Very, very fatigued



  • jamieben1824
    jamieben1824 Posts: 46 Member
    I peeked at your diary too and you are eating WAY too little for your workout routines. Have you tried supplimenting? I know some people will say NO! But the reason is, when you are not used to upping calories and nervous about it, sometimes to sneak an extra 200-300 in by drinking a healthy protein shake will help relieve the guilt slowly and also give you some much needed calories. I struggle with overtraining as well, so I know your pain. Much of it is psycological. Also, look at your carb intake. I was also fatigued very badly when i realized I was not eating enough. I have really had a change in energy since I stopped being overly obsessed with cutting carbs. Good luck! :)
  • paris458
    paris458 Posts: 229 Member
    I know when I cut my calories back to lose some of the fat I am more tired and started struggling more in the gym. I even had to drop my weights. I definitely think its from not eating enough.
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    slaite1 wrote: »
    mitch16 wrote: »
    Looking at your diary, you are probably eating enough; however, you tend to have 500+ calories every day in chocolate, candy, or skittles. I would suggest trading that for 'real' food--protein sources, fruits, vegetables, dairy--and you might have a bit more energy.

    I'm going to disagree. I'm on the app and can't see your diary-but you are most definitely not eating enough. Keep the treats and add in more food. Done deal.[/quote]She's eating a little over 2000 calories a day on average over the last 10 days.

    Ah, thanks. Well, when I was that active I ate well over 2000 calories, but that doesn't mean she needs to. I'm still going to say that 500 calories of "junk food" is totally fine.

    I would still try upping calories a bit and reducing the exercise. And going to the doctor :-)
  • redperphexion
    redperphexion Posts: 193 Member
    edited June 2015
    Um... sounds to me like you should visit a doctor instead of ask the internet for help. This could be a number of things, but would be best to have your blood run to make sure you're not experiencing these because of a deficiency or illness. Take a couple of walking only days, make sure you're hydrated, and see the doctor, please.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    slaite1 wrote: »

    Ah, thanks. Well, when I was that active I ate well over 2000 calories, but that doesn't mean she needs to. I'm still going to say that 500 calories of "junk food" is totally fine.

    I would still try upping calories a bit and reducing the exercise. And going to the doctor :-)
    Doesn't sound unreasonable.

  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Eliminate the obvious first. See your doctor and get some blood work done to check for anemia, low blood sugar, and balanced electrolytes.
  • lucyholdcroft363
    lucyholdcroft363 Posts: 124 Member
    Thanks everyone, I'm going to book an appointment with my doctor and relax the exercise a little :)
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    If you go through my checklist, then it becomes obvious when its not enough food and its more overtraining and rest. Theres a specific difference between running out of energy because you havent eaten enough and feeling fatigued becayse you are run down and overtrained or have some other medical problem. test, becayse you should recover quickly if its just food and if you still feel a but funny, then deffo Drs just to check.