Find your MFP twin!



  • KarlaH9801
    KarlaH9801 Posts: 362 Member
  • Gska17
    Gska17 Posts: 752 Member
    Age 35
    SW: 150
    GW: 130-134
    CW: 129 (oops!)
  • Jad31te
    Jad31te Posts: 73 Member
    SW: 242
    CW: 235
    GW: 125
    AGE: 43
  • robertjmason
    robertjmason Posts: 1 Member
    Cw 194lbs
    H 6 1
    Gw 168
    Age 21
    Gen Male
  • Conspiracy19
    Conspiracy19 Posts: 36 Member
    edited July 2015
    CW: 168 lbs
    H: 5'4"
    GW: 120 lbs (ish)
    Age: 24
  • krakenup
    krakenup Posts: 9 Member
    SW: 185
    CW: 145
    GW: 135
    Height: 5'7
    F 24
  • rebekahjaneellis11
    rebekahjaneellis11 Posts: 3 Member
    SW & CW - 133lbs
    GW - 99lbs
    Height 4'11
    Age 36
  • Gska17
    Gska17 Posts: 752 Member
    SW: 150
    CW: 145
    GW: 137
    H: 5'8"
    Age: 25

    Let's be friend!

    Super close to me though I'm 35! Started at 150, now sitting at 129 but anywhere around 135 is cool with me. I'll send you a request.
  • marathonkitty
    marathonkitty Posts: 1 Member
    CW: 135
    H: 5' 6
    Age: 19
  • bfriends4life
    bfriends4life Posts: 13 Member
    CW. 216
    H. 5'10"
    GW. 190
    AGE. 43
  • catjan
    catjan Posts: 106 Member
    CW 146
    H 5'4
    GW 136
    Age 40
  • Rogalina16
    Rogalina16 Posts: 71 Member
    edited July 2015
    SW 308
    CW 266
    GW 175
    H 5"10
    AGE 29
  • Rogalina16
    Rogalina16 Posts: 71 Member
    CW: 285
    H: 5'8"
    GW: 175
    AGE: 30

    Very close!!! ☺
  • sbostonRN
    sbostonRN Posts: 14 Member
    Ht 5'2"
    SW 212
    CW 138
    GW 135-142
    Age: 31

    I'm currently at goal but trying to lose a few more to be in my "happy range". Feel free to add me if your stats are close to mine or even if you're just starting out in a similar spot to where I was!
  • mtnmama50
    mtnmama50 Posts: 3 Member
    SW: 208
    CW: 198
    GW: 170
  • ShannynMarion
    ShannynMarion Posts: 11 Member
    edited July 2015
    SW: 210
    CW: 164
    GW: 130ish
    H: 5'3"
    Age: 33

    Don't hesitate to add!
  • jkehler47
    jkehler47 Posts: 5 Member
    edited July 2015
    H: 5'4"

    SW: 202
    CW: 191
    GW: 145-155 (we'll see how I feel when I approach this range)

    Add me :smile:
  • mealvaradoB
    mealvaradoB Posts: 4 Member
    jkehler47 wrote: »
    H: 5'4"

    SW: 202
    CW: 191
    GW: 145-155 (we'll see how I feel when I approach this range)

    Add me :smile:

    H: 5'4
    SW: 203
    CW: 187
    GW: 150
    Add me :)
  • savannahwoods3
    savannahwoods3 Posts: 5 Member
    CW: 150
    GW: 130
    H: 5'10"
    Age: 18

    Don't hesitate to add me! :smile: looking for some friendly buddies!!
  • DoraHaymond
    DoraHaymond Posts: 7 Member
    izzie006 wrote: »
    jul_ohare wrote: »
    My stats:

    CW - 230 lbs.
    H: 5'4"
    GW: 150 lbs.
    Age: 48

    I am younger but we are very close!
    SW before pregnancy: 228
    CW: 217
    Ht: 5'4"
    GW: 160s
    Age: 34

    . . . and I am older but young at heart and pretty close too:

    CW - 220
    GW - 150
    HT - 5'5"
    Age: 64