What was your 'I finally need to lose this weight' moment? (And was it as bad as mine?)



  • michaelafoor916
    michaelafoor916 Posts: 710 Member
    mine was pretty mortifying too... went to an amusement park with my brother, his girlfriend, and my sister. we went to go ride the first coaster of the day and I could barely squeeze myself into the seat. I tried pulling down the safety bar and yeah, that wasn't happening. it had to click 3 times and it only clicked twice. the guy pushed and pushed trying to get it to click the last time and it wasn't happening. so I had to get off of the coaster, IN FRONT OF EVERYONE, and stand off to the side as everyone stared at me and waited on them to get back. I was so embarrassed. normally I don't care what people think of me, I shake it off and go on, but this- that feeling couldn't have began to be imagined in my worst nightmare. standing there with tears rolling down my face was when I told myself I needed to change. no more standing on the side lines and not being able to enjoy the things I love to do
  • JenSD6
    JenSD6 Posts: 454 Member
    The moment when I knew I finally had to take control of my weight was the night of my husband's work Christmas party when I was at about 210lbs. I wore the only dressy items in my closet I could still fit into, and I spent the entire night terrified I was going to rip the seam in the back of my pants any time I moved. I wouldn't get out of my seat unless I absolutely had to.

    It was a horrible feeling and evening.
  • ChrissyC9315
    ChrissyC9315 Posts: 1 Member
    edited June 2015
    I've always been a little overweight but never thought I was huge. I was completely fooling myself of course.
    My first 'cripes I'm fat' moment was when I moved out of home for University and shared a house with six girls. I was the only one that couldn't borrow or share clothes...

    Another was when a guy I liked told me I'd always be 'the friend' and 'one of the lads', because I wasn't exactly feminine even though I really wanted to be.

    But the most recent one was when I found out I passed my exams and will be graduating in September. My brother's friend jokingly said - 'Do they make gowns in your size?'

    I joined this last week, started exercising regularly and I'm down 4lbs already. 46lbs to go.
    F*&k the haters. I'm in this for me! :smile: Time to sexify. :wink:

  • runningforthetrain
    runningforthetrain Posts: 1,037 Member
    mine was pretty mortifying too... went to an amusement park with my brother, his girlfriend, and my sister. we went to go ride the first coaster of the day and I could barely squeeze myself into the seat. I tried pulling down the safety bar and yeah, that wasn't happening. it had to click 3 times and it only clicked twice. the guy pushed and pushed trying to get it to click the last time and it wasn't happening. so I had to get off of the coaster, IN FRONT OF EVERYONE, and stand off to the side as everyone stared at me and waited on them to get back. I was so embarrassed. normally I don't care what people think of me, I shake it off and go on, but this- that feeling couldn't have began to be imagined in my worst nightmare. standing there with tears rolling down my face was when I told myself I needed to change. no more standing on the side lines and not being able to enjoy the things I love to do

    OH my gosh. <<HUGS>> Nice to see you smiling!
  • michaelafoor916
    michaelafoor916 Posts: 710 Member
    mine was pretty mortifying too... went to an amusement park with my brother, his girlfriend, and my sister. we went to go ride the first coaster of the day and I could barely squeeze myself into the seat. I tried pulling down the safety bar and yeah, that wasn't happening. it had to click 3 times and it only clicked twice. the guy pushed and pushed trying to get it to click the last time and it wasn't happening. so I had to get off of the coaster, IN FRONT OF EVERYONE, and stand off to the side as everyone stared at me and waited on them to get back. I was so embarrassed. normally I don't care what people think of me, I shake it off and go on, but this- that feeling couldn't have began to be imagined in my worst nightmare. standing there with tears rolling down my face was when I told myself I needed to change. no more standing on the side lines and not being able to enjoy the things I love to do

    OH my gosh. <<HUGS>> Nice to see you smiling!

    yea.. it was by far the worst experience of my life. but I always have that smile on my face. can't let this break you down, you have to defeat it :) and I'm here to defeat the old me. that b*tch goin down lol
  • Britt2Fitjrny
    Britt2Fitjrny Posts: 558 Member
    I have really been having these "moments" for the last year. I get a pair of jeans from the closet, they don't fit, a dress is too tight, a bra I can't close. And I just find a skirt to wear, or something else. Well, now, even the "fat" clothes don't fit!

