Risky Diet in the News



  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I'm not sure where the bashing is here. Someone saw an article, it was relevant, and they posted it. We all have a right to our opinions. Mine may differ from yours but I still have a right to it. I thought this site was for people to do just that. Share there thoughts, ideas, and what has worked for them. This is obviously an emotionally charged subject. But we shouldn't accuse someone of bashing just to quiet them because you don't like what they say.
    I personally feel this is unsafe. Doctors are paid a fortune to push products. Sad but true. They may not always have our best interest at heart. I am NOT telling you how to live your life. I am NOT bashing or saying hurtful insults. I am simply using the forums for what they are designed for.

    Calling someone lazy because they choose a different route is bashing someone. That is not an accusation, that is what they stated.

    Doctors are paid far more by pushing drugs and prescription than HCG. Pharmaceutical drugs are able to be patented. HCG is not.

    Major difference there.

    Very true. Calling someone lazy is not a cool thing to do, but I think accusations of bashing were made before any lazy comments were made. I don't think any of us are lazy. We're here aren't we?
    You have chosen a path I wouldn't have. If you are happy and it works for you them ok. I wish you luck. I'm not here to tell anyone how to live their life. I do wish you the best.

    The lazy comment was made in the other thread that the link was posted in this thread.

    then go there and complain.

    Your not even worth the comment I was going to make.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    The real problem is doctors rarely make referrals to nutritionists or dieticians. They don't offer advice for a person to become healthier. Most people don't know what to do.............We see the questions all the time for people reaching out not knowing what to do.

    It is easier and more profitable for a doctor to say You have high blood pressure, take this pill for the rest of your life...........than to sit down and say.......Hmmm, let's go over your eating plan to see where you can make those improvements.

    Medicine of today is a joke.
    NO. The real problem of today is people ASK for the pills and the easy way out. Im sure doctors are damn sick and tired of trying to convince people to just be healthier instead of cheating their way through life with injections and pills.

    I don't like plenty of doctors I've seen, but for every in-a-hurry doc theres at least one that has your best interest in mind.

    Im a complete pessimist and I still think your thoughts are way overboard.

    This thread just makes me so sad. It really, really does. Why can't people just try to BE healthy? And why must people believe that everyone is out to get them, their money, and their health? Personal choices are just that.

    Maybe when you're trying to lose weight you should be selfish about it. Eat right and exercise for you and don't look for an easy out.
  • aset132
    aset132 Posts: 91
    The real problem is doctors rarely make referrals to nutritionists or dieticians. They don't offer advice for a person to become healthier. Most people don't know what to do.............We see the questions all the time for people reaching out not knowing what to do.

    It is easier and more profitable for a doctor to say You have high blood pressure, take this pill for the rest of your life...........than to sit down and say.......Hmmm, let's go over your eating plan to see where you can make those improvements.

    Medicine of today is a joke.
    NO. The real problem of today is people ASK for the pills and the easy way out. Im sure doctors are damn sick and tired of trying to convince people to just be healthier instead of cheating their way through life with injections and pills.

    I don't like plenty of doctors I've seen, but for every in-a-hurry doc theres at least one that has your best interest in mind.

    Im a complete pessimist and I still think your thoughts are way overboard.

    This thread just makes me so sad. It really, really does. Why can't people just try to BE healthy? And why must people believe that everyone is out to get them, their money, and their health? Personal choices are just that.

    Maybe when you're trying to lose weight you should be selfish about it. Eat right and exercise for you and don't look for an easy out.

    : ) I like this.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    The real problem is doctors rarely make referrals to nutritionists or dieticians. They don't offer advice for a person to become healthier. Most people don't know what to do.............We see the questions all the time for people reaching out not knowing what to do.

    It is easier and more profitable for a doctor to say You have high blood pressure, take this pill for the rest of your life...........than to sit down and say.......Hmmm, let's go over your eating plan to see where you can make those improvements.

