


  • RosieLoo24
    RosieLoo24 Posts: 25 Member
    How about taking up a Team Sport.....maybe join a Girl's Netball team or something (i'm guessing you're from the UK from your "Macca's" comment ;) ).

    Nope, Australia ;)

    Thanks for your help guys. There are a few suggestions I will definitely try :)
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    RosieLoo24 wrote: »
    How about taking up a Team Sport.....maybe join a Girl's Netball team or something (i'm guessing you're from the UK from your "Macca's" comment ;) ).

    Nope, Australia ;)

    Thanks for your help guys. There are a few suggestions I will definitely try :)

    Oh Yeah! I always forget that you guys from Oz use a lot of the same terminology as us Brits. :)
    Good Luck with whatever you decide to do!

  • RosieLoo24
    RosieLoo24 Posts: 25 Member
    RosieLoo24 wrote: »
    How about taking up a Team Sport.....maybe join a Girl's Netball team or something (i'm guessing you're from the UK from your "Macca's" comment ;) ).

    Nope, Australia ;)

    Thanks for your help guys. There are a few suggestions I will definitely try :)

    Oh Yeah! I always forget that you guys from Oz use a lot of the same terminology as us Brits. :)
    Good Luck with whatever you decide to do!

    I'm really curious though, is there anything that people think us Aussies do that is weird? I'm insanely curious
  • spatulamom
    spatulamom Posts: 158 Member
    RosieLoo24 wrote: »
    RosieLoo24 wrote: »
    How about taking up a Team Sport.....maybe join a Girl's Netball team or something (i'm guessing you're from the UK from your "Macca's" comment ;) ).

    Nope, Australia ;)

    Thanks for your help guys. There are a few suggestions I will definitely try :)

    Oh Yeah! I always forget that you guys from Oz use a lot of the same terminology as us Brits. :)
    Good Luck with whatever you decide to do!

    I'm really curious though, is there anything that people think us Aussies do that is weird? I'm insanely curious

    Live with 24828849292 species of animals that can kill you?

    Kidding :). I love Australia and have desperately been trying to convince my husband to emigrate there for a few years. He's not going for it.

    I think you're bored, to be honest. I know when I have too much time on my hands, I get bored and down (not quite depression, but kind of apathetic). Get out, do something, join a gym, find some new friends - you'll feel better and get over the hump.
  • Clarewho
    Clarewho Posts: 494 Member
    Agree with a lot of the other posts. You're down because you're at a loose end. That is leading to eating. It's a circle you need to break out of. Try to find volunteer opps that will support your ultimate goal. It will look good on your cv and help when you are interviewed. And exercise - the endorphins will make you feel better in yourself as well as making you fitter!
  • RosieLoo24
    RosieLoo24 Posts: 25 Member
    Thought I'd let you know that I bought a bike and have ridden it most days since I bought it a week or so ago :)

    I'm also looking at things that I can volunteer for while balancing work. I'm thinking the RFS at the moment, but haven't yet looked into it in great detail :) thanks for all your suggestions!! :)
  • pstegman888
    pstegman888 Posts: 286 Member
    Take this free time to learn to shop for & cook healthy delicious meals. If you live at home, your family will appreciate it, and it will be a lifelong skill. Go on recipe websites or Youtube to learn the basics if you don't already know. Won't your folks be pleased to come home to a great home-cooked meal!
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    RosieLoo24 wrote: »
    Soooo...why are you working an unskilled job? Get your butt in an apprenticeship program or trade training if you aren't going to go to school, or start a business. McD's is no future. The managers make almost nothing.

    Why do you want to be a teacher's aide and not a teacher? Teacher's aides typically make less than 20k a year because they're paid hourly. They usually have to work multiple jobs.

    I have no intention of staying at maccas, don't worry about that.

    Honestly? I'm 18. I did want to be a teacher last month, then a vet the month before that, then a nurse the month before that. A teachers aide is just this months muse. I actually have no idea what I want to do haha

    18 is an adult. You need to make a choice. Set a goal, accomplish it, and in 10 years, you'll probably be doing an entirely different job. "I'm 18"--so? People own COMPANIES at 18.
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    RosieLoo24 wrote: »
    RosieLoo24 wrote: »
    How about taking up a Team Sport.....maybe join a Girl's Netball team or something (i'm guessing you're from the UK from your "Macca's" comment ;) ).

    Nope, Australia ;)

    Thanks for your help guys. There are a few suggestions I will definitely try :)

    Oh Yeah! I always forget that you guys from Oz use a lot of the same terminology as us Brits. :)
    Good Luck with whatever you decide to do!

    I'm really curious though, is there anything that people think us Aussies do that is weird? I'm insanely curious

    Most people in the US only have a picture of the "cattle station" kinds of areas, plus the swamps. LOL. And they think the entire country wants to kill you.

    I follow architecture, so I think the way you tack on REALLY modernist additions onto old houses is very bizarre. But that's just me. ;) Oh, and you have something weird with air conditioning...and renting houses works strangely there to me.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    Look into work experience/ cultural exchanges in different countries.
    Under 25's generally can get a visa for work experience or volunteer work pretty easily.
    Work on a cruise ship.

    Think of things that will offer you a world experience, and do it while you are young and have no commitments.

    Wish I had.
    Cheers, h.