Weight Loss Help

I really need some advice about weight lost. I'm an athlete, I eat extremely healthy, but I don't seem to be losing any weight. It's starting to get really frustrating. I don't know what else to do. When I tried to complete my journal entry for the day, it wouldn't complete it because I ate "too little." Is there something wrong with my body? Help please and thank you :):'(


  • katie16022
    katie16022 Posts: 7 Member
    How do I do that?
  • katie16022
    katie16022 Posts: 7 Member
    Can you open your diary?
    What are your stats?

  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    How long has it been?
    Are you weighing your food?

    You can open your diary by going into settings>diary settings
  • katie16022
    katie16022 Posts: 7 Member
    How long has it been?
    Are you weighing your food?

    You can open your diary by going into settings>diary settings

    It's been quite a while...maybe a year. No I don't weigh my food. It's like, I lose 5 lbs, then it comes back like 1 month later

  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    katie16022 wrote: »
    How long has it been?
    Are you weighing your food?

    You can open your diary by going into settings>diary settings

    It's been quite a while...maybe a year. No I don't weigh my food. It's like, I lose 5 lbs, then it comes back like 1 month later
    You are not losing weight because, although you may be eating healthy, you are eating your maintenance calories.

    Here's what you need to do:

    -Purchase a food scale. They're under $15 most places. Weigh all solids. Use measuring cups for caloric liquids.
    -Use correct entries. If you cook, use the recipe builder.
    -Eat all of the calories MFP gives you + at least half of exercise calories. It is important that you eat enough (even if you feel fine) because symptoms like extreme fatigue and hair loss do not show up until you have been undereating for months. If you're not hungry, don't force yourself to eat today--but don't make a habit of it.
  • katie16022
    katie16022 Posts: 7 Member
    katie16022 wrote: »
    How long has it been?
    Are you weighing your food?

    You can open your diary by going into settings>diary settings

    It's been quite a while...maybe a year. No I don't weigh my food. It's like, I lose 5 lbs, then it comes back like 1 month later
    You are not losing weight because, although you may be eating healthy, you are eating your maintenance calories.

    Here's what you need to do:

    -Purchase a food scale. They're under $15 most places. Weigh all solids. Use measuring cups for caloric liquids.
    -Use correct entries. If you cook, use the recipe builder.
    -Eat all of the calories MFP gives you + at least half of exercise calories. It is important that you eat enough (even if you feel fine) because symptoms like extreme fatigue and hair loss do not show up until you have been undereating for months. If you're not hungry, don't force yourself to eat today--but don't make a habit of it.

    That's the problem though, I eat a little and then I'm not hungry. Plus, I eat less then the size serving amount. Not to mention that I am a vegetarian. Thank for your advice. I'll see if I can purchase a scale
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    katie16022 wrote: »
    katie16022 wrote: »
    How long has it been?
    Are you weighing your food?

    You can open your diary by going into settings>diary settings

    It's been quite a while...maybe a year. No I don't weigh my food. It's like, I lose 5 lbs, then it comes back like 1 month later
    You are not losing weight because, although you may be eating healthy, you are eating your maintenance calories.

    Here's what you need to do:

    -Purchase a food scale. They're under $15 most places. Weigh all solids. Use measuring cups for caloric liquids.
    -Use correct entries. If you cook, use the recipe builder.
    -Eat all of the calories MFP gives you + at least half of exercise calories. It is important that you eat enough (even if you feel fine) because symptoms like extreme fatigue and hair loss do not show up until you have been undereating for months. If you're not hungry, don't force yourself to eat today--but don't make a habit of it.

    That's the problem though, I eat a little and then I'm not hungry. Plus, I eat less then the size serving amount. Not to mention that I am a vegetarian. Thank for your advice. I'll see if I can purchase a scale

    The harsh truth is that you are likely eating more than you think. This is your first day, right? I think everyone has that moment when they start logging and realize how much they truly ate before--and day one is usually too soon.
  • katie16022
    katie16022 Posts: 7 Member
    katie16022 wrote: »
    katie16022 wrote: »
    How long has it been?
    Are you weighing your food?

    You can open your diary by going into settings>diary settings

    It's been quite a while...maybe a year. No I don't weigh my food. It's like, I lose 5 lbs, then it comes back like 1 month later
    You are not losing weight because, although you may be eating healthy, you are eating your maintenance calories.

    Here's what you need to do:

    -Purchase a food scale. They're under $15 most places. Weigh all solids. Use measuring cups for caloric liquids.
    -Use correct entries. If you cook, use the recipe builder.
    -Eat all of the calories MFP gives you + at least half of exercise calories. It is important that you eat enough (even if you feel fine) because symptoms like extreme fatigue and hair loss do not show up until you have been undereating for months. If you're not hungry, don't force yourself to eat today--but don't make a habit of it.

    That's the problem though, I eat a little and then I'm not hungry. Plus, I eat less then the size serving amount. Not to mention that I am a vegetarian. Thank for your advice. I'll see if I can purchase a scale

    The harsh truth is that you are likely eating more than you think. This is your first day, right? I think everyone has that moment when they start logging and realize how much they truly ate before--and day one is usually too soon.