    Medicine of today is a joke.
    NO. The real problem of today is people ASK for the pills and the easy way out. Im sure doctors are damn sick and tired of trying to convince people to just be healthier instead of cheating their way through life with injections and pills.

    I don't like plenty of doctors I've seen, but for every in-a-hurry doc theres at least one that has your best interest in mind.

    Im a complete pessimist and I still think your thoughts are way overboard.

    This thread just makes me so sad. It really, really does. Why can't people just try to BE healthy? And why must people believe that everyone is out to get them, their money, and their health? Personal choices are just that.

    Maybe when you're trying to lose weight you should be selfish about it. Eat right and exercise for you and don't look for an easy out.

    Let me tell you a little bit about my journey...........

    In 1995 I was a size 0, weighing in at 115 - 188 pounds. I suddenly started gaining weight for no reason at all and stopped having monthly TOM..............

    I went from Doctor to doctor to doctor until 2003 when I finally found a doctor that would listen to me and my concerns without telling me to go on a 1000 calorie low fat diet and get some exercise. I was in the Effin Army, I exercised everyday and still gained weight...........

    I went to a total of about 50 or 60 doctors, NOT 1 of them would listen to me.

    In 2003, a new gynecologist finally listened to me and found what was wrong with me. I had PCOS. He also told me if one of those previous doctors had stopped and listened to me without passing me prescriptions for migraines, depression, weight loss pills, high blood pressure, etc..............I would not have been sitting in front of him telling me I was now Type 2 Diabetic.

    You see why I lost faith in the medical community???????????? It is a joke.

    One of my highschool friends became a doctor and when I talk to her she is always telling me about the free trips the Big Pharmaceutical companies give to the doctors for prescribing X amount of certain drugs..............Again, the medical community is a joke. They are making contests with people's lives and well being.

    Yes, I am angry and I am working toward getting this changed.
  • mommamills
    mommamills Posts: 437
    I'm not sure where the bashing is here. Someone saw an article, it was relevant, and they posted it. We all have a right to our opinions. Mine may differ from yours but I still have a right to it. I thought this site was for people to do just that. Share there thoughts, ideas, and what has worked for them. This is obviously an emotionally charged subject. But we shouldn't accuse someone of bashing just to quiet them because you don't like what they say.
    I personally feel this is unsafe. Doctors are paid a fortune to push products. Sad but true. They may not always have our best interest at heart. I am NOT telling you how to live your life. I am NOT bashing or saying hurtful insults. I am simply using the forums for what they are designed for.

    Calling someone lazy because they choose a different route is bashing someone. That is not an accusation, that is what they stated.

    Doctors are paid far more by pushing drugs and prescription than HCG. Pharmaceutical drugs are able to be patented. HCG is not.

    Major difference there.

    Very true. Calling someone lazy is not a cool thing to do, but I think accusations of bashing were made before any lazy comments were made. I don't think any of us are lazy. We're here aren't we?
    You have chosen a path I wouldn't have. If you are happy and it works for you them ok. I wish you luck. I'm not here to tell anyone how to live their life. I do wish you the best.

    The lazy comment was made in the other thread that the link was posted in this thread.

    then go there and complain.

    Your not even worth the comment I was going to make.

    lol....kinda funny....this sounds like "bashing" and it's in THIS forum!
  • HoLLyZ82
    HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
    I'm not sure where the bashing is here. Someone saw an article, it was relevant, and they posted it. We all have a right to our opinions. Mine may differ from yours but I still have a right to it. I thought this site was for people to do just that. Share there thoughts, ideas, and what has worked for them. This is obviously an emotionally charged subject. But we shouldn't accuse someone of bashing just to quiet them because you don't like what they say.
    I personally feel this is unsafe. Doctors are paid a fortune to push products. Sad but true. They may not always have our best interest at heart. I am NOT telling you how to live your life. I am NOT bashing or saying hurtful insults. I am simply using the forums for what they are designed for.