    I am lazy. And unmotivated. I have lost weight before, and know the work it takes. I just know I need to do it, but just can't find the energy. Sigh.

    I'm struggling with the same problem right now. I just want to feel proud of myself again/in control! Over the last 4 years I’ve lost 50 pounds and gained it all back. Now I’m back at square one. I’m so disgusted with myself! I feel like I’ve attempted to lose this weight that I’ve been gain back ever week for the last two years that now I’m just exhausted… Part of me feel like reaching out for support and help is so pointless because I’ve just going to end up failing again… the other part of me want to know when It will finally snap! And I’ll finally be able to stick to it like it did four years again! I’m trying to find my motivation but I feel so lost! Reading everyone’s post is so inspiring. It makes me feel like I can do it again.. but one I log off from this site and continue on with my day I’m afraid of making poor decisions and failing once again. I’m sorry this sounds like such a “poor me” story. I’ve just kept this in for so long that it started to flow out! I know I’m the only one that can help myself, but if anyone has any kind words to maybe help point me in the right direction it would mean the world to me. Best of luck to everyone and their journey!
  • SRHelm1
    SRHelm1 Posts: 14 Member
    Went to an amusement park with my kids and was barely as to fasten more than one seat. I cried. I'm still sad about it but if I don't change then it will get worse and I'll be the mom on the sideline watching.
  • sunman00
    sunman00 Posts: 872 Member
    it had been building up with me for about a year then at a Christmas lunch at my sister's I was chatting to my nephew who had lost a lot of weight, I asked him how he'd done it? he said, 'eat a little less, exercise a little more', and that was all I needed to hear.
  • FatLady1111
    FatLady1111 Posts: 1 Member
    My moment came while booking excursions for an upcoming family cruise. All of my family (mom, step-dad, brother, his wife) and my 2 children are naturally skinny, so everything planned sounded awesome but I had to decide against a lot because I knew my weight would prevent me from it. I just wanted to get excited about the whole vacation and enjoy it along with my family. I decided to book a pre-cruise excursion of weight loss for a lifetime.
  • runningforthetrain
    runningforthetrain Posts: 1,037 Member
    mine was pretty mortifying too... went to an amusement park with my brother, his girlfriend, and my sister. we went to go ride the first coaster of the day and I could barely squeeze myself into the seat. I tried pulling down the safety bar and yeah, that wasn't happening. it had to click 3 times and it only clicked twice. the guy pushed and pushed trying to get it to click the last time and it wasn't happening. so I had to get off of the coaster, IN FRONT OF EVERYONE, and stand off to the side as everyone stared at me and waited on them to get back. I was so embarrassed. normally I don't care what people think of me, I shake it off and go on, but this- that feeling couldn't have began to be imagined in my worst nightmare. standing there with tears rolling down my face was when I told myself I needed to change. no more standing on the side lines and not being able to enjoy the things I love to do

    OH my gosh. <<HUGS>> Nice to see you smiling!

    yea.. it was by far the worst experience of my life. but I always have that smile on my face. can't let this break you down, you have to defeat it :) and I'm here to defeat the old me. that b*tch goin down lol

