Am I fat?



  • abeland2020
    abeland2020 Posts: 8 Member
    Nooo you are definitely not fat! In fact, you a very far from that
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited July 2015
    kg00105 wrote: »
    Hi guys! So, this is me...160lbs and 6 foot 2 Uploads?sort=3&page=1

    I grew up being the 'fat kid' at school and always struggled with my weight. Whilst I have lost alot and my friends call me skinny, I still see myself as fat. In particular, the 'love handles(?) I still possess. These seem enormous to me and I cannot look beyond them in the mirror. As a result, I avoid public beaches/swimming pools through embarrasment. What should I do as I am concerned an eating disorder may develop?

    Please seek help for your disordered thinking around body image.

    And listen to the sages who say hit the gym. Especially:
    Hornsby wrote: »
    If you are asking the question, I am sure you don't mind honesty. You are what a lot of people would call "skinny fat". Meaning you are probably at a healthy weight, but have a relatively high BF percentage for your weight. I am assuming you lost a lot of weight without any type of strength training. If that is the case, get on a structured lifting program and build some muscle.

  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    tomatoey wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    tomatoey wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    If you are asking the question, I am sure you don't mind honesty. You are what a lot of people would call "skinny fat". Meaning you are probably at a healthy weight, but have a relatively high BF percentage for your weight. I am assuming you lost a lot of weight without any type of strength training. If that is the case, get on a structured lifting program and build some muscle.

    this is an example of a standard that is not held by the majority of people (who do not frequent fitness websites).

    You seem to be offended on behalf of the OP and I'm not sure why. "Skinny fat" is not a derogatory term or indicative of an unusual aesthetic standard. I don't see anything wrong with what Hornsby wrote.

    I'm just concerned that if he does have significant distress, suggesting that he hold himself to standards held by a small subset of the general population might make things worse. because really, it's not a universal standard, far from it.
    Hornsby wrote: »
    tomatoey wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    If you are asking the question, I am sure you don't mind honesty. You are what a lot of people would call "skinny fat". Meaning you are probably at a healthy weight, but have a relatively high BF percentage for your weight. I am assuming you lost a lot of weight without any type of strength training. If that is the case, get on a structured lifting program and build some muscle.

    this is an example of a standard that is not held by the majority of people (who do not frequent fitness websites).

    Hope that wasn't a dig, since we are on a fitness website... although, I wouldn't agree that it is only people who frequent websites. I would extend that to just fit people in general. Most fit people know the term regardless of the websites they are on.

    Nope, not a dig at all. I don't think there's anything particularly wrong with the standard itself, if the people applying it to themselves have a basically ok body image. It's more just that if someone has some possibly hurtful ways of thinking about themselves already, not sure it's helpful for that

    Well, I think I look gross right now at about 27% BF. I don't have BDD. I just like my body lean and strong, and it's neither. It's soft, puffy, and ugh.

    I love my body as much as it's possible to love a body that had chronic and bizarre illnesses that cause constant pain and cramping. But I LIKE it better at 20% BF. Or less. I LIKE being super-strong. I LIKE having a small waist.

    None of that means I'm messed up in the head.

    Okay is okay. I want better than okay.

    Aaaaaaaand sorry, realistically? Yeah, but hubby's six pack is super hawt. He isn't huge. But he's built. Being less than ideal doesn't make you unattractive but being closer to the ideal does make you more attractive.

    Well, ok, but my reply was directed to the OP.
  • Livgetfit
    Livgetfit Posts: 352 Member
    Seek a psychiatrist

    This is the second thread you've written this on today. Toddle off and troll elsewhere. Mental health is not a joke
  • drabbits2
    drabbits2 Posts: 179 Member
    My son is 6'2" and 185. Rock solid--swims, plays water polo, lifts--in no universe are you fat. If anything you could gain some weight and definition/muscle.
  • Mapalicious
    Mapalicious Posts: 412 Member
    What does "fat" mean to you?
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited July 2015
    Livgetfit wrote: »
    Seek a psychiatrist

    This is the second thread you've written this on today. Toddle off and troll elsewhere. Mental health is not a joke

    Mmmm....there's not joke. The OP obviously needs some help with body image issues. Do you not see that?
  • ms_maruska
    ms_maruska Posts: 119 Member
    When I lost a lot of weight back in high school (25ish kilos), I still kept seeing myself as big. When I looked at my thighs, they were the same as before I lost the weight. My tummy also seemed the same. In reality, of course, they were not. My view of myself got "corrected" with a little bit of time. You've spent a lot of years looking at the mirror and pictures and seeing someone who is overweight so perhaps you should give yourself some time to readjust. Of course, like others have mentioned, exercise can benefit you in many ways if that is something you are interested in. If not, well, you look pretty great as it is. Cheers ;)

  • Livgetfit
    Livgetfit Posts: 352 Member
    edited July 2015
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    Livgetfit wrote: »
    Seek a psychiatrist

    This is the second thread you've written this on today. Toddle off and troll elsewhere. Mental health is not a joke

    Mmmm....there's not joke. The OP obviously needs some help with body image issues. Do you not see that?

    I have no issue with the comment if it is well intended. I take strong issue with this individual spamming about mental health.

    And for the record, the moderators agree as they've removed his comments. This wasn't a single occurrence.