    Calling someone lazy because they choose a different route is bashing someone. That is not an accusation, that is what they stated.

    Doctors are paid far more by pushing drugs and prescription than HCG. Pharmaceutical drugs are able to be patented. HCG is not.

    Major difference there.

    Very true. Calling someone lazy is not a cool thing to do, but I think accusations of bashing were made before any lazy comments were made. I don't think any of us are lazy. We're here aren't we?
    You have chosen a path I wouldn't have. If you are happy and it works for you them ok. I wish you luck. I'm not here to tell anyone how to live their life. I do wish you the best.

    The lazy comment was made in the other thread that the link was posted in this thread.

    then go there and complain.

    Your not even worth the comment I was going to make.

    youre right...im worth much more :) in all seriousness, good for you and your weight loss like i have previously stated...so sorry i dont agree with it.
  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    Our local TV station just did a 2 part series on this diet last week. It seemed pretty scary to me. And a little like cheating.

    While it may work....I just don't see it being a long term solution, nor does it fix the problems that caused the weight problem (habits, poor diet, self esteem issues etc).

    Plus, there is no pill or shot that can give you the satisfaction that you get from seeing lbs and inches melt away through your own hard work and dedication. The sense of accomplishment that you can feel from the inside after a good workout where you realize you went further and harder than you did 2 weeks ago. Seeing yourself in the mirror and knowing all those hours of sweat were worth it.

    When I get to my goal weight I want to look back and say LOOK WHAT I DID! I EARNED IT!
  • Kjarlune
    Kjarlune Posts: 178
    I'm not sure where the bashing is here. Someone saw an article, it was relevant, and they posted it. We all have a right to our opinions. Mine may differ from yours but I still have a right to it. I thought this site was for people to do just that. Share there thoughts, ideas, and what has worked for them. This is obviously an emotionally charged subject. But we shouldn't accuse someone of bashing just to quiet them because you don't like what they say.
    I personally feel this is unsafe. Doctors are paid a fortune to push products. Sad but true. They may not always have our best interest at heart. I am NOT telling you how to live your life. I am NOT bashing or saying hurtful insults. I am simply using the forums for what they are designed for.

    Calling someone lazy because they choose a different route is bashing someone. That is not an accusation, that is what they stated.

    Doctors are paid far more by pushing drugs and prescription than HCG. Pharmaceutical drugs are able to be patented. HCG is not.

    Major difference there.

    Very true. Calling someone lazy is not a cool thing to do, but I think accusations of bashing were made before any lazy comments were made. I don't think any of us are lazy. We're here aren't we?
    You have chosen a path I wouldn't have. If you are happy and it works for you them ok. I wish you luck. I'm not here to tell anyone how to live their life. I do wish you the best.

    The lazy comment was made in the other thread that the link was posted in this thread.

    then go there and complain.

    Your not even worth the comment I was going to make.

    that is bashing Grockette.....the problem here in my opinion is that as soon as someone said they did not agree with this diet, it was jumped on as bashing... I am completely against bashing but until this comment which came from you...sorry but it is true...there wasn't any....Just because people do not agree does not mean that they are being mean or cruel....Not trying to start something here.....
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member

    Let me tell you a little bit about my journey...........

    In 1995 I was a size 0, weighing in at 115 - 188 pounds. I suddenly started gaining weight for no reason at all and stopped having monthly TOM..............

    I went from Doctor to doctor to doctor until 2003 when I finally found a doctor that would listen to me and my concerns without telling me to go on a 1000 calorie low fat diet and get some exercise. I was in the Effin Army, I exercised everyday and still gained weight...........

    I went to a total of about 50 or 60 doctors, NOT 1 of them would listen to me.

