Starting P90X3 tomorrow (6/8) Anybody else?



  • Demianna23
    Demianna23 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello everyone! I've done 5 rounds of P90x in the past and was very successful at it. Got myself in a rut and gained 20 pounds and a lot of inches. Took a while to forgive myself. Now, I'm on at the end of week 2 of P90x3 (I started June 15th). I already lost 7 pounds and 6 inches total!

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE P90x3! Never again do I try to force myself to get up in the morning (I'm NOT a morning person) only to go back to sleep..."I do not have an hour. I'll be late for work." Now, I look forward to each workout and with 30 minutes, you just cannot beat that! I'm DRENCHED in sweat within 15 minutes...more than I get after 1 hour of running (which I abhor). Even my 11 year old is working out with me (though, he's not as intense as I am. He says "this is more fun than running!").

    I thought I'd come here to see how people like it and I found you seems we are in the same round. I look forward to reading about your successes.
  • pastelsteak02
    pastelsteak02 Posts: 48 Member
    I definitely love the 30 minute workouts! I really only have 30 minute blocks of time in the morning and after work, so P90x3 fits in perfect and I am definitely pouring sweat after workouts like CVX and today's Warrior!
  • kelleyjhale
    kelleyjhale Posts: 59 Member
    I finished this program about 7 months ago and still use it as part of a hybrid system I use.
  • softballmonkey45
    softballmonkey45 Posts: 11 Member
    I just started t25 this week (I know its not P90x), but if anyone is looking for some accountability friends, add me. Love the program so far and I am excited to continue next week!
  • pastelsteak02
    pastelsteak02 Posts: 48 Member
    T-25 is what got me started on my fitness journey last year - Shaun T is a great motivator! I wish I had signed up for MFP last June instead of waiting almost a year; I'd probably already be at my goal! My office has a workout group and we do T-25 during our lunch break. We just started the program up again and will be on week 4 come Monday. :)
  • chrisssiex23x
    chrisssiex23x Posts: 431 Member
    Do you guys have a rest day too. I missed out on sundays but i still do about hour of walking lol
  • pastelsteak02
    pastelsteak02 Posts: 48 Member
    I usually have a day that I don't do too much, but I always try to do something. It will usually be my day I have X3 Yoga or Dynamix scheduled. Of course this will be changing as we enter into week 4 and then Block 2! (I'm doing the classic P90x3 schedule.)
  • Demianna23
    Demianna23 Posts: 16 Member
    I look forward to rest days to stretch and relax with p90x Stretch or now with the new program, p90x3 Dynamix.
  • chrisssiex23x
    chrisssiex23x Posts: 431 Member
    I usually have a day that I don't do too much, but I always try to do something. It will usually be my day I have X3 Yoga or Dynamix scheduled. Of course this will be changing as we enter into week 4 and then Block 2! (I'm doing the classic P90x3 schedule.)

    Im doing the same one lol. I hate yoga and that kne on sundays lol i switch yoga for 21 day fix workout. And this sunday one take as a rest day.
  • Demianna23
    Demianna23 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi everyone. Just HOW successful are we all with those crazy Donkey Kicks? I manage to lift my feet about 2 inches off the ground before I drop them back on the floor. Ha! My goal is to lift higher each time I try until get it right. I believe I can do it eventually! :)
  • pastelsteak02
    pastelsteak02 Posts: 48 Member
    Those donkey kicks are no joke! Just when I thought I never wanted to do plank again...donkey kicks! I could get some height, but twisting through? Nope! I have to work on my coordination for sure! :smile:
  • pastelsteak02
    pastelsteak02 Posts: 48 Member
    Options I kind of loved the pilates today! My legs feel like jelly after those pretzels!
  • chrisssam
    chrisssam Posts: 106 Member
    P90X3 like a boss.. last month..
  • chrisssiex23x
    chrisssiex23x Posts: 431 Member
    I cant even plankm so i try off my knees
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Hi I am doing plain old p90x but would like anybody for a accountability buddy.i think the person I start with quit:( I am on day5 I intend to do to completion. I need a determined person bc last time only one person last beyond week 5. Thanks