Where are my fellow anti-running people?



  • colors_fade
    colors_fade Posts: 464 Member
    I have never enjoyed running. My wife got me started a few years back, and for almost two years I ran a couple times per week. I hated almost every minute of it.

    I learned, at least for myself, that walking was just as effective at helping CICO, and it was far more pleasant.

    Now I usually walk for 45-60 minutes every morning.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    If I was supposed to run why would I have a car ?
  • carakirkey
    carakirkey Posts: 199 Member
    Agreed. Don't like running. Does seem like a great idea- just put on shoes and run out the door. But no, my knees can't handle it. Main cardio these days is cycling, which used to be a great passion of mine, so happy to be back at it.
  • redfiona99
    redfiona99 Posts: 116 Member
    I am of your people, just ignore all the treadmill running, it's to prove a point to someone. Honour is at stake etc.
  • moosiemom
    moosiemom Posts: 70 Member
    My knees and feet hurt before I'm even tired... so I hate running. Now I get my cardio from u-jam. I enjoy the company and I have fun. I walk to reach my 10,000 steps though. (Beginner, obviously.)
  • tloving3916
    tloving3916 Posts: 4 Member
    I concur. Running is heinous. I am surrounded by a family of runners, and I kid you not everyone has had either knee, foot, or back surgery. Everyone. It is all about the cycling (just don't hit stuff)!
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    i used to. until one day i didn't.

    I also used to love the elliptical and now hate it. We all change.

    I always thought one day I would add running as one of my options for staying active . . . I did the C25K, completed it. I even planned to run a 5K for my birthday last year until I just admitted to myself that not only did I hate running I did not like what is was doing to my shape. I also went through a period where I hated the elliptical, we have since reconciled and our affair on back on track.

    The funny thing is even after the C25K, I didn't really get over the whole movement part of running that I detested until I started doing strength workouts at home, those movement made me much lighter on my feet. Who knows you may one day only detest running :)
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    I'm glad that most people hate running, the trails are crowded enough. Now if I could just convince a couple of million more people to quit cycling........

    Seriously OP, do what you love!

    I live in an area that is nothing but two-lane highways, speed limits from 45 mph to 55 mph. And lots of curves and hills, and, of course, no bicycle lane or even a shoulder. Cyclists love them. I would be terrified of getting splatted. As it is, I am terrified of splatting someone else, so I just slow down when I come to a cycle danger zone in anticipation there is a cyclist. Worse is when about 100 of them are in a group, all going different speeds. Why don't they go places where there are bike trails????

    In other news, I hate running as well. Wish I loved it, though, but my problem isn't pain in my feet or legs; it's running out of breath. People tell me I'm breathing wrong, yada yada, but regardless, I HATE that feeling. Walking is just fine.
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    Running is awesome. When you can run 6-7 miles and still feel like you could run 10 more, that's an amazing feeling. Plus, there is nothing like the high you can achieve after some long-slow-distance running short of actually doing drugs.
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    Count me in although my boot camp does do a mile twice a week but I'm only there for one day of it. Sprint work I don't mind so much. I would love to do a Spartan type course but the running part stops me. I actually like cardio though. I'm a fan of boxing, spinning, hiking and the stepmill.
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    Not a runner here! I have no desire whatsoever to run. I also hate cardio machines. Sooooooooooo BORING. My cardio of choice is Jazzercise and I go as often as possible and try to miss very few classes. I also paddle board (wonderful core workout) and kayak fairly often as I LOVE these activities. And hiking. I live in the mountains so we have awesome places for hiking. Running though.....UGH. No. Unless a bear is chasing me.
  • SkinnyNicole86
    SkinnyNicole86 Posts: 17 Member
    Yup no running for me! I've got awful knees, Ive had surgery on the one. (I'm only 24 lol) it usually hurts when I run. I like walking Though! As well as biking and swimming! Starting to enjoy the elliptical move. Haha
    Add me all of you anti-runners :)
  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    edited June 2015
    I used to be like you but now love it or at least tolerate it enough to not to abhor it. I agree with those who say the movement of running has improved other things for me at the gym. And I love long slow runs now. In fact short 5ks seem more annoying than LSR's for me. Though I say the same about short 1-2 hour flights after having done half a dozen 15+ hour international flights.