    In 2003, a new gynecologist finally listened to me and found what was wrong with me. I had PCOS. He also told me if one of those previous doctors had stopped and listened to me without passing me prescriptions for migraines, depression, weight loss pills, high blood pressure, etc..............I would not have been sitting in front of him telling me I was now Type 2 Diabetic.

    You see why I lost faith in the medical community???????????? It is a joke.

    One of my highschool friends became a doctor and when I talk to her she is always telling me about the free trips the Big Pharmaceutical companies give to the doctors for prescribing X amount of certain drugs..............Again, the medical community is a joke. They are making contests with people's lives and well being.

    Yes, I am angry and I am working toward getting this changed.

    I understand your personal journey was rough and yes plenty of docs have a hard time figuring things out like that. Believe me, I get that part. Ive had migraines most of my life and all I get it "well have you changed your diet or anything recently?" as if 10 straight years of consistent migraines means nothing. These doctors aren't magicians and yes pharm companies are TERRIBLE.
    BUT. Those are pharm companies. Yes, some doctors fall into the traps of greed and temptation, but not ALL.
    It's hard to find the ones that aren't because they're also the ones in small offices with no advertising just trying to help people. They're also usually the ones NOT covered by insurance.

    I don't think the medical professionals are the problem. It's the insurance and pharm companies, really, if you think about it.

    but but buuutttt! My main point here is that just because HCG is "all natural" doesn't mean its a good idea.
    Eating grass is all natural. Living in caves is all natural. Don't see anyone doing it for weight loss, tho.

    Besides, you're sitting here bashing medical professionals when theyre the same people that did what they could to convince you to inject hormones into yourself that your body doesnt need in order to lose weight.
    The doctor that told you that is just as bad as the doctor that shrugged and said "maybe you can take these pills"
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I'm not sure where the bashing is here. Someone saw an article, it was relevant, and they posted it. We all have a right to our opinions. Mine may differ from yours but I still have a right to it. I thought this site was for people to do just that. Share there thoughts, ideas, and what has worked for them. This is obviously an emotionally charged subject. But we shouldn't accuse someone of bashing just to quiet them because you don't like what they say.
    I personally feel this is unsafe. Doctors are paid a fortune to push products. Sad but true. They may not always have our best interest at heart. I am NOT telling you how to live your life. I am NOT bashing or saying hurtful insults. I am simply using the forums for what they are designed for.

    Calling someone lazy because they choose a different route is bashing someone. That is not an accusation, that is what they stated.

    Doctors are paid far more by pushing drugs and prescription than HCG. Pharmaceutical drugs are able to be patented. HCG is not.

    Major difference there.

    Very true. Calling someone lazy is not a cool thing to do, but I think accusations of bashing were made before any lazy comments were made. I don't think any of us are lazy. We're here aren't we?
    You have chosen a path I wouldn't have. If you are happy and it works for you them ok. I wish you luck. I'm not here to tell anyone how to live their life. I do wish you the best.

    The lazy comment was made in the other thread that the link was posted in this thread.

    then go there and complain.

    Your not even worth the comment I was going to make.

    that is bashing Grockette.....the problem here in my opinion is that as soon as someone said they did not agree with this diet, it was jumped on as bashing... I am completely against bashing but until this comment which came from you...sorry but it is true...there wasn't any....Just because people do not agree does not mean that they are being mean or cruel....Not trying to start something here.....

    I wasn't saying it is bashing because someone didn't agree. I responded to the person that posted the link to the other thread in which someone stated that it was lazy people that did the HCG plan...........

    And several threads have been locked because when you have the same article posted several times it does become an attack against the people that are partaking in this plan.
  • rgutie1
    rgutie1 Posts: 84 Member
    I like that people our talking about their distrust, disgqust, conspiracies, and in some cases genuinely negative experiences with the medical community or the pharmecutcal industry as a defense of using this diet.

    Who do you think is making mone off of the hormone injections you are taking?

