30 Day Shred. Level 2! Who's with me??

Right lovelys, iv completed level 1 of the 30DS (10days worth) & im starting level 2 tomorrow.. anybody else? Iv heard its tough, gulp! Would be nice to have a workout buddy for a bit of encouragement :#


  • MogMog_2
    MogMog_2 Posts: 62 Member
    Anbody?? Well, I did it today... AAARGHHH!! say no more!
  • mpbeck88
    mpbeck88 Posts: 4 Member
    Level 2 day 6! It's hard on the ankles, but I'm modifying everything I can and working through it. Defiantly losing weight and inches!
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    There is a group of us doing the 30 DS. I'll post a link to it when I get home. We are all on different days.
    I only did level one 7 x before moving to level two. Today will be my 8th and final level 2 day before moving to level 3. I'm changing levels when I feel that I am ready to move on.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    And as promised, here is the link to the group of us that are doing the 30DS:
  • mamalisa777
    mamalisa777 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! Oh my goodness, I'm doing this all wrong! I just completed day 3, but I did level one the first day, level two the secong, and level three the third - then I thought you just started over! UGH!!! What should I do?
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Hi everyone! Oh my goodness, I'm doing this all wrong! I just completed day 3, but I did level one the first day, level two the secong, and level three the third - then I thought you just started over! UGH!!! What should I do?

    Some people do it that way because they find doing the same workout over and over again to be boring.

    You can either continue the way you're doing it or you can just start doing only level 1 until you are ready to move on to level 2.

    Some people do the workout everyday and some will throw rest days in. I personally have to have rest days, but this isn't my main workout; it's just extra.

    Some people will do each level 10 times. Some will move to the next level when they are ready (whether that's less than 10 days or more).
  • hellobirdie_xo
    hellobirdie_xo Posts: 31 Member
    I loved level 1, but I'm hating level 2! Last day tomorrow before moving on to 3 - can't wait (hopefully I like it more!).
    What are your plans for once you've finished level 3?!
  • demoiselle2014
    demoiselle2014 Posts: 474 Member
    I am planning to do 30DS in rotation with Ripped in 30, so there are many ways to use this video.
  • ferretpal
    ferretpal Posts: 3 Member
    I originally did it the """proper""" way (10 days of level 1, 10 days of level 2....) and made it to day 18 before giving up. some days I didn't get a lot of free time so I was ending up doing it at ~1am in a 3rd floor flat, trying to be quiet while leaping side to side (well, you know what level 2 is like!!!)

    I had much more success doing it 5x a week. even though it meant doing each level for 2 weeks and it taking 6 weeks rather than 30 days, it meant that I stuck to it. I preferred level 3 to 2, and 2 to 1 to be honest but everyone is different. I just hated the ~side lunge and anterior raise~ or whatever it's called from level 1.
  • MogMog_2
    MogMog_2 Posts: 62 Member
    And as promised, here is the link to the group of us that are doing the 30DS:

    Thanks x
  • MogMog_2
    MogMog_2 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi everyone! Oh my goodness, I'm doing this all wrong! I just completed day 3, but I did level one the first day, level two the secong, and level three the third - then I thought you just started over! UGH!!! What should I do?

    haha well done you for managing level 2 on the 2nd day! Yeah as above I wud stick with level 1 for another wk or so & then move up a level.. but whatever works best for u!
  • MogMog_2
    MogMog_2 Posts: 62 Member
    I loved level 1, but I'm hating level 2! Last day tomorrow before moving on to 3 - can't wait (hopefully I like it more!).
    What are your plans for once you've finished level 3?!

    I have no idea, a long rest! lol. Im thinking of ordering ripped in 30.. well done for 9days of level 2! Keep us updated on wat u think of level 3.. it feels a loong way off to me :persevere:
  • MogMog_2
    MogMog_2 Posts: 62 Member
    Well yest shud of been day 2 of L2 but I had a nonstop day & just cud not face doing it! & my two young children are keeping me busy today so havnt had 20 uninterrupted mins yet to do it, but I WILL do it 2nite when kids in bed & hubby at work. Im eating really rubbish at the moment aswell which I feel is undoing the hard work! But on a plus.. my legs feel harder than usual :p
  • shakeirawhitney
    shakeirawhitney Posts: 74 Member
    I did level 1, 2, and 3 of the 30 day shred in February. Level 2 to me is the toughest level, in my opinion way harder than level 3.howver, in its defense I had just started exercising and was really out of shape. I just started level 1 three days ago again because I really saw results after I finished the entire thing. Good luck to you and stick with it