Risky Diet in the News



  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Just out of curiousity do ya'll HCG users have anyone on here (MFP) that has been on it, and lost weight and then stopped?? I am curious to see what their results are and how they eat now.

    Yes, i have. I did 2 rounds, lost 38 pounds and have kept it off. I went back to the Primal / paleo way of eating and have lost quite a bit more weight as of now. I am still losing.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Although I do appreciate the information, I am already on the HCG diet, and I have lost 10.6 lbs in 13 days. So, it must increase weight loss somehow, because I have never lost a pant size in a week before this diet. It may seem unhealthy but this diet is recommended often by our doctors, and I respect my own doctors opinion more than a news article. 500 calories on its own is crazy, and I would never recommend it to anyone. This diet is derived from a natural hormone in our bodies and the low calorie diet does not affect you while on the drops. When you stop the drops, you increase your calorie intake. We should be posting both sides of every story, as I know there are some MFP members who would greatly benefit from this diet (of course, on a doctor's recommendation).

    Good information, and good to know the risks, but for those of us already on the diet, we cannot just stop halfway through. I have more energy now than I ever have had before, so the low calories are not affecting me in a negative way. The diet is for 21-23 days. If someone doesn't want to do it, they shouldn't. But I am proud of my weight loss and don't want to be criticized for the way I choose to diet.

    Actual studies show that HCG is no different than a placebo.


    "There was no statistically significant difference in the means of the two groups in number of injections received, weight loss, percent of weight loss, hip and waist circumference, weight loss per injections, or in hunger ratings. HCG does not appear to enhance the effectiveness of a rigidly imposed regimen for weight reduction."


    "These studies showed a significant weight reduction during dieting, but no differences between treatment groups in respect of body weight, body proportions and feeling of hunger."


    "We conclude that there is no scientific evidence that HCG is effective in the treatment of obesity; it does not bring about weight-loss of fat-redistribution, nor does it reduce hunger or induce a feeling of well-being."

    There are major differences...........

    500 calories with HCG :

    Weight loss without hunger
    Loss of Fat weight, very little if any muscle loss
    Better sleep
    More energy

    500 calories without HCG:

    Tired, lethargic and feel crappy
    Ravengingly hungry (starving feeling)
    Can't sleep
    Loss of muscle, not fat
  • beancurdie
    beancurdie Posts: 85 Member
    In regards to the question directed to me about trusting the FDA...

    I do my own research on government recommendations. One example is that my kids are vaccinated, but I worked with their doctor to space out their shots as to not overwhelm their little bodies.

    Just so you know where I'm coming from, I was diagnosed as a Type II diabetic when I was 29 years old. I could easily claim it was due to an awful family history, but the reality is I ate too much and I moved too little. To complicate matters, I was pregnant with my first child while diagnosed. I was immediately put on insulin and worked with a dietitian. I have to tell you, injecting myself with hormones 4xday for months was not fun. It messed with my mood, it messed with my sex drive, it made me soooo hungry. After I gave birth, I worked with my doctor and the dietitian to make sure I wouldn't need to be on medications. No one was pushing a quick fix via prescription. I was told to work hard and follow my eating plan (low carb) and exercising plan (30min, 3-4/week).

    I'm happy to say that since my last child was born in 2006, I have consistently had a1C tests done every six months and I am now always within the 5.2-5.5 range. I don't have a Type 2 classification any more. Did I drop three pant sizes in three days? Nope. Do I still have weight to lose? Yep.