    You go girlfriend! :)
  • JJEdwards93
    JJEdwards93 Posts: 7 Member
    I've been trying unsuccessfully for years but just recently I've realized that if I want to be happy, right now is my turning point. Whenever I am around my mom she looks so disappointed and makes comments like "if you don't finish that you'll save 200 calories". Just yesterday she and I got into an argument and she ended up calling me fat. Obviously I am or I wouldn't be here, but that made me realize something has to change now.
  • saramichelle89
    saramichelle89 Posts: 65 Member
    Cellulite. I see it on my legs and wouldn't dare to wear shorts or a dress in public. It is hot and summer now so I have to lose weight to do it or risk being really hot and uncomfortable. & to look awesome in clothes!
  • daniellepstewart209
    daniellepstewart209 Posts: 32 Member
    Leaving do pictures almost two years ago, they are on Facebook for the whole world to see as well! I looked hideous! And at almost 21stone of course I would, my weight yo yo'd until last year when I realised my sister was tiny in comparison and my parents and friends were always complementing her and then nothing for me.
    Yes I was a little jealous, oh and the final nail in the coffin was when I left my then boyfriend afte 8 years ! That was a turning point, realising that I would not find anyone decent . Then I found him we live together and couldn't be happier, I'm almost at my 5 stone loss so I'm happy to say moving in the right direction
  • niajones95
    niajones95 Posts: 59 Member
    Uni. I finally had the freedom to control my eating, my sister used to give me grief over my weight before, she was one of those girls who had a naturally flat stomach and all the right curves, so it was really difficult. I think I subconsciously gained weight to spite my family, they wanted me to lose weight and tried to get me to do so by saying harsh words, so I ate more to piss them off, haha.
    In Uni I got into my first relationship and all of my flatmates were thin, I was once again the biggest friend in the group and eventually all of the night out pictures started to take its toll on me, I hated seeing my belly button showing through some of the shirts we had to wear on themed nights out and just knowing that some people were ignoring me simply because I was bigger than them, by like fifty eight or more pounds. Just the fact that I was finally "free" and able to just do what I want motivated me, plus I've always wanted to look good for someone so that helped too ;)
  • SmilinNurse
    SmilinNurse Posts: 42 Member
    My aha moment was the moment I couldn't comfortably sit in any standard chairs with arms. Completely mortifying for me, I've had to turn down social invites cause I am afraid I won't fit in the seats....time for a change!!!!
  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    I've also seen pictures where I thought I was looking pretty good and realized I looked so huge. I had a few health problems crop up and I've been suffering from depression and fatigue. My doctor always mentions my weight and needing to be proactive about it. But mostly, I lost my younger sister to cancer last fall and for many months I barely moved from my couch. I finally realized how sad she would be that I am not taking care of myself and doing everything I can to be more healthy and enjoy life as much as I can, because she didn't have the chance. It's rough still but I finally felt able to get out and try.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I have that moment as soon as I'm five pounds above my ideal maintenance weight. I've lost that five pounds over and over.
  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    I saw pictures of myself at one of my son's hockey tournaments and was so embarressed. I was the fat mom in the stands. I lost 30lbs about 2 years ago. Then stopped half way to my goal. Needless to say, I gained it all back and a few more. I again saw pictures and realized what happened and I am back. I am down 40lbs and almost halfway to goal. I refuse to be the fattest, most out of shape mom on the team. I am happy to say I can now almost keep up with my son, and when we run he can't go as long as I can. We can go to Cedar Point Amusement park and I can go all day and fit on everything without worrying he will fall out the other side. I can fit in cute clothes again and I feel better about myself. I have set myself up for success this time with a better support system so I gave myself no choice but to succeed.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    I realized I was structuring my day to go downstairs (bedroom to main floor) once in the morning, and
    upstairs (main floor to bedroom) once in the evening.
    If I forgot something, I really stopped to think about whether I needed it or could get along without.
    I was winded from climbing _one_ flight of stairs. :disappointed:

    Now, I do stairs at work & home dozens of times every day.
    And today I went for a 90-minute bike ride (taking myself to lunch, LOL) which was about 16 miles +/-.
    Thinking of riding to work Wed., about a 10.5 mile round trip.
    Thinking of riding downtown Fri. evening to see fireworks, about a 20 mile round trip. (Need to figure out
    how to mount my strong flashlight on the tube of my bike to be legal at night.)
  • socksoffortitude
    socksoffortitude Posts: 69 Member
    I knew overtime, really, but the first big push was when the massive stretch marks I had accumulated over a couple years of continual gain finally began to heal...

    The bigger one, though, was when my husband and I went with some friends to a huge neighborhood event that so many ppl go to, parking is backed up for at least 7 blocks. We thought we parked fairly close, but we took a turn and there was this massive, steep, uphill walk. It took us at least 20 minutes to walk this whole thing. I was okay for a couple minutes, then I started panting... my asthma acted up, which isn't made better by being obese... Then my heart started pounding as I tried to keep up with everyone. They seemed to keep up decently with conversation but I couldn't even talk. Fortunately there was enough traffic around to where I'm sure no one heard me panting. Finally, my heart was pounding so hard that I could hear it loud and clear. My head felt pressurized. I heard a ringing in my ears... THEN my heart felt like it was going to explode. It went past pain and turned into this frenzied fluttering... It wasn't just like pushing yourself during a workout, I can't fully explain it. It was genuinely the closest in my life I felt I was going to have a heart attack.

    That was when I knew.