How much/often do YOU workout?



  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I am currently training for a fall marathon, so my schedule has been running 6-7 days/week, some of those being long or intense runs and others just shorter recovery runs or occasionally cross training on the bike if my legs are really tired. Every third week I have a complete rest day. I try to do yoga and/or some type of core strengthening exercises at least twice per week as well.
  • LacednLace
    LacednLace Posts: 480 Member
    I used to go 5x a week. 4 days of strength training and cardio. 1 day of cardio. For the last month, or two....i've only been going 2 or 3 times a weeks. Usually strength training and cardio or if I have limited time it's only strength training. It's better than nothing at all.....but it's not nearly as good as the 5x/week was.
  • punkrockgoth
    punkrockgoth Posts: 534 Member
    Current routine:

    Monday: Zumba (45 minute beginner lunch class), heavy lifting (after work)
    Tuesday: Yoga (hatha/flow class, 45 minutes over lunch)
    Wednesday: Tabata/Bootcamp (45 minute lunch class)
    Thursday: Yoga (hatha/flow class, 45 minutes over lunch), HIIT-ME (after work, 25 minutes high intensity interval training immediately followed by 20 minutes of mobility exercises which consist of yoga, stretching gentle movements)
    Friday: Cardio - I switch it up between Kickboxing, step and spin (45 minute lunch class), heavy lifing (after work)
    Weekend: 5k run one day along with stretching, walk or rest the other

    I like to swim but right now it hasn't been fitting into my schedule as I am working Monday to Friday 7:30-3:30 so anytime I'm not working, the pools are super crowded. But I do like to fit in other active outings where I can such as climbing, trampoline park, archery, bowling... anything that doesn't consist solely of sitting around drinking/eating/staring at a screen.
  • MzLaLa29
    MzLaLa29 Posts: 258 Member
    At least five times a week. I walk 20min daily, zumba Tuesday and Thursday for one hour and 30min of toning Wednesday Thursday and Friday. Weekend workouts are optional and vary depending on how I feel.
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    I do something every day (unless my body tells me it needs a rest day or if business travel makes it impossible). I lift weights 2 days on/one day off and do cardio (usually running or stepmill) 3-4x per week.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    What is this "toning" you speak of? I believe you mean strength training, since toning isn't a thing.

    I'm still waiting from the OP for an answer.
  • erockem
    erockem Posts: 278 Member
    Sunday: Long run (6mi-13mi), bike (hour), swim (.5-1 mile)
    Monday: Bike (hour), weight lift
    Tuesday: Run (45-60minutes)
    Wednesday: Bike (hour), weight lift, swim (.5-1 mile)
    Thursday: Run (45-60minutes)
    Friday: Bike (hour), weight lift, swim (.5-1 mile)
    Saturday: Bike (15-60 miles)

    Walk during lunch at work when nice, and at night with my wife.
  • kellyship17
    kellyship17 Posts: 112 Member
    Running 3-4 days per week for about an hour each session. Lifting 1-2 times per week, and aerobics 1-2 times per week. I tend to do a combo of these making it 5 days of exercise a week and two rest days.
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    I run 6 days per week. 30 minutes (~3.5 miles) or I run a 5K (3.1 miles) as fast as I can, which is approximately 25 minutes. Aside from that I log at least 10K steps on my activity tracker which means even though I'm running ~3 miles a day, I still have to go for an additional walk later in the day to reach my step goal.

    Sunday is my rest day, but I generally take 2 walks totaling about 4 miles.
  • krdews
    krdews Posts: 124 Member
    I shoot for every day and go weeks before I miss a day. I'm sure some will say you need a rest day - I follow my own rules and do what works for me. That being said, there are days where I might do the elliptical for 60 minutes and nothing else or a day like yesterday (because I have the time) where I run 10 miles, 25 minutes elliptical and tennis for 1.5 hours (that's a typical weekend Sat/Sun workout schedule). I do mix it up with Zumba, yoga and weights. If I miss a day; it is usually due to travel, business or a much needed girls night. Just like I don't plan a "cheat" day; I don't plan a "rest" day - I do however listen to my body.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Quiet honestly it's a matter of your goals.

    People who are endurance athletes are going to be spending a significant amount of more time toward cardio and their events than strength training.
    Power lifters are going to be doing practically no cardio.

    So it's not really a "fair" question without some context.

    General fitness program should include BOTH cardiovascular work and resistance/strength training.

    I personally lift 3 times a week- about 1.5-2 hrs a pop. so at most 6 hours.
    I try to run 1-2 a week for a minimum of 15 minutes.
    And then I have dance training which is a crap shoot of whatever we do- so I don't mentally it as "Exercise" but I'm aware some days it's heavy cardio- some days it isn't.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Monroe121 wrote: »
    Do you normally do machines or do you use free weights?
    omma_to_3 wrote: »
    Even on bad weeks, unless I'm sick, I get in at least 4 workouts. I aim for 5, and right now I'm at 6/7 days a week (though if it's 7 days, one day is just walking a couple of miles).

    Typically, I do strength training with my trainer once a week, a light strength type class once a week, and running 3 to 4 days a week. Sometimes I'll casually bike on the day I meet with my trainer too.

    It's all free weights.

  • kwtilbury
    kwtilbury Posts: 1,234 Member
    I typically lift five days a week and do some type of cardio/high intensity training 4-5 days a week. I do one, the other or both every day.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    Monroe121 wrote: »
    WOW~~ This is a great workout! I am also interested in beginning yoga!
    moyer566 wrote: »
    I walk about a mile everyday, and am doing c25k.
    I also do yoga 3x a week for an hour or 2 each day.

    I started adding angled push ups and tricep dips at the end of my morning runs

    I would recommend starting with a studio first so you can learn about alignment either in a beginner class or in a hatha yoga class

    I like it because there is some flexibility with I need due to my schedule. and I don't need anything fancy (except my running shoes :wink: )
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    I generally ride 4-5 days per week and lift 3. I usually take one rest day.

    Same here - M-F 30-60 cardio, lifting MWF.
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    I workout 5x a week: Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays I strength train for about 45 minutes with heavy weight. Tues and Thursday's I run about 4 miles or do about an hour of cardio.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    Typically two to three times per day.
    Monday - Morning (quick HIIT burn), Zumba, some elliptical before MMA and stronglifts after MMA
    Tuesday - Morning same as above, spin, elliptical (warm up) core work and Zumba
    Wednesday - Morning same as above, cardio-toning, elliptical (warm up), core work and MMA
    Thursday - Morning same as above, cardio (one hour), stronglifts and core work, rest night = walking my dog a few miles at a moderate pace.
    Friday - Morning one hour cardio followed by MMA/wavemaster
    Saturday - Morning one hour cardio warm up, stronglifts, MMA
    Sunday - One hour only of Wavemaster/MMA
  • get_rucked
    get_rucked Posts: 71 Member
    I go to the gym minimum 4 days a week/max 6. Two of the days I do PT sessions which focus on strength and conditioning. When I do my own workouts it's usually 30 mins of cardio and 50-70mins of lifting.

    On days I don't go to the gym I try get at least a 5k walk in.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    5 days a week, M-F. I work a different muscle group everyday, cardio & abs are done every one of those days as well. I try to do more intense cardio about twice a week and the rest is really just a cool down.
  • jnoegrah
    jnoegrah Posts: 119 Member
    a perfect week for me is 6 days. lately it's been 5. all weightlifting with some cardio.