    I don't feel the need to defend how I did what I did, because I'm confident in my method. If you are so confident in your plan, why the need to defend your eating lifestyle so ferociously?
  • up2me2lose20
    up2me2lose20 Posts: 360 Member
    I haven't read all the posts--just the article. I was on HCG while we were trying infertility treatments. IT was not fun going in for the injection and dealing with the hormone surge from the treatment. In fact, if I remember right, I felt pretty cruddy. Is the dosage the same? Does this up your changes of getting pregnant too? I'm sorry if this is a "dumb" question. THe point of my HCG treatments were to produce healthy eggs; I can't imagine trying it for weight loss.
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Can I just remind everyone of the forum rules? It is all well and good offering your opinion on different diets out there however, some of the insulting language is not beneficial in getting a point across and just makes people upset and makes for uncomfortable reading. In my personal opinion, I believe that all diets should be civily discussed in order to further benefit our understanding of things. Please do not risk this thread becoming locked by insulting each other.

    An official reminder:
    4) Do not attack/slam/insult other users. The forums are here so that members can help support one another. Attacks or insults against each other takes away from the supportive atmosphere and will not be tolerated. You can discuss the message or topic, but not the messenger - NO EXCEPTIONS. If you are attacked by another user, and you reciprocate, YOU will also be subject to the same consequences. Defending yourself, defending a friend, etc. are NOT excuses. Violations of this rule are taken very seriously and may result in being banned without warning! If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.

    You may find that certain posts will now be edited to remove insulting language and content and any quotes of these insults/remarks will also be edited.

    Thanks for your co - operation.
    MyFitnessPal Forum Moderator. :flowerforyou:
  • chrisyoung0422
    chrisyoung0422 Posts: 426 Member
    Just by reading the first sentence of this post I could smell a flame fest coming. :devil:

    Personally I do not think this diet is a good idea. I know people that have had sucess on it though.
  • mommamills
    mommamills Posts: 437
    Although I do appreciate the information, I am already on the HCG diet, and I have lost 10.6 lbs in 13 days. So, it must increase weight loss somehow, because I have never lost a pant size in a week before this diet. It may seem unhealthy but this diet is recommended often by our doctors, and I respect my own doctors opinion more than a news article. 500 calories on its own is crazy, and I would never recommend it to anyone. This diet is derived from a natural hormone in our bodies and the low calorie diet does not affect you while on the drops. When you stop the drops, you increase your calorie intake. We should be posting both sides of every story, as I know there are some MFP members who would greatly benefit from this diet (of course, on a doctor's recommendation).

    Good information, and good to know the risks, but for those of us already on the diet, we cannot just stop halfway through. I have more energy now than I ever have had before, so the low calories are not affecting me in a negative way. The diet is for 21-23 days. If someone doesn't want to do it, they shouldn't. But I am proud of my weight loss and don't want to be criticized for the way I choose to diet.

    guys....I honestly just don't see where anyone has been "criticizing" anyone for choosing this way to diet. It's up to you what you do to and with your body whether it's join the HCG dieters, join the die hard calorie counters, or sit at home on the sofa stuffing your face with pizza. The OP was simply sharing some information that was posted regarding research on this topic that is a BIG DEAL right now. Yes, some ppl could prob choose to use other words in places and maybe that's where ya'll are getting the "bashing" and "criticizing" from.....but what I see here is concern.

    You should never let anyone else affect the way you feel, choose, or see things. It should always be based on your own research, experiences, beliefs, and gut feelings. Bottom line, is every diet has risks. You should know what they are and the best way to avoid negative side affects and reactions as well as make an EDUCATED decision as to whether it is right for YOU!
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    Although I do appreciate the information, I am already on the HCG diet, and I have lost 10.6 lbs in 13 days. So, it must increase weight loss somehow, because I have never lost a pant size in a week before this diet. It may seem unhealthy but this diet is recommended often by our doctors, and I respect my own doctors opinion more than a news article. 500 calories on its own is crazy, and I would never recommend it to anyone. This diet is derived from a natural hormone in our bodies and the low calorie diet does not affect you while on the drops. When you stop the drops, you increase your calorie intake. We should be posting both sides of every story, as I know there are some MFP members who would greatly benefit from this diet (of course, on a doctor's recommendation).