    Anyway, a working understanding of the power of hormone as the chemical messangers/regulators of our bodies, should make anyone considering this program solely to speed up weight loss extremely weary of such a proposition.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member

    Let me tell you a little bit about my journey...........

    In 1995 I was a size 0, weighing in at 115 - 188 pounds. I suddenly started gaining weight for no reason at all and stopped having monthly TOM..............

    I went from Doctor to doctor to doctor until 2003 when I finally found a doctor that would listen to me and my concerns without telling me to go on a 1000 calorie low fat diet and get some exercise. I was in the Effin Army, I exercised everyday and still gained weight...........

    I went to a total of about 50 or 60 doctors, NOT 1 of them would listen to me.

    In 2003, a new gynecologist finally listened to me and found what was wrong with me. I had PCOS. He also told me if one of those previous doctors had stopped and listened to me without passing me prescriptions for migraines, depression, weight loss pills, high blood pressure, etc..............I would not have been sitting in front of him telling me I was now Type 2 Diabetic.

    You see why I lost faith in the medical community???????????? It is a joke.

    One of my highschool friends became a doctor and when I talk to her she is always telling me about the free trips the Big Pharmaceutical companies give to the doctors for prescribing X amount of certain drugs..............Again, the medical community is a joke. They are making contests with people's lives and well being.

    Yes, I am angry and I am working toward getting this changed.

    I understand your personal journey was rough and yes plenty of docs have a hard time figuring things out like that. Believe me, I get that part. Ive had migraines most of my life and all I get it "well have you changed your diet or anything recently?" as if 10 straight years of consistent migraines means nothing. These doctors aren't magicians and yes pharm companies are TERRIBLE.
    BUT. Those are pharm companies. Yes, some doctors fall into the traps of greed and temptation, but not ALL.
    It's hard to find the ones that aren't because they're also the ones in small offices with no advertising just trying to help people. They're also usually the ones NOT covered by insurance.

    I don't think the medical professionals are the problem. It's the insurance and pharm companies, really, if you think about it.

    but but buuutttt! My main point here is that just because HCG is "all natural" doesn't mean its a good idea.
    Eating grass is all natural. Living in caves is all natural. Don't see anyone doing it for weight loss, tho.

    Besides, you're sitting here bashing medical professionals when theyre the same people that did what they could to convince you to inject hormones into yourself that your body doesnt need in order to lose weight.
    The doctor that told you that is just as bad as the doctor that shrugged and said "maybe you can take these pills"

    The doctor that told me about it has extensive back ground in a Medical doctor with a specialty in Naturopathic medicine and is a certified Holistic Dietician. I completely trust her with my health..................which is very hard to do because I trust NO one.

    I won't allow anyone to make the Doctors to be victims when they are willing participants in the whole scheme with the Big Pharma and the insurance companies.

    She didn't make a dime off writing me a prescription for the HCG. She didn't win a trip to Jamaica or anything of the like............She is merely trying to help me get my health in order.

    Something that NO other doctor will all their pharmaceutical advertisements would ever do.
  • mommamills
    mommamills Posts: 437
    grokette....I just think you may need to be clear on the person's intentions before jumping. Please don't think I'm trying to start anything or scold you like a child...but you've been very angry this entire post and you've made ALOT of the negative remarks...not the originator of the OP.

    I understand you've been thru alot and have lil confidence in medicine and practitioners...I'm not trying to downplay that. But there can be ppl out there that are genuinely concerned with ppl making blind decisions because "a friend at work is damn near begging me to join her".......
  • rgutie1
    rgutie1 Posts: 84 Member
    If the main goal is to not feel hungy and to have more energy than I guess we should resurrect the methamphetimines diet.

