I just deleted a bunch of friends.



  • ayreka7
    ayreka7 Posts: 198 Member
    I also just deleted a bunch of people who stopped logging. I have noticed a lot of my friends seem to only go on to log in so they don't lose their streak. I could use more active friends too! Add me if you'd like.
  • slideaway1
    slideaway1 Posts: 1,006 Member
    ayreka7 wrote: »
    I also just deleted a bunch of people who stopped logging. I have noticed a lot of my friends seem to only go on to log in so they don't lose their streak. I could use more active friends too! Add me if you'd like.

    Will everyone please stop deleting me! I'm beginning to take this personally now. :)
  • killerqueen21
    killerqueen21 Posts: 157 Member
  • amc29
    amc29 Posts: 27 Member
    Only been back for about 4 days, after going to WW and losing 50lbs, but I have logged everyday. I have another 30-40lbs to lose so I plan to be around a while! I sent you a request!
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Are 872 days motivational enough?
  • bago08
    bago08 Posts: 360 Member
    Ive been on for 30 in a row and lost 16 lbs. Im motivated for sure after seeing the results.
  • ayreka7
    ayreka7 Posts: 198 Member
    slideaway1 wrote: »
    ayreka7 wrote: »
    I also just deleted a bunch of people who stopped logging. I have noticed a lot of my friends seem to only go on to log in so they don't lose their streak. I could use more active friends too! Add me if you'd like.

    Will everyone please stop deleting me! I'm beginning to take this personally now. :)

    So sorry ;)
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I never get past 5 days. I don't log in to the computer on the weekends. I guess I am a bad friend.
  • cindyangotti
    cindyangotti Posts: 294 Member
    I have a 166 day streak that I am proud of! That is 166 days of food logging!! Yay me!
  • blacquehawk
    blacquehawk Posts: 2 Member
    This whole post is amazingly motivating. I just started and finally hit 30 days, it nothing compare to 100+, but seeing this post just makes to that much more motivated
  • slideaway1
    slideaway1 Posts: 1,006 Member
    If the OP does accept your friend request, just don't get to close and attached. He will delete you and break your heart without ever looking back. :)
  • angella_jacobs93
    angella_jacobs93 Posts: 54 Member
    I am on a 10 day streak! My first 10 days on MFP :)I have an open diary and have logged every bite!
  • chelsy0587
    chelsy0587 Posts: 441 Member
    I'm at a 156 day streak, I don't post much cause I really don't know what to say but I do comment on others posts and like posts. I do enjoy reading what my friends have been doing and love to see them lose weight or gain muscle if that is their goal.

    add me if you like

  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    LOL....I don't need anyone to motivate me, as I am looking after my health and fitness for myself...And I don't want a bunch of needy people who needs a constant "you go girl" or they will blame their own failure on the lack thereof...
  • sarahmoo12
    sarahmoo12 Posts: 756 Member
    I give it a month have a snoop to make sure they haven't posted a reason as to why they might not be logging great for a while if there's none bye bye :smile: anyone wants to add me work away I need motivated people too !
  • whatatime2befit
    whatatime2befit Posts: 625 Member
    edited June 2015
    I only delete friends if they haven't been active for several months. Anyone can have a few bad weeks or a month, where they fall off the wagon, and then pull themselves together and get back on. That is one of the reasons of having friends on here, not only to support you when you are doing things right, but also so that when you have a rough time, they are there to provide support then as well.
  • trina1049
    trina1049 Posts: 593 Member
    523 days of logging and down 48 pounds! Hoping to carry on for a long, long time.
  • NotAbbieNormal
    NotAbbieNormal Posts: 30 Member
    I just deleted a bunch of people too - almost 60 people in fact. The only one's I have left are personal friends (some of whom are not good loggers but I keep them anyway), and a couple of really motivational MFP pals. That's it! I don't need or want pals to comment every single time I complete my diary, or workout, but come one - I've lost a bunch of weight and when I hit the 99 pound loss, I got 3 likes...that's it. No comments, no encouragement, nothing. So I deleted them. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't comment every time someone posts something either, but when one of my pals reaches a milestone or needs some encouragement, I step in and comment. I would rather have 4 or 5 people who are really motivational and take their health serious, than 100 people who rarely log, or people who talk about non-health related stuff or whine and complain (that's what Facebook is for).
  • DanniB423
    DanniB423 Posts: 777 Member
    I only have like 35 friends and tend to see the same 10-12 always liking and commenting. I don't even always notice everyone constantly. Today is log in day 55 for me.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I have a rule. If someone stops logging for a week or more they are gone. Only serious people allowed on my list. And you better be letting your friends into your diary too.