    Good information, and good to know the risks, but for those of us already on the diet, we cannot just stop halfway through. I have more energy now than I ever have had before, so the low calories are not affecting me in a negative way. The diet is for 21-23 days. If someone doesn't want to do it, they shouldn't. But I am proud of my weight loss and don't want to be criticized for the way I choose to diet.

    Actual studies show that HCG is no different than a placebo.


    "There was no statistically significant difference in the means of the two groups in number of injections received, weight loss, percent of weight loss, hip and waist circumference, weight loss per injections, or in hunger ratings. HCG does not appear to enhance the effectiveness of a rigidly imposed regimen for weight reduction."


    "These studies showed a significant weight reduction during dieting, but no differences between treatment groups in respect of body weight, body proportions and feeling of hunger."


    "We conclude that there is no scientific evidence that HCG is effective in the treatment of obesity; it does not bring about weight-loss of fat-redistribution, nor does it reduce hunger or induce a feeling of well-being."

    There are major differences...........

    500 calories with HCG :

    Weight loss without hunger
    Loss of Fat weight, very little if any muscle loss
    Better sleep
    More energy

    500 calories without HCG:

    Tired, lethargic and feel crappy
    Ravengingly hungry (starving feeling)
    Can't sleep
    Loss of muscle, not fat

    THere are no studies PROVING that the weight is coming from fat and NOT from muscle. Just sayin.
  • dcornwe
    dcornwe Posts: 73
  • aset132
    aset132 Posts: 91
    I'm not sure where the bashing is here. Someone saw an article, it was relevant, and they posted it. We all have a right to our opinions. Mine may differ from yours but I still have a right to it. I thought this site was for people to do just that. Share there thoughts, ideas, and what has worked for them. This is obviously an emotionally charged subject. But we shouldn't accuse someone of bashing just to quiet them because you don't like what they say.
    I personally feel this is unsafe. Doctors are paid a fortune to push products. Sad but true. They may not always have our best interest at heart. I am NOT telling you how to live your life. I am NOT bashing or saying hurtful insults. I am simply using the forums for what they are designed for.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I'm not sure where the bashing is here. Someone saw an article, it was relevant, and they posted it. We all have a right to our opinions. Mine may differ from yours but I still have a right to it. I thought this site was for people to do just that. Share there thoughts, ideas, and what has worked for them. This is obviously an emotionally charged subject. But we shouldn't accuse someone of bashing just to quiet them because you don't like what they say.
    I personally feel this is unsafe. Doctors are paid a fortune to push products. Sad but true. They may not always have our best interest at heart. I am NOT telling you how to live your life. I am NOT bashing or saying hurtful insults. I am simply using the forums for what they are designed for.

    Calling someone lazy because they choose a different route is bashing someone. That is not an accusation, that is what they stated.

    Doctors are paid far more by pushing drugs and prescription than HCG. Pharmaceutical drugs are able to be patented. HCG is not.

    Major difference there.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Just thought I would share an article on the HCG DIET....


    Stop with this.

    First of all, it is not a fad. This is a plan put together by a doctor back in the 1950's and there is logical science behind it.

    STOP with bashing what others are doing to help themselves lose weight and be healthier. JUST STOP ALREADY!!!

    No matter what plan a person is doing, we should be encouraging and supporting one another. This bashing has got to stop.

    That was not 'bashing'. The OP posted an article that people can read and draw their own conclusions.

    And I for one do not believe that it is necessary to 'support' people 'no matter what plan'. If people are subscribing to a plan with potential risks to their health, we should be able to respectfully discuss those risks.

    The articles are posted so people will come in and say OMG, it is so unhealthy........blah, blah, blah.

    I am willing to bet whomever wrote the article and almost everyone that posted here has not read the manuscript and knows nothing about the plan except for what the MEDIA wrote............

    In one of the other threads on this same subject this morning someone called anyone that has done HCG lazy. That is bashing.

