How faithfully do you stick to your daily calorie allowance?

For example, if your calorie goal is 1200, must you always eat exactly 1200 (or within a 10-20 cal range) or do you stay within a larger range (e.g 100-150 cals)?

Also, I have hit my goal for the day... but really craving an evening snack. How do I resist these cravings?


  • nishatay
    nishatay Posts: 67 Member
    I never hit my calorie goal exactly. I'm always a few calories over or under. I think it's okay to have an evening snack as long as it's low in calories like a piece of fruit or something small.
  • lolymommy
    lolymommy Posts: 11 Member
    Evening cravings with no calories to spare? I go for a long walk, then have a healthy snack like a banana. If you go over by a few calories (not every day) it shouldn't derrail your goals.

    Also, I am very relaxed about logging, so I try to stay under the goal by 300-400, to compensate for the little things like licking a mixing spoon or eating the last bite off the kids plates.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    If my goal was 1200 I wouldn't go to bed without eating every single one. But I've never gone that low so I tend to stay within 50 or so of my goal.
  • mom2kpr
    mom2kpr Posts: 348 Member
    I'm horrible at staying within my goal. That's why it's taken me 3 yrs to lose 40lb. I'm trying to get better. I really want to lose 40 - 60 in by the end of next summer.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I work within a weekly goal. So some days I'm hundred or so under, one day I'm usually like 500 over, a few days right on target.
  • shadowfax_c11
    shadowfax_c11 Posts: 1,942 Member
    I am usually under by several hundred calories. But I have a 2300 calorie allowance before exercise on an average work day and generally earn a lot of exercise calories on top of that. I eat back most of my excises calories from walking and about 1/4-1/2 of the ones I get from hoof trimming and martial arts.

    I think if I were stuck with a small allowance like 1200 I would eat every single calorie allowed to me... scratch that. I would set my weight loss goal to a smaller number per week.
  • JudithNYC
    JudithNYC Posts: 80 Member
    My goal is 1300 calories a day. Sometimes I eat 900 and sometimes I eat 1400, or even 1500, most days around 1200. I am old (oldish?) and I am no going to suffer. I gave tried that route and it has taken me nowhere. My diets have usually lasted about a month, when I gave up because I would be going crazy with hunger. Today is my 64th day this time and I have lost about two pounds a week. My goal is one pound a week.

    The only thing that I am strict about is asking myself whether I am eating those extra calories because I am truly hungry. I tend to eat to deal with anxiety, so for me that's the biggest challenge.
  • vixtris
    vixtris Posts: 688 Member
    My goal is 1,400. Sometimes I eat a bit more, sometimes a bit less. I don't try to pinpoint it down to that exact number, I just try to get somewhere around it.
  • afatpersonwholikesfood
    afatpersonwholikesfood Posts: 577 Member
    I have my stats set up to lose 1/2 pound per week. Knowing that, I tend to eat about 500 below my target on most days and right on target on days when I feel like I need more food.
  • deceived1
    deceived1 Posts: 281 Member
    edited June 2015
    My goal is 2130 to lose 1 pound a week. However, so long as I'm at maintenance calories or lower I'm fine with the day. So I can eat up to 2630 calories with no problems. I try to limit the days I hit my maintenance to keep my weight loss up to a fast enough pace.

    I am in no rush in getting to my target weight (24.2/50 pounds through so far), and I'm treating this as a long term lifestyle change rather than "OMG need to lose these pounds NOW/diet" that always seems to fail for me. So far so good!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    You have a a 1200 calorie goal, but that is your base. Earn more through exercise. I try to stay within my allotment, (including exercise calories), but sometimes, life chocolate happens.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Not much. I go over and under. I've begun logging later, after I'm done eating. This way, I'm eating without having to be directed by numbers. Eat when hungry, don't eat when not. That's where I am now.

    I really only log now to see how I'm doing with all my vitamins and minerals, to see if can quit the multivitamins and to track weight when I do other things and compare.
  • ohmscheeks
    ohmscheeks Posts: 840 Member
    I stick to it about 46% of time at the moment; working on that...
  • R1rainbows
    R1rainbows Posts: 129 Member
    I do my best to stick to my 1400 religiously, and 95% of the time I am 1400-1550... but there are times when I haven't... Like today was my sister's baby shower and I probably ate nearly 2k... BUT I know it was a once in a rare while thing, and when I get hungry for extra snacks, I either drink water, or munch some celery! But water and celery are only for if I met my calorie goal already! Hope this helps you out :)
  • cindyangotti
    cindyangotti Posts: 294 Member
    If you want to go over by a couple hundred tonight and you are out of calories I would just be sure to burn a couple hundred extra tomorrow.
  • lukos05
    lukos05 Posts: 39 Member
    My calorie allowance is 1400, set to 1lb loss per week. On days I work (13hr shifts), I pack my meals and snacks and pre-log, trying to keep it 150-250 under because I know I won't be able to get in an additional workout, my measurements might not be exact, and because I usually want to sneak in an additional low-calorie snack when I get home which may take me to about 100 under;). On my off-days I will usually stay closer to goal but I try to stay around 100-50 from it; I will workout but usually skip logging it so I am not tempted to eat-back my calories. If I log my workout it's because I know I have gone over a smidge (up to around 1550) and I just really want the subconscious boost that I did, indeed, maintain my limits, lol. I give myself a day a week where I will 'splurge' on 1800ish calories, but even then I try to keep it clean.

    My meals tend to be 400-300 cals with two <200ish snacks in between. My go-to 'etc' snacks -when I just need to fill that oral fixation/boredom/stress-eating craving- have become skinny pop (78 cals for 2 cups), a mini Dove dark chocolate square (42 cals), or mini cucumbers (10 cals). I will also try to drink a nice amount of water first to make sure I'm just not thirsty. :smile:

    Probably more info than you wanted, but that is me in a nutshell.

    If I was at 1200...I would probably log every calorie and workout religiously to get each morsel I could!
  • WyshIKnew
    WyshIKnew Posts: 75 Member
    I'm not too pedantic about it, but I have to be careful that the "oh well a little bit more today won't hurt" situation doesn't start happening every day.
    I also concentrate on the calories and don't worry if the carbs, sugar, sodium etc are high on a particular day.

    I do try to plan my main meal of the day ahead. That way if the meal is high in calories I know I need to squeeze in a little extra exercise.
  • hannahkingfitness
    hannahkingfitness Posts: 51 Member
    Cucumber is a really low calorie snack. You can eat an entire cucumber without it really mattering! If you're craving a snack, cut up cucumber and slowly eat it. It will stimulate your mind and put a little bit in your stomach to keep you satisfied. I always stay under or exactly on my goal apart from one day a week but as long as you're eating healthy whole foods I wouldn't worry too much about going a little over!
  • shortyanya
    shortyanya Posts: 1 Member
    My goal is 1200. I tend to never go more than 10/20cals over, and sometimes end up under depending on exercise that day. I plan my meals the night before to make sure they fit within my goal. That way i don't get caught out by extra calories. I don't have a lot of weight to lose, just wanting to shed some lbs before holiday. If your gonna count calories you might as well do it properly.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    My goal is 1660 and I exercise pretty much every day, and I don't tend to eat back exercise calories, so I always have spare calories. It gives me a margin of error for logging inaccuracies, and it means if I have the occasional day where I go over calories, it balances out.

    I tend to leave calories for an evening snack too. Once I've got the kids to bed it's nice to sit down with a cup of tea and a snack.