    Nope not my first day. I've been on and off since 2013.
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    Katie, I believe it's already been asked, but what are your stats? Current weight, goal weight, height, and goal weight loss.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    katie16022 wrote: »
    katie16022 wrote: »
    How long has it been?
    Are you weighing your food?

    You can open your diary by going into settings>diary settings

    It's been quite a while...maybe a year. No I don't weigh my food. It's like, I lose 5 lbs, then it comes back like 1 month later
    You are not losing weight because, although you may be eating healthy, you are eating your maintenance calories.

    Here's what you need to do:

    -Purchase a food scale. They're under $15 most places. Weigh all solids. Use measuring cups for caloric liquids.
    -Use correct entries. If you cook, use the recipe builder.
    -Eat all of the calories MFP gives you + at least half of exercise calories. It is important that you eat enough (even if you feel fine) because symptoms like extreme fatigue and hair loss do not show up until you have been undereating for months. If you're not hungry, don't force yourself to eat today--but don't make a habit of it.

    That's the problem though, I eat a little and then I'm not hungry. Plus, I eat less then the size serving amount. Not to mention that I am a vegetarian. Thank for your advice. I'll see if I can purchase a scale

    If you aren't weighing your food, then you can't be sure you're eating less than a serving. Food scales are easily available at Walmart/Target/Amazon/etc.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    There's nothing wrong with your body. You are eating more than you think.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    you have to weigh all your food on a scale
    Dont use cups or spoons or serving sizes

    That 2 cups of ice cream is probably way more than you log there.
    The point is you lose weight when you are in a deficit..so eat less calories than you burn
    You can only know how much calories you get by weighing your food.

    your body is the perfect calculator and register every calorie in and out
    So when you dont weigh..your body dont care at all it will register for you.

    So better start weighing your food for at least 2 weeks and than see if you lost weight or not.
  • katie16022
    katie16022 Posts: 7 Member
    you have to weigh all your food on a scale
    Dont use cups or spoons or serving sizes

    That 2 cups of ice cream is probably way more than you log there.
    The point is you lose weight when you are in a deficit..so eat less calories than you burn
    You can only know how much calories you get by weighing your food.

    your body is the perfect calculator and register every calorie in and out
    So when you dont weigh..your body dont care at all it will register for you.

    So better start weighing your food for at least 2 weeks and than see if you lost weight or not.

    I'm thinking my key answer is weigh my food! I guess I will have to invest in a scale
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    If you're not losing, you're not in a deficit.
  • khans1999
    khans1999 Posts: 12 Member
    Try to eat only 1200-1500 calories per day. It may be your metabolism rate if you aren't losing pounds. Also, try a long term diet instead of a short term one.
  • cwilso37
    cwilso37 Posts: 79 Member
    You also need more protein if the last 2 days are indicative of your general diet.
  • willaliva
    willaliva Posts: 18 Member
    Another possibility could be that your body has gone into "starvation-mode" where it keeps all of the calories that it can get and if you the. Overeat the slightest it will also store those calories as fat. The way out of starvation-mode is way tougher than actually loosing weight. Maybe you'll have to eat more frequently, like 6 times a day (smaller meals of course) or the opposite - you have to have three set times so that you always eat at the same time every day. You have to make sure that you're not putting too much stress on your body, so go to bed at the same time every night and make sure that you get at least 8 hours of sleep :-) I have three alarms set on my phone every day: one for lunch, one for dinner and one for when I should be going to bed :-)
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    willaliva wrote: »
    Another possibility could be that your body has gone into "starvation-mode" where it keeps all of the calories that it can get and if you the. Overeat the slightest it will also store those calories as fat. The way out of starvation-mode is way tougher than actually loosing weight. Maybe you'll have to eat more frequently, like 6 times a day (smaller meals of course) or the opposite - you have to have three set times so that you always eat at the same time every day. You have to make sure that you're not putting too much stress on your body, so go to bed at the same time every night and make sure that you get at least 8 hours of sleep :-) I have three alarms set on my phone every day: one for lunch, one for dinner and one for when I should be going to bed :-)

    Sorry, none of this is true. There's no starvation mode where you hold all your fat or gain weight by undereating. Timing and frequency are not factors.

    Maintain a reasonable deficit, try to accurately manage your intake. There is no need to overcomplicate it.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    willaliva wrote: »
    Another possibility could be that your body has gone into "starvation-mode" where it keeps all of the calories that it can get and if you the. Overeat the slightest it will also store those calories as fat. The way out of starvation-mode is way tougher than actually loosing weight. Maybe you'll have to eat more frequently, like 6 times a day (smaller meals of course) or the opposite - you have to have three set times so that you always eat at the same time every day. You have to make sure that you're not putting too much stress on your body, so go to bed at the same time every night and make sure that you get at least 8 hours of sleep :-) I have three alarms set on my phone every day: one for lunch, one for dinner and one for when I should be going to bed :-)