    If I were to call someone lazy because they eat their fake and frozen food I would be labeled a basher, so keep it real here too. Or, just because you don't agree you won't say it is bashing?
  • aset132
    aset132 Posts: 91
    I'm not sure where the bashing is here. Someone saw an article, it was relevant, and they posted it. We all have a right to our opinions. Mine may differ from yours but I still have a right to it. I thought this site was for people to do just that. Share there thoughts, ideas, and what has worked for them. This is obviously an emotionally charged subject. But we shouldn't accuse someone of bashing just to quiet them because you don't like what they say.
    I personally feel this is unsafe. Doctors are paid a fortune to push products. Sad but true. They may not always have our best interest at heart. I am NOT telling you how to live your life. I am NOT bashing or saying hurtful insults. I am simply using the forums for what they are designed for.

    Calling someone lazy because they choose a different route is bashing someone. That is not an accusation, that is what they stated.

    Doctors are paid far more by pushing drugs and prescription than HCG. Pharmaceutical drugs are able to be patented. HCG is not.

    Major difference there.
  • HoLLyZ82
    HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
    Just thought I would share an article on the HCG DIET....


    Stop with this.

    First of all, it is not a fad. This is a plan put together by a doctor back in the 1950's and there is logical science behind it.

    STOP with bashing what others are doing to help themselves lose weight and be healthier. JUST STOP ALREADY!!!

    No matter what plan a person is doing, we should be encouraging and supporting one another. This bashing has got to stop.

    That was not 'bashing'. The OP posted an article that people can read and draw their own conclusions.

    And I for one do not believe that it is necessary to 'support' people 'no matter what plan'. If people are subscribing to a plan with potential risks to their health, we should be able to respectfully discuss those risks.

    The articles are posted so people will come in and say OMG, it is so unhealthy........blah, blah, blah.

    I am willing to bet whomever wrote the article and almost everyone that posted here has not read the manuscript and knows nothing about the plan except for what the MEDIA wrote............

    In one of the other threads on this same subject this morning someone called anyone that has done HCG lazy. That is bashing.

    If I were to call someone lazy because they eat their fake and frozen food I would be labeled a basher, so keep it real here too. Or, just because you don't agree you won't say it is bashing?

    i would like to first state than when i posted this it was JUST A LINK and you said i was bashing. doesnt make sense. NOW, its apparent that there are different opinions on this. to each their own but the way i see it yo uare beating a dead horse at this point. im over it. congrats on your weight loss.
  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member
    Why can't HGC be patented?
  • aset132
    aset132 Posts: 91
    I'm not sure where the bashing is here. Someone saw an article, it was relevant, and they posted it. We all have a right to our opinions. Mine may differ from yours but I still have a right to it. I thought this site was for people to do just that. Share there thoughts, ideas, and what has worked for them. This is obviously an emotionally charged subject. But we shouldn't accuse someone of bashing just to quiet them because you don't like what they say.
    I personally feel this is unsafe. Doctors are paid a fortune to push products. Sad but true. They may not always have our best interest at heart. I am NOT telling you how to live your life. I am NOT bashing or saying hurtful insults. I am simply using the forums for what they are designed for.

    Calling someone lazy because they choose a different route is bashing someone. That is not an accusation, that is what they stated.

    Doctors are paid far more by pushing drugs and prescription than HCG. Pharmaceutical drugs are able to be patented. HCG is not.

    Major difference there.

    Very true. Calling someone lazy is not a cool thing to do, but I think accusations of bashing were made before any lazy comments were made. I don't think any of us are lazy. We're here aren't we?
    You have chosen a path I wouldn't have. If you are happy and it works for you them ok. I wish you luck. I'm not here to tell anyone how to live their life. I do wish you the best.
  • BryanAir
    BryanAir Posts: 434
    I'm not sure where the bashing is here. Someone saw an article, it was relevant, and they posted it. We all have a right to our opinions. Mine may differ from yours but I still have a right to it. I thought this site was for people to do just that. Share there thoughts, ideas, and what has worked for them. This is obviously an emotionally charged subject. But we shouldn't accuse someone of bashing just to quiet them because you don't like what they say.
    I personally feel this is unsafe. Doctors are paid a fortune to push products. Sad but true. They may not always have our best interest at heart. I am NOT telling you how to live your life. I am NOT bashing or saying hurtful insults. I am simply using the forums for what they are designed for.

