GrRrR..this just angers me beyond words >8(



  • RDH0513
    RDH0513 Posts: 245 Member
    You guys are being kinda harsh. He's just a man trying to put on a good show for his countrymen and internationals. The lion is just an animal. People kill animals for sport all the time. It's sad that you all would rather a human die, than an animal.

    That being said; he will not win the fight. Not even with a shield and dagger.

    Good luck, dude!

    I totally agree, I mean what is the purpose of saving these kind of animals??? He should fight all kinds of endangered species! pff who needs them!!
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Next thing you know, he'll be punching whales...
  • deverez
    deverez Posts: 34 Member
    I totally agree, I mean what is the purpose of saving these kind of animals??? He should fight all kinds of endangered species! pff who needs them!!

    Well, I don't agree with fighting endangered species. I guess it's a good thing lions aren't endangered, right?
  • RDH0513
    RDH0513 Posts: 245 Member
    I totally agree, I mean what is the purpose of saving these kind of animals??? He should fight all kinds of endangered species! pff who needs them!!

    Well, I don't agree with fighting endangered species. I guess it's a good thing lions aren't endangered, right?

    I do! what is the point of them??
  • Newmammaluv
    Newmammaluv Posts: 379 Member
    It would be more fun to watch him try to drag an airplane instead. If they want to increase tourism wouldn't an airplane be a better symbol and even more so they could get a major airline to help!

    Come one, come all, see the crazy Egyptian guy drag an airplane with hooks through his skin!!

    Seems like a better solution that doesn't involve PETA international getting their panties in a bunch.

    Edited to add: Also it IS generally acceptable for people to kill for sport. It's even MORE so in countries other than the US. I had a boyfriend that was born and raised in Pakistan and bear fights and other blood sports were a weekly occurance. I think this is just another example of the typical American being ignorent and intollerant of other people's cultures. Would I personally endorse that kind of behavior is the US?? No, why? whats the difference? Well, simple. It's not acceptable here and more so it would be against the law. Especially the buying and selling of exotic animals.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Wow! An actual Neanderthal! Who knew that there was still one that had not gone extinct?
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Also it IS generally acceptable for people to kill for sport. It's even MORE so in countries other than the US. I had a boyfriend that was born and raised in Pakistan and bear fights and other blood sports were a weekly occurance. I think this is just another example of the typical American being ignorent and intollerant of other people's cultures. Would I personally endorse that kind of behavior is the US?? No, why? whats the difference? Well, simple. It's not acceptable here and more so it would be against the law. Especially the buying and selling of exotic animals.

    And in Egypt and Pakistan, you would have just broken the law for expressing your opinion on the matter. Just because it is socially acceptable, does not make it right!
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    If he wanted to go out into the Sahara and fight a real lion, I'd be all for it. I'd pay to watch. But I can't see locking a lion in a cage for months, not allowing it to exercise, and most likely starving it to the point of exhaustion so that he can go in and rip it to shreds as being a "sport". It's not a fair fight. That is the part that upsets me. At least make it a fair fight.
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    I totally agree, I mean what is the purpose of saving these kind of animals??? He should fight all kinds of endangered species! pff who needs them!!

    Well, I don't agree with fighting endangered species. I guess it's a good thing lions aren't endangered, right?

    I do! what is the point of them??
  • lbkrillin
    lbkrillin Posts: 19
    I would go. Id like to see him punch whales too!
  • Newmammaluv
    Newmammaluv Posts: 379 Member
    Also it IS generally acceptable for people to kill for sport. It's even MORE so in countries other than the US. I had a boyfriend that was born and raised in Pakistan and bear fights and other blood sports were a weekly occurance. I think this is just another example of the typical American being ignorent and intollerant of other people's cultures. Would I personally endorse that kind of behavior is the US?? No, why? whats the difference? Well, simple. It's not acceptable here and more so it would be against the law. Especially the buying and selling of exotic animals.

    And in Egypt and Pakistan, you would have just broken the law for expressing your opinion on the matter. Just because it is socially acceptable, does not make it right!

    Only if my opinion was not asked of me. I happen to agree with a lot of the views of women in the middle east so lets stay on topic here. I dated the guy for a while for a reason here. But that is not what this debate is about.

    It isn't in the US and the US has no right or purpose to police what happens in other nations. Let their government deal with it. I still stand by my original stance that although it isn't "wrong" in their culture it is taboo in ours. Furthermore it would be better publicity for tourism to do some of his other stunts.
  • deverez
    deverez Posts: 34 Member
    You are a voice of reason in this crazy thread, Newmammaluv.