Fat chick needs advice

im 310. 5'7". I starting going to the gym & eating healthier & @ deficit 3 weeks ago. 5 days a week I walk for 30 minutes, 20 minutes as fast as I can. 3 days I do bench press, triceps dips, calf raises, thighs abductor, & leg press. Am I on the right track? My gym has no trainers or even guides.


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    You're in a deficit, and adding exercise...so yes! If you want to make sure you are incorporating all muscle groups, you can find a program online to follow for free.
  • PixelPuff
    PixelPuff Posts: 902 Member
    Just to make sure you are staying at a healthy deficit, may I ask how calories you are eating per day? Your goal calories, I mean.
  • 123sockmonkey123
    123sockmonkey123 Posts: 50 Member
    Thank you Arditarose!!
  • 123sockmonkey123
    123sockmonkey123 Posts: 50 Member
    The goal it gave me was 2261. I'm usually only @ 1800-2000.
  • PixelPuff
    PixelPuff Posts: 902 Member
    Alright, no problem then. It's just good to ask occasionally if someone says 'deficit' and doesn't say what. It'd be bad if people underate and we accidentally endorsed it. n__n

    Also, I'm jealous of your workout routine. I'm on a break from working out until my ankle heals [sprained], so I'm limited to light arm/shoulder exercise.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    The goal it gave me was 2261. I'm usually only @ 1800-2000.

    That's a good start. If you're not using a food scale yet, you may find you're eating closer to 2000-2,200 anyway.
  • 123sockmonkey123
    123sockmonkey123 Posts: 50 Member
    Lol. I use the scales that I weigh my snakes with. Lol. (It's cleaned & they're weighed in containers)
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Lol. I use the scales that I weigh my snakes with. Lol. (It's cleaned & they're weighed in containers)

    Okay...I'm not even going to say anything....

    Hooray for weighing food though? lol
  • 123sockmonkey123
    123sockmonkey123 Posts: 50 Member
    I've had to substitute my walking a few nights. My feet are curly-toed & all 3 middle toes got blisters. I did bike & eliptical instead...
  • Fivefarthings
    Fivefarthings Posts: 33 Member
    Are you on Instagram? I'm a fairly confident gym person but I started following a few fitness people on there, and they post lots of how-to videos and pics of different exercises, and I've found it really helpful and have found new stuff to do as well (and it's all free too which is a bonus!)