    Hate running but don't write it out of your life. This coming from a woman who used to say the same as you.

    At the very least because you never know when the zombie apocalypse will hit and you need to outrun them. :lol:
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I run across the street when the light is about to change.

    I'll run like 3 miles every 2-3 months if I ate too much.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Beer run. Put me down for that.

    But don't run back with it. Dangerous.
  • skinnygirldc
    skinnygirldc Posts: 30 Member
    emtjmac wrote: »
    Running is awesome. When you can run 6-7 miles and still feel like you could run 10 more, that's an amazing feeling. Plus, there is nothing like the high you can achieve after some long-slow-distance running short of actually doing drugs.

    Uhh...I doubt I will ever experience this. Every minute of running is painful for me. I'll stick with spinning, zumba, elliptical, and hiking.

  • cuckoo_jenibeth
    cuckoo_jenibeth Posts: 1,434 Member
    I am not sure that I hate running, but I definitely hate how I imagine that I look while running! Totally no form!
    I do love swimming, so I swim laps, water jog and take water aerobics twice a week!
  • tiffanyaiv
    tiffanyaiv Posts: 107 Member
  • meexwalks
    meexwalks Posts: 14 Member
    <--- not a runner. I get my cardio in by walking, HIIT, or fast paced interval weight training.
  • Teanei
    Teanei Posts: 21 Member
    I'm not a fan of running either. I used to enjoy it somewhat. Now, not so much. I still do it though here and there.
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    edited June 2015
    After minor knee surgery many years ago I was told never to run again and I nearly cheered. I hate running. For cardio: spinning, hiking uphill at a fast pace (you can also do a treadmill on incline), cardio strider (similar to an elliptical), stair machine at the gym.
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    Not a runner here! I have no desire whatsoever to run. I also hate cardio machines. Sooooooooooo BORING. My cardio of choice is Jazzercise and I go as often as possible and try to miss very few classes. I also paddle board (wonderful core workout) and kayak fairly often as I LOVE these activities. And hiking. I live in the mountains so we have awesome places for hiking. Running though.....UGH. No. Unless a bear is chasing me.

    NEVER run from a bear! Unless you are with friends, then you just need to run faster than your friends.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I've tried so many programs / apps based on I also hated running until... recommendations with a positive attitude. Nope, I hate running and I'm just not going to ever get on board with the running trend and I'm OK with that.

    Cool. More miles for the rest of us.

    Personally I loathe being inside gyms.
  • Emmatyan
    Emmatyan Posts: 87 Member
    I hate running too! I can't control my breathing, my heart rate goes up to 180, I immediately have pain under my ribs. And the weather.
    I prefer ellpitical too. When the moves are smooth I don't get pain in my knees or in the sides and the who;le thing is much more in control.
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    I'm anti-running, but pro-jogging.

  • Kidostud
    Kidostud Posts: 307 Member
    The wheel was invented just for me!! Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. Not going to try it again.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Ooooh boy - I tried to like running. I even managed to do a 5k on a treadmill once. I did it twice actually.

    Have not ran since.

    I still enjoy most forms of cardio though...but running is just horrible.
  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    Can't run, causes serious back and hip pain due to a short leg and twisted spine. Instead I use the elliptical, incline treadmill, stationary bike, or just walking/hiking outside.
  • get_rucked
    get_rucked Posts: 71 Member
    I hate running - if I do cardio I bike - I would happily chose to cycle 100k over a 10k run.

    I've tried to get into it and have done a few token 5k and 10ks but an accident a year or so ago left me with pins in one leg and running/high impact stuff is pretty uncomfortable for me (I pretend that this upsets me but I am secretly delighted!).
  • AlecB62
    AlecB62 Posts: 264 Member
    I have no desire to run, I keep getting colleagues trying to get me to join them on a run at lunchtime.

    I like elliptical, stationary bike or a fast uphill walk on the treadmill if I'm in the gym.