    It also saw popularity in the 1950's and there is plenty of empirical evidence that it promotes weightloss.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I'm not sure where the bashing is here. Someone saw an article, it was relevant, and they posted it. We all have a right to our opinions. Mine may differ from yours but I still have a right to it. I thought this site was for people to do just that. Share there thoughts, ideas, and what has worked for them. This is obviously an emotionally charged subject. But we shouldn't accuse someone of bashing just to quiet them because you don't like what they say.
    I personally feel this is unsafe. Doctors are paid a fortune to push products. Sad but true. They may not always have our best interest at heart. I am NOT telling you how to live your life. I am NOT bashing or saying hurtful insults. I am simply using the forums for what they are designed for.

    Calling someone lazy because they choose a different route is bashing someone. That is not an accusation, that is what they stated.

    Doctors are paid far more by pushing drugs and prescription than HCG. Pharmaceutical drugs are able to be patented. HCG is not.

    Major difference there.

    Very true. Calling someone lazy is not a cool thing to do, but I think accusations of bashing were made before any lazy comments were made. I don't think any of us are lazy. We're here aren't we?
    You have chosen a path I wouldn't have. If you are happy and it works for you them ok. I wish you luck. I'm not here to tell anyone how to live their life. I do wish you the best.

    The lazy comment was made in the other thread that the link was posted in this thread.

    then go there and complain.

    Your not even worth the comment I was going to make.

    that is bashing Grockette.....the problem here in my opinion is that as soon as someone said they did not agree with this diet, it was jumped on as bashing... I am completely against bashing but until this comment which came from you...sorry but it is true...there wasn't any....Just because people do not agree does not mean that they are being mean or cruel....Not trying to start something here.....

    I wasn't saying it is bashing because someone didn't agree. I responded to the person that posted the link to the other thread in which someone stated that it was lazy people that did the HCG plan...........

    And several threads have been locked because when you have the same article posted several times it does become an attack against the people that are partaking in this plan.

    Unless its the same person posting the article several times,so what?Lots of people post the same things on here that others post that does not make it bashing.You posted a diet soda thread when there has been a MILLION of thoses so by your logic you are bashing thoses of us that drink diet soda
  • HoLLyZ82
    HoLLyZ82 Posts: 467 Member
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    My aunt was just diagnosed with Breast Cancer after being given multiple rounds of the HCG injections over the last year. I feel bad for her and her family, but, when you mess with hormones, the results can never be good... Sure she, lost a bunch of weight SUPER fast. But, was it worth cancer? I think not. I'll stick to good old calorie counting. After all, it took me years to gain the weight, I'd be stupid to think there was a miracle diet that would make me lose it all in a few months.

    I think your poste is spot on.
    Is rapid, "I want what I want right now" weight loss worth getting cancer or other interactions? Cancer causes rapid weight loss too. Maybe we should all do rounds of chemo.

    Oh, you know what else helps weight loss? The stem-fast diet.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    After an absence of several months from reading or posting in any thread, I dropped in to find the same old debate about "my weight loss program is better than yours." Everyone has a different method of reaching their goal. One way is not better than another. There will almost always be differences of opinion, and it will usually be possible to find something in the media or online that supports a particular point of view.

    Speaking from personal experience, whether you are on HCG or low carb or Dukan or Atkins, or South Beach, calorie counting, or anything else I haven't mentioned, in order to be successful, you will need to commit to following your plan consistently in order to achieve the desired results.

    For myself, even though I only used HCG to break through a plateau, while on it, I discovered that artificial sweeteners make me crave carbs and sugar, I don't miss processed foodsn AND I like to cook "for real" instead of in my microwave. Even though I have taken some time off the weight loss bandwagon, and backslid a little, I am still better off for having figured these things out.

    In time, I hope everyone can learn from their own experience in the "weight loss war" and respect that not everyone will think as they do, since everyone's experience is unique to them.

    Good luck.
  • sarahbeth17
    sarahbeth17 Posts: 100 Member
    The real problem is doctors rarely make referrals to nutritionists or dieticians. They don't offer advice for a person to become healthier. Most people don't know what to do.............We see the questions all the time for people reaching out not knowing what to do.

