Zumba for the Wii



  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    I found it on Friday night at Target and used it Saturday night. It was fun. I didn't have a working HRM then, so I don't know what the calorie burn was.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Interesting little bit of info at this web site ... thanks for sharing that. Sounds pretty close to me :)
  • Janelle3927
    I'm getting one! Hehe cant wait to try it!
  • Janelle3927
    I'm getting one! Hehe cant wait to try it!
  • Janelle3927
    Ok, I just tried it out and I'm a little disappointed..the tutorials move along before I got a hang of the move and I got really frustrated with it. I think I'll try it again tomorrow when I'm not tired.. :/ Did anyone else think it was hard at first when you had no idea what you were doing??
  • loria30
    loria30 Posts: 263 Member
    I tracked last night with my HRM and only burned about 92 calories in the 20 minutes. Not great, but what I needed to even out my calorie intake for the day.

    As for the belt, it fits with a lot of extra room on my almost 43 inch hips.

    As for not knowing what to do, I've taken Zumba classes before and I do Jazzercise, so it wasn't hard for me to catch on...I just have an issue with not matching the movements on the beginner cooldown.
  • Janelle3927
    Tried again and loved it. Still think the tutorials go too fast. I had much more fun just winging it. I know I didn't do all the moves perfectly and I'm sure I looked like a fool but I had fun and my HRM said I burned 155 cals
  • Klarissa10
    I have gone to many zumba classes and the zumba for Wii repeats the same moves over and over. It needs s little more variety. I guess is fine for those days that you just feel like working out at home.
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    I have never tried Zumba before.... on land or in water! Do you have to be coordinated to do it? I love my EA Sports 2, and when it comes to the step aerobics part I am all over the place!
  • elizabeth9474
    Thanks for all the info, I think Im going to go buy it tonight! :)
  • gotdream
    gotdream Posts: 1
    Just remember that the score at the bottom is not the calories that are burned. I thought so too, but investigated and it definitely is not. The best way to measure is to wear a heart rate monitor. My score was 495 in the 20 minutes plus cool down, so everyone is different according to how you work and your weight.
  • elizabeth9474
    A heart rate monitor? How does that work?
  • milfat40
    milfat40 Posts: 6
    I bought mine on amazon.com and it came with the belt holder.
  • stephbndr
    stephbndr Posts: 2
    I googled it and it said about 200-250 for 30 of Zumba
  • Kristinemillar
    I attend Zumba classes once a week but have taken to doing the wii zumba game 4 days a week so that I am working out every area of my body on a daily basis...

    I have found that compared to my class I certainly work up more of a sweat on the wii game...

    The only downside to me is that it doesn't give you much time to have a drink of water between routines...

    The tutorials are ok, I tried 1 but gave up and just decided to go for it on the routines. You pick them up pretty quickly.

    In 1 hour I can burn about 560-600 calories so it's definately worth it.
  • adosduncan
    adosduncan Posts: 1
    I have been doing C25K and realize I need a change of some sort because I'm not actually losing weight but inches instead. I really want the weight to come off. To change up, I decided to go get the Zumba for Wii tonight. I did the Intermediate for 45 minutes. I can already tell I'm going to hurting BIG time tomorrow. My calves and hips are already starting to ache. I sweat and boosted my heart rate! I think it was a great workout even thought I'm sure I looked ridiculous doing those dance moves. I just kept moving no matter what. I'm assuming about 250 to 300 calories but I definitely need a HRM!
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I got Zumba for PS3...basically same game....and in 20minutes I am sweating!! My HRM says I burned 360calories....I am a big girl! :) I love this ...had to get it since soo many people were raving about Zumba!! My lil girl does it right along with me while the baby watches......FUN!
  • bethluvsmic
    do you have playstation3 zumba move looking for playstation online workout partners
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    Great info on the game! Gonna pick it up this weekend!
  • Cblue541
    Cblue541 Posts: 17
    I burn 400 i love the 20 min. I have been doing it for a couple of days now i think in 2weeks ima start on the cardio party 45 min tape.