As i mentioned on here once before I also insult myself if i start to slack off, I work out in front of a mirror and I glare at myself and if i stop I look at myself in the mirror and swear at myself and yell at myself to stop being so lazy and gross and get back to work.....that probably makes me sound crazy but it works.

    Also I have these short shorts I've had them for years, they're like super short board shorts they're deep emerald green zebra print I just love them! but the last time i was able to fit into them was when i was about 17 and about 25kgs lighter i still have a photo of me wearing them...that i keep on my phone its the one photo i've transferred onto every phone i've ever had and the thought that one day I'll be able to wear those shorts again if i keep up the work keeps me going. :)
  • denhar01
    denhar01 Posts: 13 Member
    MissAmyx wrote: »
    When I'm finding myself struggling I say to myself "Amy, you @#%$ing #@$%& this summer do you want to be FIT or Jealous?(as in being jealous of all the "skinny" girls wearing nice clothes and looking flawless while I'm stuck wearing shapeless maxi dresses and sweating like a baked ham in the heat) I kind of chant that to myself "Fit.not.Jealous.Fit.not.Jealous"

    As i mentioned on here once before I also insult myself if i start to slack off, I work out in front of a mirror and I glare at myself and if i stop I look at myself in the mirror and swear at myself and yell at myself to stop being so lazy and gross and get back to work.....that probably makes me sound crazy but it works.

    Also I have these short shorts I've had them for years, they're like super short board shorts they're deep emerald green zebra print I just love them! but the last time i was able to fit into them was when i was about 17 and about 25kgs lighter i still have a photo of me wearing them...that i keep on my phone its the one photo i've transferred onto every phone i've ever had and the thought that one day I'll be able to wear those shorts again if i keep up the work keeps me going. :)

    Fit not Jealous- an AWESOME mantra. I love this!
  • Genome88
    Genome88 Posts: 20 Member
    When I was working out to get in shape before my sister's wedding I would imagine looking better than her at the wedding. Mean, I know, but I was the maid of honor and maybe just a tiny bit jealous. Really, only a tiny bit. In the end we were about the same size at her wedding and we both looked great.

    Now, I imagine what it will feel like to finally be handed my PhD. It has nothing to do with working out, but it makes me feel all happy and exhilarated. Until I remember I have 2 more years.
  • nishatay
    nishatay Posts: 67 Member
    Whenever I need motivation. I lift my shirt up and look at my stomach in the mirror. It's kind of gross. I tell myself if I stay focused then one day my stomach won't be gross anymore lol.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    nishatay wrote: »
    Whenever I need motivation. I lift my shirt up and look at my stomach in the mirror. It's kind of gross. I tell myself if I stay focused then one day my stomach won't be gross anymore lol.

    I think thats really good. As you lose weight you find you cna look at your body and see it changing, fat going, muscles showing, so keep at it.
  • Snapper1985
    Snapper1985 Posts: 124 Member
    Some guy in Knoxville, TN hollered at me from his car on a busy street bordering University of Tennessee about 3 miles through a 6-mile run. His sage advice: "Lose some weight, Fatty!" I think about that a lot. Makes me laugh, lik WTF do you think I'm doing running up this ridiculous hill...
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    Some guy in Knoxville, TN hollered at me from his car on a busy street bordering University of Tennessee about 3 miles through a 6-mile run. His sage advice: "Lose some weight, Fatty!" I think about that a lot. Makes me laugh, lik WTF do you think I'm doing running up this ridiculous hill...

    That is just so awful!
    I wouldn't consider this ridiculous, but it's actually more on the serious side. I think about all of the people who are serving our country in the military and are overseas far away from home in uncomfortable and scary conditions. And that if they can do hard things for me, then I can do less hard things for me. :)

    I love this
    MissAmyx wrote: »
    When I'm finding myself struggling I say to myself "Amy, you @#%$ing #@$%& this summer do you want to be FIT or Jealous?(as in being jealous of all the "skinny" girls wearing nice clothes and looking flawless while I'm stuck wearing shapeless maxi dresses and sweating like a baked ham in the heat) I kind of chant that to myself "Fit.not.Jealous.Fit.not.Jealous"

    As i mentioned on here once before I also insult myself if i start to slack off, I work out in front of a mirror and I glare at myself and if i stop I look at myself in the mirror and swear at myself and yell at myself to stop being so lazy and gross and get back to work.....that probably makes me sound crazy but it works.