    It is easier and more profitable for a doctor to say You have high blood pressure, take this pill for the rest of your life...........than to sit down and say.......Hmmm, let's go over your eating plan to see where you can make those improvements.

    Medicine of today is a joke.
    NO. The real problem of today is people ASK for the pills and the easy way out. Im sure doctors are damn sick and tired of trying to convince people to just be healthier instead of cheating their way through life with injections and pills.

    I don't like plenty of doctors I've seen, but for every in-a-hurry doc theres at least one that has your best interest in mind.

    Im a complete pessimist and I still think your thoughts are way overboard.

    This thread just makes me so sad. It really, really does. Why can't people just try to BE healthy? And why must people believe that everyone is out to get them, their money, and their health? Personal choices are just that.

    Maybe when you're trying to lose weight you should be selfish about it. Eat right and exercise for you and don't look for an easy out.

    Let me tell you a little bit about my journey...........

    In 1995 I was a size 0, weighing in at 115 - 188 pounds. I suddenly started gaining weight for no reason at all and stopped having monthly TOM..............

    I went from Doctor to doctor to doctor until 2003 when I finally found a doctor that would listen to me and my concerns without telling me to go on a 1000 calorie low fat diet and get some exercise. I was in the Effin Army, I exercised everyday and still gained weight...........

    I went to a total of about 50 or 60 doctors, NOT 1 of them would listen to me.

    In 2003, a new gynecologist finally listened to me and found what was wrong with me. I had PCOS. He also told me if one of those previous doctors had stopped and listened to me without passing me prescriptions for migraines, depression, weight loss pills, high blood pressure, etc..............I would not have been sitting in front of him telling me I was now Type 2 Diabetic.

    You see why I lost faith in the medical community???????????? It is a joke.

    One of my highschool friends became a doctor and when I talk to her she is always telling me about the free trips the Big Pharmaceutical companies give to the doctors for prescribing X amount of certain drugs..............Again, the medical community is a joke. They are making contests with people's lives and well being.

    Yes, I am angry and I am working toward getting this changed.

    That is exactly how I feel, my OB is the only one who has listened to me about anything. I tell my dr i want to know what's wrong and they try to give me a prescription for something without a diagnosis. I tell all my doctors that I am looking for a natural way to fix my problem because I don't want to be on medicine and they laugh at me and then give up on treating me. All of my follow up appointments they ask how i feel i say nothing is better and they say ok see you back in 6 months!?!?! They just want my money, there are doctors out there that do want to help heal people, most of which are not covered by insurance. There is a good chance that I have RA and my dr won't even do the tests to find out, because he doesn't want to!
  • sarahbeth17
    sarahbeth17 Posts: 100 Member
    After an absence of several months from reading or posting in any thread, I dropped in to find the same old debate about "my weight loss program is better than yours." Everyone has a different method of reaching their goal. One way is not better than another. There will almost always be differences of opinion, and it will usually be possible to find something in the media or online that supports a particular point of view.

    Speaking from personal experience, whether you are on HCG or low carb or Dukan or Atkins, or South Beach, calorie counting, or anything else I haven't mentioned, in order to be successful, you will need to commit to following your plan consistently in order to achieve the desired results.

    For myself, even though I only used HCG to break through a plateau, while on it, I discovered that artificial sweeteners make me crave carbs and sugar, I don't miss processed foodsn AND I like to cook "for real" instead of in my microwave. Even though I have taken some time off the weight loss bandwagon, and backslid a little, I am still better off for having figured these things out.

    In time, I hope everyone can learn from their own experience in the "weight loss war" and respect that not everyone will think as they do, since everyone's experience is unique to them.

    Good luck.

    I too have started cooking for real instead of everything quick and easy. I used to hate cooking and since the HCG I have learned how to make good healthy food and I enjoy making it, it started me on my lifestyle change so now I know how to eat to be healthy.