    It is a fairly common tactic of the woo peddlers to claim bashing when you post something that they don't agree with. It is their attempt to silence debate on the topic. Because there is no science to back up such things as HCG, homeopathy, naturopathy, etc they have to claim that there is either a conspiracy to keep it down or claim that you are bashing by not agreeing with them.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I'm not sure where the bashing is here. Someone saw an article, it was relevant, and they posted it. We all have a right to our opinions. Mine may differ from yours but I still have a right to it. I thought this site was for people to do just that. Share there thoughts, ideas, and what has worked for them. This is obviously an emotionally charged subject. But we shouldn't accuse someone of bashing just to quiet them because you don't like what they say.
    I personally feel this is unsafe. Doctors are paid a fortune to push products. Sad but true. They may not always have our best interest at heart. I am NOT telling you how to live your life. I am NOT bashing or saying hurtful insults. I am simply using the forums for what they are designed for.

    Calling someone lazy because they choose a different route is bashing someone. That is not an accusation, that is what they stated.

    Doctors are paid far more by pushing drugs and prescription than HCG. Pharmaceutical drugs are able to be patented. HCG is not.

    Major difference there.

    Very true. Calling someone lazy is not a cool thing to do, but I think accusations of bashing were made before any lazy comments were made. I don't think any of us are lazy. We're here aren't we?
    You have chosen a path I wouldn't have. If you are happy and it works for you them ok. I wish you luck. I'm not here to tell anyone how to live their life. I do wish you the best.

    The lazy comment was made in the other thread that the link was posted in this thread. I take great offense to this as when I was on HCG I spent my entire Sunday washing, prepping and cutting up vegetables and fruits from the list and preparing the allowed meats so I had lunches and snacks to take to work with me everyday.

    This is a plan that takes some considerable time and committment to be successful at it. Just like any other plan.

    I did HCG last summer for other reasons than merely weight loss. I have a pituitary tumor in which it shrank a bit while I was on the HCG plan and it lined out my other hormonal imbalances.

    The weight loss was an added benefit in my case and my doctor thought the plan would be most benficial for me as I am only looking for natural ways to treat conditions.
  • HoLLyZ82
    HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
    I'm not sure where the bashing is here. Someone saw an article, it was relevant, and they posted it. We all have a right to our opinions. Mine may differ from yours but I still have a right to it. I thought this site was for people to do just that. Share there thoughts, ideas, and what has worked for them. This is obviously an emotionally charged subject. But we shouldn't accuse someone of bashing just to quiet them because you don't like what they say.
    I personally feel this is unsafe. Doctors are paid a fortune to push products. Sad but true. They may not always have our best interest at heart. I am NOT telling you how to live your life. I am NOT bashing or saying hurtful insults. I am simply using the forums for what they are designed for.

    Calling someone lazy because they choose a different route is bashing someone. That is not an accusation, that is what they stated.

    Doctors are paid far more by pushing drugs and prescription than HCG. Pharmaceutical drugs are able to be patented. HCG is not.

    Major difference there.

    Very true. Calling someone lazy is not a cool thing to do, but I think accusations of bashing were made before any lazy comments were made. I don't think any of us are lazy. We're here aren't we?
    You have chosen a path I wouldn't have. If you are happy and it works for you them ok. I wish you luck. I'm not here to tell anyone how to live their life. I do wish you the best.

    The lazy comment was made in the other thread that the link was posted in this thread.

    then go there and complain.