Suggestions for BC that didn't cause weight gain?



  • kfitz10103
    kfitz10103 Posts: 354
    I have been on Depo since December and I still have lost weight. My insurance doesn't cover any IUD or the Implanon. I can't really remember to take the pill everyday and the ring I had to remove daily for "extracirricular" activities. The patch my doctor won't write for anymore so I am stuck with the depo. I was on it for 7 years before I had kids and loved not having periods. I don't think I can attribute any weight gain to it though. I don't really know how they measure that, but I think the incidence rate is very low.
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    Another Paraguard IUD user here! I've also been able to maintain my fertility by getting pregnant the last two times within a month or two of having it removed. This time, I plan on keeping it the entire 10 years.

    Do not F with your hormones if it's avoidable. Even if they claim it's a "localized" dose (Mirena/Nuvaring/etc). There's just no reason for it.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Interesting responses here. I've been on the combined Pill FOREVER and my doctor's trying to take me off because of my age rather than any health problems. I had an attempted hormonal IUD fitting but apparently I'm just too small up there. It opened half way up and taking it out one of the most painful things I've experienced. I'm really scared of trying again :cry:
  • Laurab_1986
    Laurab_1986 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi everyone! So my Dr. recently switched me from a BC pill I had been on for about 8-9 years due to some recent side affects. Anyway, she started me on a new one a month and a half ago - and I know that it takes roughly 3 months for your body to adjust - but I feel like I'm losing my hair! I will admit I'm a little paranoid :0, but years ago, when I first started BC it thinned out significantly. It did stop (I think I changed pills too) but I'm worried again on this new pill. I don't want to go bald!

    Anyway, so I'm thinking of asking to change pills again, but I'm so scared of weight gain... anyone have good experiences with BC? I know all our bodies are different, but I thought it couldn't hurt to ask! :)

    I have recently been to the GUM clinic also and discussed contrception, I was on the depo injection prone to give weight gain, but I loved it because my periods stopped.
    I had been on a diet for so long and not lost weight that I am now on Cerezette a Progestrian only pill, as soon as my BMI comes down I hope to go hormone free with a coil.
  • Laurab_1986
    Laurab_1986 Posts: 32 Member
    I have been on Depo since December and I still have lost weight. My insurance doesn't cover any IUD or the Implanon. I can't really remember to take the pill everyday and the ring I had to remove daily for "extracirricular" activities. The patch my doctor won't write for anymore so I am stuck with the depo. I was on it for 7 years before I had kids and loved not having periods. I don't think I can attribute any weight gain to it though. I don't really know how they measure that, but I think the incidence rate is very low.

    I was a depo fan also - not having the periods is great but told can have same results on POP so now back on the pill - you get 12 hours to remember so no biggy if you forget - I keep mine in the car, so I take it before starting the ignition.

    Hoping to go hormone free ASAP as can cause fertility issues and bone weakness with continuation of use for long times.
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