    Also I have these short shorts I've had them for years, they're like super short board shorts they're deep emerald green zebra print I just love them! but the last time i was able to fit into them was when i was about 17 and about 25kgs lighter i still have a photo of me wearing them...that i keep on my phone its the one photo i've transferred onto every phone i've ever had and the thought that one day I'll be able to wear those shorts again if i keep up the work keeps me going. :)

    I love this, too.
  • distinctlybeautiful
    distinctlybeautiful Posts: 1,041 Member
    This isn't really useful when I'm working out, but sometimes when I see people who have trouble moving because of their weight or when I see people who are much less mobile than I think they should be for their age, I think "that's why I exercise."
    Some guy in Knoxville, TN hollered at me from his car on a busy street bordering University of Tennessee about 3 miles through a 6-mile run. His sage advice: "Lose some weight, Fatty!" I think about that a lot. Makes me laugh, lik WTF do you think I'm doing running up this ridiculous hill...

    That's hilarious!
  • TruCowboysFan812
    TruCowboysFan812 Posts: 27 Member
    I think about all the people who are thinking how fat I am whenever I'm out in public. I also think about how good it would feel to not have to do in the plus size section of a store. Im praying for that one day.
  • minijump21
    minijump21 Posts: 7 Member
    Mine is horrible. My best friend has always been the "skinny hot friend" basically through genetics alone. Now that we're in our 30's, life is starting to catch up with her. It drives her crazy every time I start getting close to her size (I'm a chronic yo yo dieter). I want to finally be smaller than her. I'd never tell her that, or rub it in. It just gives me hope to believe someday I could give her my hands me down size 10's.
  • SongDragon
    SongDragon Posts: 205 Member
    It's a love hate thing. I've always been short even if I am not tiny.My friends at college (the ones over six feet tall) used to play pass the Jen and toss me at each other. They threw me at my boyfriend, chronically thin at six feet tall, working on building core to support his back, and we nearly went through a window.

    Okay. So he'll never be able to catch me, but I want myself to weigh less than him. After all I'm a foot shorter. It's a sweet spot where he can pick me up.

    That and, "Darn it I'm finishing this set and getting another sip of coffee." The joys of morning exercise.
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    edited June 2015
    On the treadmill: To poot, or not to poot? If I have my earbuds in, it could be louder than I realize. Also, it could be loaded. Would anyone notice if I suddenly jumped off of the treadmill and ran into the locker room?

    ETA I think I missed the point of this thread. :expressionless:
  • denhar01
    denhar01 Posts: 13 Member
    These are brilliant. I'm stealing lots of them to keep myself motivated!
  • PeachesAndTequila
    PeachesAndTequila Posts: 1 Member
    Loved readings these ladies!! Nice to know I'm not the only one
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    hot sexy nakedness.
  • unrelentingminx
    unrelentingminx Posts: 231 Member
    My other half and I were discussing one evening a proposed extra tax on sweets, chocolates and the like and he referred to us as 'fat slobs'. It was a throwaway comment on his behalf and he didn't mean it cruelly but it stung and stuck.
    Now whenever I'm struggling with those last few mountain climbers, push-ups, bunny hops etc. I yell to myself 'Work.F*****g.Harder!' in time with each leg pump, push and hop.
  • Karen_can_do_this
    Karen_can_do_this Posts: 1,150 Member
    I want to be stronger and hotter than the strong skinny biatches at the gym. I know they bust their butts to get where they are but grrrr they get everything so easily!
    Also I want to get skinnier and hotter than my c word sister in law. She lost a ton of weight for her wedding and was all smug about it. To the point where I wanted to ram her face onto the treadmill mat.
    Anyway as I get smaller, she's slowly getting bigger again and back to her original size (she's started working part time and is having trouble finding the time)
    I work full time and my husband works away. I still find the time and I'm losing size.... mwahahahahahahaha suck *kitten* *kitten*.

    Oops my inner meanie is coming out lol