a pushup!



  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,478 Member
    Clo747 wrote: »
    Well done, you! And also, I'm so pleased to hear I'm not the only one who really struggles with them! Everyone else seems to just get on effortlessly while I'm left feeling like a lump!

    Yes, it seems to be a women thing, really! I tried and tried for weeks and nothing worked. And suddenly I could do a single one! Btw, today I managed three, but only when holding my breath :D
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    That's fantastic. Congratulations! I've been working at them for a while and can now do 15, but, those last couple are really hard.
  • Gr84cstr
    Gr84cstr Posts: 61 Member
    Having spent so long in the military, I take doing pushups for granted, but I have witnessed for myself this is more difficult for women in general than men. I do not have a scientific explanation, only what I have seen. For me, my weakness is pullups, which I am making a concerted effort to improve this summer. My goal is to be able to do 20 consecutive pullups by August 1st. Ambitious, but I believe anything is possible if you have a plan and put your mind to it. I am positive you will continue to surpass your personal bests if you stick with it.
  • DuckReconMajor
    DuckReconMajor Posts: 434 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    Thanks! I have a pull up bar that I put an assist band on (an elastic band you hang off the bar and put your foot into to help pull you up, if you aren't familiar with what that is). If you can get a setup like that it's a great way to work up to it. I got to where i could get my forehead level with the bar while unassited then one day just on a whim i pulled myself up all the way. It was very exciting.

    Good idea! I thought about that, but can only put a pullup bar in a not very high door opening. When I do slow negatives I have to angle my lower legs a bit :* But I'll keep that idea in mind for at the gym.

    i also put mine in a doorway and have a similar issue where it will scratch against my legs when i do workouts that require you bend your legs and lift your knees up. But I wrapped a towel around the scratchy part and it's fine now.
  • divvyh
    divvyh Posts: 32 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    Some people will laugh about it, but I just managed to do not one, but two proper pushups! I don't know what's up with that exercise because it take ages for me to work myself up to one, or even more, and very quickly I lose that ability again. Don't get me wrong: I can deadlift my bodyweight and are generally not weak. But pushups... no idea. Ok, I got a totally red head doing those two, and somehow managed to pull a muscle in the one opposite the biceps, but I did it!

    You rock!